Possible Racial Disparities in the Diagnosis of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)


Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS) a chronic, disabling illness with no established etiopathology. It has been indicated in some population-based studies that Black and ethnic minority populations are underdiagnosed with ME/CFS. The aims of the present study were to (1) identify the agreement between receiving an ME/CFS diagnosis and meeting diagnostic criteria, (2) identify the demographic characteristics associated with receiving a diagnosis, and (3) explore patient satisfaction with healthcare.
Self-reported medical history and symptoms were collected via online survey from respondents with and without fatigue. The agreement between self-reporting an ME/CFS diagnosis and meeting the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) ME/CFS criteria or Institute of Medicine (IOM) criteria was assessed with Cohen’s kappa. Patient characteristics predicting a physician diagnosis were analyzed with logistic regression. Associations between diagnosis, demographics, and healthcare satisfaction were assessed with chi-square tests of independence. There were 1110 responses. The agreement between meeting ME/CFS criteria and reporting an ME/CFS diagnosis was fair (CDC: κ = 0.29; SE = 0.02; IOM: κ = 0.28, SE = 0.03).
White respondents had 2.94 greater odds of being diagnosed with ME/CFS than non-White respondents. Having an ME/CFS diagnosis was associated with dissatisfaction with healthcare (χ2 (3, N = 1063) = 14.17, p = 0.003). The findings suggest racial disparities in the diagnostic processes for ME/CFS.
Source: Jones CL, Younger J. Possible Racial Disparities in the Diagnosis of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2025; 22(2):280. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph22020280 https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/22/2/280 (Full text)

Depressive and anxiety symptoms in current, previous, and no history of ME/CFS: NHIS 2022 analysis


Purpose: Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is associated with anxiety and depressive symptoms. Psychological symptoms are predisposing factors for, as well as symptoms of, ME/CFS. Recovery from ME/CFS is poorly understood and heterogenous, and it is unclear how psychological symptoms may change with recovery. The aim of this study was to examine the associations of depressive and anxious symptoms among individuals with current, previous, and no history of ME/CFS.

Methods: National Health Interview Survey 2022 data were analyzed to assess ME/CFS status, as well as anxiety and depression burden. Adults (unweighted N = 27,651) in the United States reported sociodemographic and health behavior characteristics, with 453 adults reporting current ME/CFS, while 119 reported previous ME/CFS. Sample weights and variance estimation variables were implemented. Multivariable linear regression models were used to analyze the associations between ME/CFS status and anxiety and depression severity after adjusting for sociodemographic and health behavior variables.

Results: Participants were on average 48.1 years of age, and most identified as female (51.3%), white (76.6%), and not Hispanic or Latine (82.8%). Current and previous ME/CFS were associated with anxiety and depressive symptoms compared to individuals with no history of ME/CFS. Clinically significant levels of anxiety and depressive symptoms were substantial for individuals with current (37.6%; 49.0%) and previous (26.5%; 33.4%) ME/CFS compared to individuals with no history of ME/CFS (6.1%; 6.7%).

Conclusion: ME/CFS, regardless of current presence, was related to significantly greater anxiety and depressive symptom burden.

Source: Sirotiak Z, Adamowicz JL, Thomas EBK. Depressive and anxiety symptoms in current, previous, and no history of ME/CFS: NHIS 2022 analysis. Qual Life Res. 2024 Nov 23. doi: 10.1007/s11136-024-03854-2. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39579271. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11136-024-03854-2 (Full text)

Classification Accuracy and Description of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in an Integrated Health Care System, 2006-2017


Introduction: Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a chronic illness characterized by marked functional limitations and fatigue. Electronic health records can be used to estimate incidence of ME/CFS but may have limitations.

Methods: The authors used International Classification of Diseases (ICD) diagnosis codes to identify all presumptive cases of ME/CFS among 9- to 39-year-olds from 2006 to 2017. The authors randomly selected 200 cases for medical record review to classify cases as confirmed, probable, or possible, based on which and how many current clinical criteria they met, and to further characterize their illness. The authors calculated crude annual rates of ME/CFS coding stratified by age and sex using only those ICD codes that had identified confirmed, probable, or possible ME/CFS cases in the medical record review.

