Memory deficits associated with chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome


Performance on tests of memory in 39 patients who met Center for Disease Control (CDC) criteria for chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS) was compared with 23 depressed patients (DSM-III-R) and 129 healthy controls.

Although the CFIDS patients had normal neuropsychological profiles, they significantly overestimated their ability (metamemory), performed significantly worse on tests of recall as context increased (e.g., recognition), made more errors when rehearsal was prevented, and had delayed mental scanning as memory load increased.

The overall pattern indicated that CFIDS patients had a significant memory deficit, far worse than implied by CDC criteria. The pattern for CFIDS patients was consistent with temporal-limbic dysfunction and significantly different than depressed patients and control subjects.


Source: Sandman CA, Barron JL, Nackoul K, Goldstein J, Fidler F. Memory deficits associated with chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome. Biol Psychiatry. 1993 Apr 15-May 1;33(8-9):618-23.


Abnormal arginine-vasopressin secretion and water metabolism in patients with postviral fatigue syndrome


Water metabolism and the responses of the neurohypophysis to changes in plasma osmolality during the water loading and water deprivation tests were studied in nine patients with postviral fatigue syndrome (PVFS) and eight age and six-matched healthy control subjects. Secretion of arginine-vasopressin (AVP) was erratic in these patients as shown by lack of correlation between serum and urine osmolality and the corresponding plasma AVP levels. Patients with PVFS had significantly low baseline arginine-vasopressin levels when compared with healthy subjects. Patients with PVFS as a group also showed evidence of increased total body water content. These results may be indicative of hypothalamic dysfunction in patients with PVFS.


Source: Bakheit AM, Behan PO, Watson WS, Morton JJ. Abnormal arginine-vasopressin secretion and water metabolism in patients with postviral fatigue syndrome. Acta Neurol Scand. 1993 Mar;87(3):234-8.


The neuropsychiatry of chronic fatigue syndrome


This paper explores the relationship between chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and psychiatric disorder, with special reference to neuropsychiatry, Topics reviewed include (1) epidemiological evidence of central disorder in CFS; (2) evidence from longitudinal studies of an interaction between vulnerability to CFS and psychiatric disorder; and (3) evidence from neuroimaging, neuropsychology, neurophysiology and neuroendocrinology of disordered CNS function in CFS. The most impressive evidence of CNS disturbance comes from neuroendocrinological studies, which suggest a role of hypothalamic disorder as a final common pathway for CFS. It is concluded that the equal and opposite tendencies of psychiatry to be ‘brainless’ and neurology to be ‘mindless’ have led to needless controversy over the nature of CFS. Now that the contributions of psychiatric disorder to CFS, and of neurobiological dysfunction to psychiatric disorder, are both established, it will be possible to make real advances in understanding the nature of CFS.


Source: Wessely S. The neuropsychiatry of chronic fatigue syndrome. Ciba Found Symp. 1993;173:212-29; discussion 229-37.


Enteroviruses and postviral fatigue syndrome


Postviral fatigue syndrome (PFS) occurs both in epidemics and sporadically. Many of the original epidemics were related to poliomyelitis outbreaks which either preceded or followed them.

The core clinical symptoms are always the same: severe fatigue made worse by exercise, myalgia, night sweats, atypical depression and excessive sleep. The other common symptoms include dysequilibrium disorders and irritable bowel syndrome.

We have detected enteroviral genome sequences in muscle biopsies from cases of PFS, using specific enteroviral oligonucleotide primers in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In addition, whole virus particles can be demonstrated in PCR-positive muscle, using solid-phase immuno-electron microscopy.

An increase in the number and size of muscle mitochondria was found in 70% of PFS cases, suggesting an abnormality in metabolic function. Evidence of hypothalamic dysfunction was present, particularly involving 5-hydroxytryptamine metabolism.

