Category: Medical Care
Patient and clinician experiences of fibromyalgia, ME/CFS and medically unexplained symptoms: A meta-aggregative systematic review
Objectives: Fibromyalgia (FM), Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and other syndromes with medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) pose significant healthcare challenges. We aimed to synthesize qualitative evidence regarding the experiences of persons with these conditions (PwC) and their healthcare professionals (HCPs).
Methods & Measures: Databases were searched using terms relating to FM/ME/CFS/MUS, Experience and Qualitative research. Studies published between 2001-2021 concerning adult PwC or HCP perspectives were included and synthesized using Meta-Aggregation, with confidence established following the ConQual approach.
Results: 143 studies were included, with 708 findings aggregated into 82 categories and 13 synthesized findings. PwC narratives reflected a range of themes concerning: The experience of symptoms; The patient journey; Identity loss and change; Managing chronic illness; Understanding and legitimacy; Support needs and experiences; Healthcare needs and experiences; and Managing the healthcare encounters. HCPs perspective themes included: Beliefs and attitudes towards patients; Sensemaking at the limits of medical knowledge; Consultation and management; The patient-clinician relationship; and Barriers and facilitators to care.
Conclusion: Sensemaking challenges are at the core of the patient and clinician experience of MUS, FM and ME/CFS. While gaps in biomedical knowledge are clear, this review highlights the need to address the patient-clinician dynamic in the context of uncertainty.
Source: Duda N, Maguire R, Gitonga I, Corrigan S. Patient and clinician experiences of fibromyalgia, ME/CFS and medically unexplained symptoms: A meta-aggregative systematic review. PsyArXiv [Preprint], 28 Apr 2023 https://psyarxiv.com/5ct4k/ (Full text)
Contesting misrecognition online: Experiences of epistemic in/justice by vloggers with contested illnesses
Contested illnesses, such as fibromyalgia, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), and chronic Lyme disease (CLD), are surrounded by polemic debates regarding their etiology, symptomology, treatment, and even their existence. People who suffer from these contested illnesses arguably also suffer from “epistemic injustice.” This concept, coined by the philosopher Miranda Fricker, captures how people’s knowledge may be discredited because of identity prejudices. In our paper, this concept is used to understand how seven Dutch women with contested illnesses experience the emancipatory potential of their vlogging practices.
Our findings show how these women understood their vlogging as a means to break with epistemic smothering, understood as the propensity to cater ones testimony to one’s audience (Dotson, 2011), and as a means to attain and enhance epistemic justice. However, our findings also show how vlogging about contested illnesses did not seem to allow these women to fully break with their epistemic smothering practices, and that the ableist design and gendered norms of YouTube were experienced as obstacles to attaining epistemic justice. We conclude that, even though social media do seem to hold emancipatory potential for these women, the experiences of individual users are diverse and ambiguous.
Source: Groenevelt IPI, de Boer MLM. Contesting misrecognition online: Experiences of epistemic in/justice by vloggers with contested illnesses. Soc Sci Med. 2023 May 7;327:115951. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.115951. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37182295. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277953623003088?via%3Dihub (Full text)
Health system support among patients with ME/CFS in Switzerland
Objectives: Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a complex chronic and debilitating multifactorial disease. Adequate patient care is challenged by poor knowledge among health care professionals and the historical misconception that the disease is psychological in nature. This study assessed the health-related challenges faced by patients with ME/CFS in Switzerland and examined whether they receive adequate health care.
Methods: Quantitative and qualitative data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire between June and September of 2021, among 169 patients with ME/CFS in Switzerland.
Results: The mean age at diagnosis was 38.8 years. Only one-third of ME/CFS affected children and youth were correctly diagnosed before their 18th birthday. The mean time from disease onset to diagnosis was 6.7 years, and patients had an average of 11.1 different appointments and 2.6 misdiagnoses. A poor diagnosis rate and insufficient disease knowledge among health professionals in Switzerland led 13.5% of the patients to travel abroad to seek a diagnosis. Most patients (90.5%) were told at least once that their symptoms were psychosomatic. Swiss patients expressed high dissatisfaction with the health system and indicated that physicians lacked knowledge regarding ME/CFS. Therapies prescribed by physicians or tried by patients, as well as their perceived efficacy, were described. Graded Exercise Therapy (GET) was perceived as harmful by patients, whereas pacing, complementary/alternative medicine, and dietary supplements and medications to alleviate symptoms were reported to be helpful to varying degrees.