Results: The authors identified 522 individuals with presumptive ME/CFS based on having ≥ 1 ICD codes for ME/CFS in their electronic medical record. Of the 200 cases selected, records were available and reviewed for 188. Thirty (15%) were confirmed or probable ME/CFS cases, 39 (19%) were possible cases, 119 (60%) were not cases, and 12 (6%) had no medical record available. Confirmed/probable cases commonly had chronic pain (80%) or anxiety/depression (70%), and only 13 (43%) had completed a sleep study. Overall, 37 per 100,000 had ICD codes that identified confirmed, probable, or possible ME/CFS. Rates increased between 2006 and 2017, with the largest absolute increase among those 30-39 years old.

Conclusions: Using ICD diagnosis codes alone inaccurately estimates ME/CFS incidence.

Source: Liles EG, Irving SA, Koppolu P, Crane B, Naleway AL, Brooks NB, Gee J, Unger ER, Henninger ML. Classification Accuracy and Description of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in an Integrated Health Care System, 2006-2017. Perm J. 2024 Jun 19:1-12. doi: 10.7812/TPP/23.170. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38980763. https://www.thepermanentejournal.org/doi/10.7812/TPP/23.170 (Full text)

The German Multicenter Registry for ME/CFS (MECFS-R)


Background: Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a debilitating multisystemic disease characterized by a complex, incompletely understood etiology.

Methods: To facilitate future clinical and translational research, a multicenter German ME/CFS registry (MECFS-R) was established to collect comprehensive, longitudinal, clinical, epidemiological, and laboratory data from adults, adolescents, and children in a web-based multilayer-secured database.

Results: Here, we present the research protocol and first results of a pilot cohort of 174 ME/CFS patients diagnosed at two specialized tertiary fatigue centers, including 130 (74.7%) adults (mean age 38.4; SD 12.6) and 43 (25.3%) pediatric patients (mean age 15.5; SD 4.2). A viral trigger was identified in 160/174 (92.0%) cases, with SARS-CoV-2 in almost half of them. Patients exhibited severe functional and social impairment, as reflected by a median Bell Score of 30.0 (IQR 30.0 to 40.0) and a poor health-related quality of life assessed with the Short Form-36 health survey, resulting in a mean score of 40.4 (SD 20.6) for physical function and 59.1 (SD 18.8) for mental health.

Conclusions: The MECFS-R provides important clinical information on ME/CFS to research and healthcare institutions. Paired with a multicenter biobank, it facilitates research on pathogenesis, diagnostic markers, and treatment options. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT05778006.

Source: Hieber H, Pricoco R, Gerrer K, Heindrich C, Wiehler K, Mihatsch LL, Haegele M, Schindler D, Donath Q, Christa C, Grabbe A, Kircher A, Leone A, Mueller Y, Zietemann H, Freitag H, Sotzny F, Warlitz C, Stojanov S, Hattesohl DBR, Hausruckinger A, Mittelstrass K, Scheibenbogen C, Behrends U. The German Multicenter Registry for ME/CFS (MECFS-R). J Clin Med. 2024 May 28;13(11):3168. doi: 10.3390/jcm13113168. PMID: 38892879; PMCID: PMC11172639. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11172639/ (Full text)

Unequal access to diagnosis of myalgic encephalomyelitis in England


Background People with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS; sometimes referred to as chronic fatigue syndrome) experience very poor health-related quality of life and only rarely recover. ME/CFS has no curative treatment and no single diagnostic test. Public health and policy decisions relevant to ME/CFS require knowledge of its prevalence and barriers to diagnosis. However, people with ME/CFS report lengthy diagnostic delays and widespread misunderstanding of their symptoms. Published prevalence estimates vary greatly by country, gender, age and ethnicity.

Methods Hospital Episode Statistics data is routinely collected by the NHS in England together with patient age, gender and ethnicity. This data, downloaded from the Feasibility Self-Service of NHS DigiTrials, was used to stratify individuals with the ICD-10 code that best reflects ME/CFS symptoms (G93.3; “Postviral fatigue syndrome”) according to their age, self-reported gender and ethnicity, General Practice and NHS England Integrated Care Board (ICB).

Results In all, 100,055 people in England had been diagnosed with ME/CFS (ICD-10:G93.3) between April 1 1989 and October 7 2023, 0.16% of all registered patients. Of these, 79,445 were females and 20,590 males, a female-to-male ratio of 3.88:1. Female relative to male prevalence peaked at about 6-to-1 in individuals’ fourth and fifth decades of life. Prevalence varied widely across the 42 ICBs: 0.086%-0.82% for females and 0.024%-0.21% for males. White individuals were approximately 5-fold more likely to be diagnosed with ME/CFS than others; black, Asian or Chinese ethnicities are associated with particularly low rates of ME/CFS diagnoses. This ethnicity bias is stronger than for other common diseases. Among active English GP practices, 176 (3%) had no registered ME/CFS patients. Eight ICBs (19%) each contained fewer than 8 other-than-white individuals with a G93.3 code despite their registers containing a total of 293,770 other-than-white patients.