A putative model of PFS, based on persistent enteroviral infection in laboratory mice, revealed resolving inflammatory lesions in muscle with, however, a marked increase in the production of certain cytokines in the brain. This model may help to explain the pathogenesis of PFS.


Source: Behan PO, Behan WM, Gow JW, Cavanagh H, Gillespie S. Ciba Found Symp. 1993;173:146-54; discussion 154-9.


Neuro-psychiatric aspects of chronic fatigue syndrome


Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is easily differentiated from various neurological organic disorders by conventional clinical examinations. The most important disease for distinguishment from CFS is fibromyalgia syndrome, in which the prominent and cardinal feature is a deprivation of stage 4 slow wave sleep.

Experimentally, the sleep disturbance in controls can induce general myalgia, muscle tender points, severe fatigue and stiffness on awakening. The EEG abnormality is slow alpha wave contaminants on slow wave background, which is identical to EEG of CFS. The results clearly imply that CFS is not a hysterical or psychogenic disease, and that fibromyalgia may be a central fundamental of CFS.

Fibromyalgia, however, has distinct features such as no antecedent inflammatory process and no endemics. Therefore, the syndrome has features distinct from, in addition to common features to CFS. It is also very difficult to distinguish CFS from depression. The above-mentioned features can be observed in depression. Now, study of brain blood flow or metabolism by PET or SPECT can be a possible tool for establishment of the CFS identity.


Source: Shimizu T. Neuro-psychiatric aspects of chronic fatigue syndrome. Nihon Rinsho. 1992 Nov;50(11):2630-4. [Article in Japanese]


Assessment of regional cerebral perfusion by 99Tcm-HMPAO SPECT in chronic fatigue syndrome


Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a severely disabling illness of uncertain aetiology. It is characterized by a chronic, sustained or fluctuating sense of debilitating fatigue without any other known underlying medical conditions. It is also associated with both somatic and neuropsychological symptoms. Both physical and laboratory findings are usually unremarkable.

Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) was assessed in 60 clinically defined CFS patients and 14 normal control (NC) subjects using 99Tcm-hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime (99Tcm-HMPAO) single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). Compared with the NC group, the CFS group showed significantly lower cortical/cerebellar rCBF ratios, throughout multiple brain regions (P < 0.05). Forty-eight CFS subjects (80%) showed at least one or more rCBF ratios significantly less than normal values.

The major cerebral regions involved were frontal (38 cases, 63%), temporal (21 cases, 35%), parietal (32 cases, 53%) and occipital lobes (23 cases, 38%). The rCBF ratios of basal ganglia (24 cases, 40%) were also reduced. 99Tcm-HMPAO brain SPECT provided objective evidence for functional impairment of the brain in the majority of the CFS subjects. The findings may not be diagnostic of CFS but 99Tcm-HMPAO SPECT may play an important role in clarifying the pathoaetiology of CFS. Further studies are warranted.


Source: Ichise M, Salit IE, Abbey SE, Chung DG, Gray B, Kirsh JC, Freedman M. Assessment of regional cerebral perfusion by 99Tcm-HMPAO SPECT in chronic fatigue syndrome. Nucl Med Commun. 1992 Oct;13(10):767-72.


Attention and short-term memory in chronic fatigue syndrome patients: an event-related potential analysis


We recorded event-related brain potentials (ERPs) from 13 patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and 13 matched normal controls. To assess attentional and memory deficits in CFS patients, we used a short-term memory task in which events occurred in different spatial locations and the patients made a rapid-response (RT) when a letter in a relevant location matched a letter in the prememorized set (Attention paradigm).

Time-on-task effects on the ERP and behavioral measures were assessed over the 2 1/4-hour duration of this task. Both groups also performed a visual Oddball paradigm, with an RT, before and after the Attention paradigm. The patients’ RTs were much more variable and, in nine of 13 cases, slower than the mean RT of the controls in both paradigms.