Conclusion: This study highlights that poor disease knowledge among health care providers in Switzerland has led to high patient dissatisfaction, and delays in ME/CFS diagnoses and prescription of inappropriate therapies, thus adding to patient distress and disease burden.
Source: Tschopp R, König RS, Rejmer P, Paris DH. Health system support among patients with ME/CFS in Switzerland. J Taibah Univ Med Sci. 2023 Jan 4;18(4):876-885. doi: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2022.12.019. PMID: 36852237; PMCID: PMC9957780. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9957780/ (Full text)
Severe and Very Severe Myalgic Encephalopathy/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ME/CFS in Norway: Symptom Burden and Access to Care
“I Just Want to Feel Safe Going to a Doctor”: Experiences of Female Patients with Chronic Conditions in Australia
Background: The androcentric history of medicine and medical research has led to an ongoing sex and gender gap in health research and education. Sex and gender gaps in research and education may translate into real-life health inequities for women. This study aimed to explore the experiences of female patients with chronic health conditions in the Australian health system, considering existing sex and gender gaps in medicine.
Methods: This qualitative study used semistructured in-depth interviews with a sample of adult women with chronic conditions in Australia. Thematic analysis was undertaken, guided by Braun and Clarke. Software NVivoX64 assisted in the management of the data. Coding was performed before grouping into subthemes and central themes. To allow for potential researcher biases, the principal researcher engaged in the practice of reflexivity, including the writing of detailed notes during analysis.
Results: Twenty adult Australian women with chronic conditions were interviewed. Diagnoses were varied and included Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, functional neurological disorder, and inflammatory bowel disease. Four central themes emerged: diagnostic difficulties; spectrum of health care experiences; understanding medical complexity; and coping with symptoms.
Conclusions: Women with chronic conditions in Australia report pain, fatigue, and suffering that significantly impacts upon their daily lives. There was a shared experience of feeling that the pain and suffering of women was dismissed or not taken seriously. Many women expressed trauma because of their experiences in health care and often this led to a fear of accessing health services. The participants highlighted a need for more knowledge, understanding, and empathy from health care practitioners.
Source: Merone L, Tsey K, Russell D, Nagle C. “I Just Want to Feel Safe Going to a Doctor”: Experiences of Female Patients with Chronic Conditions in Australia. Womens Health Rep (New Rochelle). 2022 Dec 22;3(1):1016-1028. doi: 10.1089/whr.2022.0052. PMID: 36636320; PMCID: PMC9811844. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9811844/ (Full text)
Investigating undergraduate medical education on myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome
Background and Objectives: ME/CFS is a poorly understood, highly stigmatised condition which significantly reduces patients’ quality of life. ME/CFS had been identified as a gap in many health professionals’ knowledge, therefore this research aims to explore the understanding of ME/CFS amongst UK medical students.
Methods: An online survey developed using Redcap was distributed to participants who were recruited via social media or via medical societies’ emails. The participants were undergraduate UK medical students.
Results: 94 students completed the survey from more than 16 medical schools. 35% of the students did not know what ME/CFS is and 88% say that the disease has not been covered in their course so far. 89% of participants would like to learn more about ME/CFS, specifically through elearning and videos.
Discussion: Participants were generally unaware of ME/CFS and its symptoms and had not received relevant teaching or exposure to the disease. Education on ME/CFS within undergraduate UK medical schools is currently inadequate and the interest expressed by students in this survey demonstrates a new teaching opportunity for UK medical schools.