Conclusion Those who are disproportionately undiagnosed with ME/CFS are other-than-white ethnic groups, older females (>60y), older males (>80y), and people living in areas of multiple deprivation. The lifetime prevalence of ME/CFS for English females and males may be as high as 0.92% and 0.25%, respectively, or approximately 390,000 UK individuals overall. This improved estimate of ME/CFS prevalence allows more accurate assessment of the socioeconomic and disease burden imposed by ME/CFS.

Source: Gemma L. Samms, Chris P. Ponting. Unequal access to diagnosis of myalgic encephalomyelitis in England. medRxiv 2024.01.31.24302070; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.01.31.24302070 https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.01.31.24302070v1.full-text (Full text)

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Adults: United States, 2021-2022


Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a complex, multisystem illness characterized by activity-limiting fatigue, worsening of symptoms after activity, and other symptoms (1). It affects all age, sex, and racial and ethnic groups and costs the U.S. economy about $18-$51 billion annually (2-5). This report describes the percentage of adults who had ME/CFS at the time of interview by selected demographic and geographic characteristics based on data from the 2021-2022 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS).

Source: Vahratian A, Lin JS, Bertolli J, Unger ER. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Adults: United States, 2021-2022. NCHS Data Brief. 2023 Dec;(488):1-8. PMID: 38085820. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs//data/databriefs/db488.pdf (Full text)

Functional neurological disorder and functional somatic syndromes among sexual and gender minority people: A scoping review


Objective: To describe the current literature on functional neurological disorder and functional somatic syndromes among sexual and gender minority people (SGM).

Methods: A search string with descriptors of SGM identity and functional disorders was entered into PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, PsycInfo, and CINAHL for articles published before May 24, 2022, yielding 3121 items entered into Covidence, where 835 duplicates were removed.

A neurologist and neuropsychiatrist screened titles and abstracts based on predefined criteria, followed by full-text review. A third neurologist adjudicated discrepancies. Eligible publications underwent systematic data extraction and statistical description.

Results: Our search identified 26 articles on functional disorders among SGM people. Most articles were case (13/26, 46%) or cross-sectional (4/26, 15%) studies. Gender minority people were represented in 50% of studies. Reported diagnoses included fibromyalgia (n = 8), functional neurological disorder (n = 8), somatic symptom disorder (n = 5), chronic fatigue syndrome (n = 3), irritable bowel syndrome (n = 2), and other functional conditions (n = 3).

Three cohort studies of fibromyalgia or somatic symptom disorder reported an overrepresentation of gender minority people compared to cisgender cohorts or general population measures.

Approximately half of case studies reported pediatric or adolescent onset (7/13, 54%), functional neurological disorder diagnosis (7/13, 54%), and symptom improvement coinciding with identity-affirming therapeutic interventions (7/13, 58%).

Conclusion: Despite a methodologically rigorous literature search, there are limited data on functional neurological disorder and functional somatic syndromes among SGM people. Several studies reported increased prevalence of select conditions among transgender people. More observational studies are needed regarding the epidemiology and clinical course of functional disorders among SGM people.

Source: Lerario, Fusunyan, Stave, Roldán, Keuroghlian, Turban, Perez, Maschi, Rosendale. Functional neurological disorder and functional somatic syndromes among sexual and gender minority people: A scoping review. Journal of Psychosomatic Research: 111491. [Article in Press, Epub ahead of print] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0022399923003483

A population-based investigation into the prevalence of chronic fatigue syndrome in United States military Veterans with chronic pain


Objective: Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a debilitating illness characterized by persistent fatigue among other symptoms. Pain symptoms are common and included in the diagnostic criteria for CFS but are not required for diagnosis. Despite the association between CFS and pain, few studies have examined CFS in the context of chronic pain (CP) conditions. The current study estimates the period prevalence of comorbid CFS among military Veterans with CP and compares sociodemographic characteristics and CP conditions of Veterans with CP + CFS to those with CP without CFS.

Methods: This study included Veterans Health Administration (VHA) data on 2,261,030 patients with chronic pain in 2018. Sociodemographic characteristics included age, sex, race, ethnicity, and rurality. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the sample and between-group comparisons included independent samples t-tests and chi-square tests of independence. Effect sizes were also examined.

