Do diagnostic criteria for ME matter to patient experience with services and interventions? Key results from an online RDS survey targeting fatigue patients in Norway


Public health and welfare systems request documentation on approaches to diagnose, treat, and manage myalgic encephalomyelitis and assess disability-benefit conditions. Our objective is to document ME patients’ experiences with services/interventions and assess differences between those meeting different diagnostic criteria, importantly the impact of post-exertional malaise.

We surveyed 660 fatigue patients in Norway using respondent-driven sampling and applied validated DePaul University algorithms to estimate Canadian and Fukuda criteria proxies. Patients on average perceived most interventions as having low-to-negative health effects. Responses differed significantly between sub-groups for some key interventions. The PEM score was strongly associated with the experience of most interventions. Better designed and targeted interventions are needed to prevent harm to the patient group.

The PEM score appears to be a strong determinant and adequate tool for assessing patient tolerance for certain interventions. There is no known treatment for ME, and “do-no-harm” should be a guiding principle in all practice.

Source: Kielland A, Liu J, Jason LA. Do diagnostic criteria for ME matter to patient experience with services and interventions? Key results from an online RDS survey targeting fatigue patients in Norway. J Health Psychol. 2023 Apr 28:13591053231169191. doi: 10.1177/13591053231169191. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37114822. (Full text)

Austerity and identity formation: How welfare cutbacks condition narratives of sickness


In recent years, Swedish sick insurance has become more restrictive. In this article, we analyse how people not being granted payments, despite being seriously ill, are affected. Scholarship on identity formation and sickness stress the importance of constructing narratives in order to come to terms with one’s situation. Our analysis of 30 qualitative interviews with people diagnosed with ME/CFS shows that workfare politics conditions such identity formation and often prevents it from taking place.

Interviewees describe extreme stress as a result of their contacts with the Social Insurance Agency (SIA), which results in a perpetual crisis that is renewed with each new denied application. In particular, the sense of not having a future means that it is hard to construct narratives to make sense of one’s situation. To escape the perpetual crisis, some people have politicised their situation, constructing a narrative about themselves as suffering from oppressive politics. Others have escaped by not applying for sick insurance or other social insurances. But generally speaking, the most common effect of being denied sick insurance is an ongoing crisis that leads to deteriorating health.

Source: Altermark N, Plesner Å. Austerity and identity formation: How welfare cutbacks condition narratives of sickness. Sociol Health Illn. 2022 Sep;44(8):1270-1286. doi: 10.1111/1467-9566.13545. Epub 2022 Sep 6. PMID: 36066495. (Full text)