Source: Victoria Alice Reid and Nina Muirhead.Investigating undergraduate medical education on myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome. The British Student Doctor Journal (BSDJ), Cardiff University Press, Year: 2022, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, Page/Article: 35-40. https://thebsdj.cardiffuniversitypress.org/articles/308 (Full text available as PDF file)
Doctors’ attitudes toward specific medical conditions
This study uses machine learning and natural language processing tools to examine the language used by healthcare professionals on a global online forum. It contributes to an underdeveloped area of knowledge, that of physician attitudes toward their patients. Using comments left by physicians on Reddit’s ”Medicine” subreddit (r/medicine), we test if the language from online discussions can reveal doctors’ attitudes toward specific medical conditions. We focus on a set of chronic conditions that usually are more stigmatized and compare them to ones well accepted by the medical community.
We discovered that when comparing diseases with similar traits, doctors discussed some conditions with more negative attitudes. These results show bias does not occur only along the dimensions traditionally analyzed in the economics literature of gender and race, but also along the dimension of disease type. This is meaningful because the emotions associated with beliefs impact physicians’ decision making, prescribing behavior, and quality of care. First, we run a binomial LASSO-logistic regression to compare a range of 21 diseases against myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), depression, and the autoimmune diseases multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Next, we use dictionary methods to compare five more chronic diseases: Lyme disease, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis, and lupus. The results show physicians discuss ME/CFS, depression, and Lyme disease with more negative language than the other diseases in the set. The results for ME/CFS included over four times more negative words than the results for depression.
Source: Brooke Scoles, Catia Nicodemo. Doctors’ attitudes toward specific medical conditions. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Volume 204, December 2022, Pages 182-199. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016726812200347X (Full text)
Austerity and identity formation: How welfare cutbacks condition narratives of sickness
In recent years, Swedish sick insurance has become more restrictive. In this article, we analyse how people not being granted payments, despite being seriously ill, are affected. Scholarship on identity formation and sickness stress the importance of constructing narratives in order to come to terms with one’s situation. Our analysis of 30 qualitative interviews with people diagnosed with ME/CFS shows that workfare politics conditions such identity formation and often prevents it from taking place.
Interviewees describe extreme stress as a result of their contacts with the Social Insurance Agency (SIA), which results in a perpetual crisis that is renewed with each new denied application. In particular, the sense of not having a future means that it is hard to construct narratives to make sense of one’s situation. To escape the perpetual crisis, some people have politicised their situation, constructing a narrative about themselves as suffering from oppressive politics. Others have escaped by not applying for sick insurance or other social insurances. But generally speaking, the most common effect of being denied sick insurance is an ongoing crisis that leads to deteriorating health.
Source: Altermark N, Plesner Å. Austerity and identity formation: How welfare cutbacks condition narratives of sickness. Sociol Health Illn. 2022 Sep;44(8):1270-1286. doi: 10.1111/1467-9566.13545. Epub 2022 Sep 6. PMID: 36066495. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1467-9566.13545 (Full text)
The Advantages of an Integrative Approach in the Primary Healthcare of Post-COVID-19 and ME/CFS Patients
The coronavirus disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19) pandemic has changed not only global epidemiological and economic developments but also the lives of every individual, with particular severity for patients.
The number of acute illness cases grew rapidly, significantly increasing the workload of hospitals, and simultaneously, new chronic diseases emerged, such as persistent post-COVID-19 syndrome (PPCS), with unclear etiology, symptoms, and complexity—similar to myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).
Accordingly, the burden of chronic diseases poses new long-term challenges for primary healthcare and requires new approaches to patient care.
This chapter provides insight into the integrative approach to healthcare and focuses on potentially new solutions by implementing an integrative attitude to the treatment of post-COVID-19 and ME/CFS patients in primary healthcare.
Integrative health coaching contributes the holistic approach to patients’ overall health and resilience through cognitive practice and patient active engagement. The findings of this chapter can enrich the person-centered approach and healthcare system strengthening through holistic measures and systems thinking.
Source: Diana Araja, Angelika Krumina, Uldis Berkis, Zaiga Nora-Krukle and Modra Murovska. The Advantages of an Integrative Approach in the Primary Healthcare of Post-COVID-19 and ME/CFS Patients. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.106013 https://www.intechopen.com/online-first/82708 (Full text)