Unequal access to diagnosis of myalgic encephalomyelitis in England


Background People with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS; sometimes referred to as chronic fatigue syndrome) experience very poor health-related quality of life and only rarely recover. ME/CFS has no curative treatment and no single diagnostic test. Public health and policy decisions relevant to ME/CFS require knowledge of its prevalence and barriers to diagnosis. However, people with ME/CFS report lengthy diagnostic delays and widespread misunderstanding of their symptoms. Published prevalence estimates vary greatly by country, gender, age and ethnicity.

Methods Hospital Episode Statistics data is routinely collected by the NHS in England together with patient age, gender and ethnicity. This data, downloaded from the Feasibility Self-Service of NHS DigiTrials, was used to stratify individuals with the ICD-10 code that best reflects ME/CFS symptoms (G93.3; “Postviral fatigue syndrome”) according to their age, self-reported gender and ethnicity, General Practice and NHS England Integrated Care Board (ICB).

Results In all, 100,055 people in England had been diagnosed with ME/CFS (ICD-10:G93.3) between April 1 1989 and October 7 2023, 0.16% of all registered patients. Of these, 79,445 were females and 20,590 males, a female-to-male ratio of 3.88:1. Female relative to male prevalence peaked at about 6-to-1 in individuals’ fourth and fifth decades of life. Prevalence varied widely across the 42 ICBs: 0.086%-0.82% for females and 0.024%-0.21% for males. White individuals were approximately 5-fold more likely to be diagnosed with ME/CFS than others; black, Asian or Chinese ethnicities are associated with particularly low rates of ME/CFS diagnoses. This ethnicity bias is stronger than for other common diseases. Among active English GP practices, 176 (3%) had no registered ME/CFS patients. Eight ICBs (19%) each contained fewer than 8 other-than-white individuals with a G93.3 code despite their registers containing a total of 293,770 other-than-white patients.

Conclusion Those who are disproportionately undiagnosed with ME/CFS are other-than-white ethnic groups, older females (>60y), older males (>80y), and people living in areas of multiple deprivation. The lifetime prevalence of ME/CFS for English females and males may be as high as 0.92% and 0.25%, respectively, or approximately 390,000 UK individuals overall. This improved estimate of ME/CFS prevalence allows more accurate assessment of the socioeconomic and disease burden imposed by ME/CFS.

Source: Gemma L. Samms, Chris P. Ponting. Unequal access to diagnosis of myalgic encephalomyelitis in England. medRxiv 2024.01.31.24302070; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.01.31.24302070 https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.01.31.24302070v1.full-text (Full text)

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