Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and myofascial pain syndrome


Two important studies in which nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used convincingly demonstrated that muscle is not the primary pathologic factor in fibromyalgia. There were further studies reporting that fibromyalgia-chronic fatigue syndrome may follow well treated Lyme disease or mimic Lyme disease. The longest therapeutic trial to date in fibromyalgia demonstrated an initial modest effect of tricyclic medications, but at 6 months that efficacy was no longer evident. Investigation in both fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome now focuses on the central nervous system. The use of new technology, eg, neurohormonal assays and imaging such as single-photon emission computed tomography scan, may be important in understanding these elusive conditions.


Source: Goldenberg DL. Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and myofascial pain syndrome. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 1995 Mar;7(2):127-35.


Neuroendocrine responses to d-fenfluramine and insulin-induced hypoglycemia in chronic fatigue syndrome


Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a disorder characterized by severe physical and mental fatigue and fatiguability of central rather than peripheral origin.

We hypothesized that CFS is mediated by changes in hypothalamopituitary function and so measured the adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), cortisol, growth hormone, and prolactin responses to insulin-induced hypoglycemia, and the ACTH, cortisol, and prolactin responses to serotoninergic stimulation with dexfenfluramine in nondepressed CFS patients and normal controls.

We have shown attenuated prolactin responses to hypoglycemia in CFS. There was also a greater ACTH response and higher peak ACTH concentrations (36.44 +/- 4.45 versus 25.60 +/- 2.78 pg ml), whereas cortisol responses did not differ, findings that are compatible with impaired adrenal cortical function.

This study provided evidence for both pituitary and adrenal cortical impairment in CFS and further studies are merited to both confirm and determine more precisely their neurobiological basis so that rational treatments can be evolved.


Source: Bearn J, Allain T, Coskeran P, Munro N, Butler J, McGregor A, Wessely S. Neuroendocrine responses to d-fenfluramine and insulin-induced hypoglycemia in chronic fatigue syndrome. Biol Psychiatry. 1995 Feb 15;37(4):245-52.


Fatigue brought on by malfunction of the central and peripheral nervous systems


Increased fatigability necessarily occurs in every patient with muscle weakness, regardless of whether the latter is due to a central or peripheral neurological disorder. The tendency for disuse to increase fatigability, as a secondary phenomenon, must also be considered; disuse affects both motoneuron recruitment and the biochemical and physiological properties of the muscle fibers. In recent studies impaired recruitment has been observed in postpolio patients, while patients with multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injury have shown, in addition, altered neuromuscular function. Findings are also presented in ALS and the chronic fatigue syndrome. In general, the most dramatic increases in fatigability take place in disorders of the peripheral nervous system and almost any cell component can be incriminated. There is a need to study fatigability systematically in neurology and rehabilitation.


Source: McComas AJ, Miller RG, Gandevia SC. Fatigue brought on by malfunction of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1995;384:495-512.


Chronic fatigue syndrome update. Findings now point to CNS involvement


Neither Epstein-Barr virus nor human herpesvirus 6 appears to play a causative role in chronic fatigue syndrome. The possibility that a novel human retrovirus may be present in patients with the syndrome needs further study. A number of abnormalities found in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome point to central nervous system (CNS) involvement. These include immunologic abnormalities, indications of pituitary and hypothalamic involvement, abnormal basal plasma levels of certain neurotransmitter metabolites, and cerebral perfusion abnormalities. The symptom pattern of chronic fatigue syndrome may eventually be explainable in terms of CNS dysfunction.


Source: Bell DS. Chronic fatigue syndrome update. Findings now point to CNS involvement. Postgrad Med. 1994 Nov 1;96(6):73-6, 79-81.


Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and myofascial pain syndrome


No major pathophysiologic or therapeutic findings have appeared over the past year regarding fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and myofascial pain syndrome, three poorly understood, controversial, and overlapping syndromes. The frequent prevalence of these disorders in association with Lyme disease and other medical and psychiatric illness was emphasized. New studies demonstrated the potential role for central nervous system activation in fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.


Source: Goldenberg DL. Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and myofascial pain syndrome. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 1994 Mar;6(2):223-33.


The neuropsychiatry of chronic fatigue syndrome


This paper explores the relationship between chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and psychiatric disorder, with special reference to neuropsychiatry, Topics reviewed include (1) epidemiological evidence of central disorder in CFS; (2) evidence from longitudinal studies of an interaction between vulnerability to CFS and psychiatric disorder; and (3) evidence from neuroimaging, neuropsychology, neurophysiology and neuroendocrinology of disordered CNS function in CFS. The most impressive evidence of CNS disturbance comes from neuroendocrinological studies, which suggest a role of hypothalamic disorder as a final common pathway for CFS. It is concluded that the equal and opposite tendencies of psychiatry to be ‘brainless’ and neurology to be ‘mindless’ have led to needless controversy over the nature of CFS. Now that the contributions of psychiatric disorder to CFS, and of neurobiological dysfunction to psychiatric disorder, are both established, it will be possible to make real advances in understanding the nature of CFS.


Source: Wessely S. The neuropsychiatry of chronic fatigue syndrome. Ciba Found Symp. 1993;173:212-29; discussion 229-37.


Neurophysiology of postviral fatigue syndrome


The exact pathophysiology of excessive fatigue in patients with postviral fatigue syndrome (PVFS) remains uncertain in spite of increasing investigation. One objective abnormality of neuromuscular function is the increased jitter on single fibre EMG studies. While this is a sensitive technique which indicates a disturbance in the peripheral part of the motor unit, it is non-specific and its role in the pathophysiology remains unclear.

Impaired muscular activation with added force in response to superimposed electrical stimulation suggests an extra-muscular and/or central component of fatigue. Conventional neurophysiological studies and those of strength and endurance have shown no objective abnormality in patients compared with controls. The previous reports of disturbed muscle metabolism on NMR spectroscopy have not been confirmed in more recent studies and no consistent abnormality of excitation-contraction coupling has so far emerged.

Finally, unlike patients with depression, cognitive evoked potential studies suggest impaired attention, memory and stimulus evaluation in postviral fatigue syndrome. In future studies, the importance of utilising approved clinical criteria for patient inclusion cannot be overemphasized. Control groups should include sedentary or deconditioned as well as depressed subjects to help standardise these important variables.


Source: Jamal GA, Miller RG. Neurophysiology of postviral fatigue syndrome. Br Med Bull. 1991 Oct;47(4):815-25.


Immunology of postviral fatigue syndrome


Postviral fatigue syndrome is associated with persistent infection by a virus. The patient with the condition has failed to eliminate the virus in the usual time. There is little evidence of a deficient immune response by the patient as the explanation for the viral persistence, and it must be assumed that most of the explanation lies in down-regulation of virus expression in infected cells. The general symptomatology of postinfectious syndromes may be mediated by cytokines liberated as part of the infection. Part of the syndrome may also be due to local effects of virus infection in muscles or the central nervous system (CNS).


Source: Mowbray JF, Yousef GE. Immunology of postviral fatigue syndrome. Br Med Bull. 1991 Oct;47(4):886-94.