ME/CFS in Adolescents

…into a situation in which they can never achieve the independence that they strive for. Nor can they completely rely on their families, because adolescence is a time in which…

ME/CFS in Children

…attribute their child’s complaints to psychological causes, they seldom can back up their opinions. School phobia, for example, is a manifestation of separation anxiety. Children with separation anxiety display symptoms…

Case Report: Rapid and partially persistent, improvements of anorexia nervosa and probable myalgic encephalo-myelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome upon metreleptin treatment during two dosing episodes

…substantial weight loss. Source: Jochen Antel, Johannes Hebebrand, Linda Von Piechowski, Cordula Kiewert, Burkhard Stüve, Gertraud Gradl-Dietsch. Rapid and partially persistent, improvements of anorexia nervosa and probable myalgic encephalo-myelitis/chronic fatigue…