The patients’ memory performance was not significantly different from that of the controls and there were no group differences in the overall amplitude, latency, or scalp distribution of the N1, P2, N2, or P300 components of the ERP in either paradigm. The ERP and performance data from both paradigms suggest that perceptual, attentional, and short-term memory processes were unaffected in CFS patients and that the differences were limited to response-related processes.


Source: Scheffers MK, Johnson R Jr, Grafman J, Dale JK, Straus SE. Attention and short-term memory in chronic fatigue syndrome patients: an event-related potential analysis. Neurology. 1992 Sep;42(9):1667-75.


Postviral fatigue syndrome

Comment on: Possible upregulation of hypothalamic 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors in patients with postviral fatigue syndrome. [BMJ. 1992]


EDITOR, -A M 0 Bakheit and colleagues recently reported’ a possible upregulation of hypothalamic 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors in patients with the postviral fatigue syndrome, giving some evidence for hypothalamic functional abnormalities in these patients, which are different from others with depression. There is a growing body of evidence which claims that this clinical condition is organic and cannot be simply perceived as a somatisation disorder in patients with predisposition to psychiatric disease.”

We reviewed and quantitatively analysed with Ceretec and single photon emission tomography the brain perfusion of 14 patients fulfilling the Oxford criteria for diagnosis of myalgic encephalomyelitis. They had all had disease for more than six months (more than half the time) manifested with generalised malaise and myalgia, as well as significant physical and intellectual disability. None had any medical condition known to produce fatigue or had recently or in the past had psychiatric disease. When compared with a group of 24 nondepressed age and sex matched controls (normal volunteers) there was significant reduction of the perfusion to several areas of the brain cortex but particularly the brain stem (table).

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Source: Costa DC, Brostoff J, Douli V, Ell PJ. Postviral fatigue syndrome. BMJ. 1992 Jun 13;304(6841):1567.


Postviral fatigue syndrome

Comment on: Possible upregulation of hypothalamic 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors in patients with postviral fatigue syndrome. [BMJ. 1992]


EDITOR,-A M 0 Bakheit and colleagues report enhanced release of prolactin after administration of buspirone in patients with the postviral fatigue syndrome compared with controls and patients with depression. Their report would have been improved if they had described more fully the differences between the two groups of patients. As they point out, depression can be difficult to distinguish clinically from the postviral fatigue syndrome.

The authors used the criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Edition, Revised to define depressive illness, but to qualify for this diagnosis a patient need complain of only four symptoms such as fatigue, hypersomnia, retardation, and loss of concentration in addition to depressed mood. The criteria they used for the postviral fatigue syndrome included depression, fatigue, reversed sleep pattern, and constipation alternating with diarrhoea. It would be surprising if there was not a substantial overlap between the two groups and if one of the main factors affecting diagnosis was not whether the patient presented first to a psychiatrist or a neurologist.

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Source: Curtis D, Bullock T. Postviral fatigue syndrome. BMJ. 1992 Jun 13;304(6841):1566-7.


Postviral fatigue syndrome

Comment on: Possible upregulation of hypothalamic 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors in patients with postviral fatigue syndrome. [BMJ. 1992]


EDITOR,-A M 0 Bakheit and colleagues suggest that the buspirone challenge test may be useful in distinguishing between a “primary depressive illness” and the postviral fatigue syndrome. It is difficult to assess the truth of this from the data presented in their paper. To know the usefulness of this test the numbers of controls and patients scored above or below an appropriately chosen cut off point of serum prolactin concentration needs to be known. Unfortunately, the authors present the prolactin concentrations as mean values. If the aim of the test is to exclude major depression then a cut off which produces few false negative results should be chosen. Were the high mean values in the postviral fatigue group due to one or two extreme outliers? It is noteworthy that the standard deviations in the patients were much higher in the controls at baseline assessment. Why was this?

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Source: Hatcher S. Postviral fatigue syndrome. BMJ. 1992 Jun 13;304(6841):1566; author reply 1567.