Results: A total of 15,248 (0.67%) of Veterans with CP also had a diagnosis of CFS. Veterans diagnosed with CP + CFS were younger and were more likely to be female, White, non-Hispanic, and rural-dwelling. However, small and weak effect sizes were observed for these differences. The majority of Veterans with CP + CFS had limb/extremity (69.20%) back pain (53.44%), or abdominal/bowel pain (24.11%).

Conclusion: CDC treatment recommendations for CFS include treating pain first, studying CFS in the context of CP is critically important. Veterans diagnosed with CP + CFS appear demographically similar, compared to Veterans with CP without CFS. Examining the utilization of pain-related healthcare services among this group would be a useful next step.

Source: Jenna L. Adamowicz, Emily B. K. Thomas, Brian C. Lund, Mary A. Driscoll, Mark Vander Weg & Katherine Hadlandsmyth (2023) A population-based investigation into the prevalence of chronic fatigue syndrome in United States military Veterans with chronic pain, Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior, DOI: 10.1080/21641846.2023.2239977

Identifying Demographic Trends in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients Presenting with Fibromyalgia as a Comorbidity in the Nationwide Inpatient Sample Database


This retrospective observational study investigates the demographic differences between Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) patients with and without Fibromyalgia as a comorbidity using the Nationwide Inpatient Sample database.

Results reveal significant differences in demographics, including a higher proportion of females and a younger mean age in the Fibromyalgia group. Additionally, the Fibromyalgia group had lower in-hospital mortality, higher proportion of patients discharged home or to short-term hospitals, shorter lengths of stay, and lower hospital charges.

Despite having lower Elixhauser comorbidity scores, ME/CFS patients with Fibromyalgia had higher prevalence of certain conditions.

Limitations include missing data, and further research is warranted to refine ME/CFS definitions and develop personalized treatment plans. The study highlights the need for better understanding of ME/CFS mechanisms, correlations with comorbidities like Fibromyalgia, and potential predictors to improve diagnosis and treatment.

Source: Arvind Vishnu Murali. Identifying Demographic Trends in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients Presenting with Fibromyalgia as a Comorbidity in the Nationwide Inpatient Sample Database. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai ProQuest Dissertations Publishing,  2023. 30494377. https://www.proquest.com/openview/12cb80c96056a220f9e1d8bd7ea5fecc/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic – A Comprehensive Review of Demographics, Comorbidities, Vaccines, Therapeutic Development, Blood Type, and Long Covid


The study summarizes the pandemic COVID-19’s impact on symptoms, demographics, comorbidities, and vaccine and therapeutic development and demonstrates an association with cases and mortality for the past two years. There has been rapid scientific advancement over the past two years 2020-2022 in developing vaccines and therapeutics for combating the disease. We chose three highly affected countries US, India, and China, to address the impact of demographics and comorbidities on COVID-19 using US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data.

Based on the analysis of this data, we see that the infection rate is higher in females, while the percentage of death is higher in males than females (p < 0.0001), and the number of female cases among females has increased by 1.7% while the number of deaths among females has decreased by ~1%, within the last two years. The trend of getting affected byCOVID-19 is similar during 2020-2022, i.e., Whites followed by Hispanics and Black people.

After a thorough review of many manuscripts, we concluded that diseases like cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes, hypertension, chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (COPD), and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) were the typical comorbidities leading to severe COVID-19 conditions. In addition, variants of COVID-19, current vaccine and therapeutic development efforts, and relation of COVID-19 with blood type are discussed.

Finally, to conclude that for designing vaccine trials, following FDA’s guidance emphasizing stratification factors based on demographics and comorbidities should be considered while allocating treatment to patients.

Source: Bhattacharyya, Arinjita & Seth, Anand & Rai, Shesh. (2023). Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic -A Comprehensive Review of Demographics, Comorbidities, Vaccines, Therapeutic Development, Blood Type, and Long Covid. 10.36959/856/540.  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Arinjita_Bhattacharyya/publication/369579104_Coronavirus_COVID-19_Pandemic_-A_Comprehensive_Review_of_Demographics_Comorbidities_Vaccines_Therapeutic_Development_Blood_Type_and_Long_Covid/links/6423001ba1b72772e4318d7d/Coronavirus-COVID-19-Pandemic-A-Comprehensive-Review-of-Demographics-Comorbidities-Vaccines-Therapeutic-Development-Blood-Type-and-Long-Covid.pdf (Full text PDF file)