Prevalence of chronic fatigue and chemical sensitivities in Gulf Registry Veterans


More than 68000 of the 700000 veterans of the Gulf War have become members of the Veteran Affairs’ Gulf War Registry. In 1995, we undertook a questionnaire study of the symptoms and medical histories reported by a randomly selected subsample of 1935 of these veterans to characterize their complaints. All results reported were based on questionnaire responses without face-to-face evaluation or physical examinations.

Inasmuch as initial registry symptoms overlapped those of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, we also included standard questions for these syndromes in the questionnaire. A total of 1161 (60%) individuals responded, and there were no major demographic biases; therefore, 15.7% of registry veterans qualified for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in accordance with the 1994 Centers for Disease Control definition.

In addition, 13.1% qualified for multiple chemical sensitivities in accordance with a widely used definition, and 3.3% of the respondents had both conditions. There were no effects of gender, race, branch, duty status (active or reserve), or rank, although Multiple Chemical Sensitivities was somewhat more prevalent in women and African Americans.

The data gleaned in this study suggested that the unexplained symptom syndromes of Chronic Fatigue and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities may characterize an appreciable portion of the complaints of those who volunteered for the Veterans Affairs’ Gulf War Registry, and further investigation is warranted.

Comment in: Gulf War Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and the Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome: stirring the cauldron of confusion. [Arch Environ Health. 1999]


Source: Kipen HM, Hallman W, Kang H, Fiedler N, Natelson BH. Prevalence of chronic fatigue and chemical sensitivities in Gulf Registry Veterans. Arch Environ Health. 1999 Sep-Oct;54(5):313-8.


Associations between perfectionism, mood, and fatigue in chronic fatigue syndrome: a pilot study


This study investigated possible associations between perfectionistic personality traits, mood, and fatigue in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Forty CFS sufferers referred to tertiary care and 31 control healthy subjects completed the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (MPS), Chalder Fatigue Questionnaire, and Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) scale.

Total perfectionism scores did not correlate with fatigue, anxiety, or depression in either group. Other-oriented MPS scores were significantly lower among CFS sufferers (p = .0019), especially women, and correlated negatively with physical fatigue levels overall (R = -0.27, p = .02). Total and socially prescribed MPS scores correlated with age for the CFS group alone (p = .05).

Possible reasons why this study did not confirm a positive association between perfectionism and CFS are discussed. The finding that CFS sufferers set lower standards and have lower expectations for significant others may have implications for rehabilitation and recovery from this disorder.


Source: Blenkiron P, Edwards R, Lynch S. Associations between perfectionism, mood, and fatigue in chronic fatigue syndrome: a pilot study. J Nerv Ment Dis. 1999 Sep;187(9):566-70.


Natural history of severe chronic fatigue syndrome


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the natural history of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) in a severely ill group of patients at three points in time.

DESIGN: Patients were enrolled from April 1992 to February 1994 and were evaluated three times. Time 1 (at enrollment): history, physical evaluation, and psychiatric evaluation; Time 2 (median = 1.6yrs after initial evaluation): postal questionnaire to assess current condition; Time 3 (median = 1.8 yrs after Time 2): medical and psychiatric evaluations.

SETTING: The New Jersey CFS Cooperative Research Center, an ambulatory setting.

PATIENTS: Twenty-three patients fulfilled the 1988 case definition for CFS and had symptom complaints that were substantial or worse in severity. All patients were ill less than 4.5 years; and none had a DSM-III-R psychiatric disorder in the 5 years before illness onset; none had substance abuse in the 10 years before enrollment.

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Severity of CFS symptoms was assessed by self-report questionnaires, laboratory tests, and medical examination. Psychological status was assessed using the Q-D15 and the Centers for Epidemiological Study-Depression Scale. At each time of evaluation, patients were categorized as severe, slightly improved, improved, and recovered.

RESULTS: Over the 4 years of the study, 13 patients remained severely ill, 9 improved but still fulfilled the 1994 case definition for CFS, and 1 recovered. Illness duration, mode of onset, psychiatric status or depressed mood at intake, or chemical sensitivity did not predict illness outcome. One patient was diagnosed with an alternate illness, but it probably did not explain her CFS symptoms. Mood improved for those patients whose illness lessened.

CONCLUSIONS: The prognosis for recovery was extremely poor for the severely ill subset of CFS patients. The majority showed no symptom improvement and only 4% of the patients recovered. Illness severity between Times 2 and 3 remained stable.


Source: Hill NF, Tiersky LA, Scavalla VR, Lavietes M, Natelson BH. Natural history of severe chronic fatigue syndrome. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1999 Sep;80(9):1090-4.


Prolonged fatigue, anxiety and depression: exploring relationships in a primary care sample


OBJECTIVE: While prolonged fatigue states are frequently comorbid with other forms of distress, they are now the subject of independent aetiological and treatment research. The objective of this study was to use principal component analysis to clarify the relationships between proposed measures of prolonged fatigue and anxiety and depression in data obtained from patients attending primary care.

METHOD: Self-report measures of prolonged fatigue and psychological distress (anxiety and depression) were administered to consecutive ambulatory care patients attending primary care.

RESULTS: Data from 1593 subjects were obtained. A two-factor principal component solution (varimax rotation) demonstrated a clear separation between fatigue-related items (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.81) as compared with those items describing anxiety and/or depression (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.95). A four-factor solution produced similar results with two factors describing general psychological distress (contrasting anxiety and depression), with two other factors describing the profiles of mental and physical fatigue.

CONCLUSIONS: The results lend weight to the argument that prolonged fatigue states can be measured independently of conventional notions of anxiety and depression in patients attending primary care. Epidemiological, aetiological and treatment research in psychiatry may need to focus greater attention on such prolonged fatigue states.

Comment in: Response to: ‘Prolonged fatigue, anxiety and depression: exploring relationships in a primary care sample‘. [Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2000]


Source: Koschera A, Hickie I, Hadzi-Pavlovic D, Wilson A, Lloyd A. Prolonged fatigue, anxiety and depression: exploring relationships in a primary care sample. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 1999 Aug;33(4):545-52.


Clinical features and IgG subclass distribution of anti-p80 coilin antibodies


We examined the clinical features of patients presenting antinuclear autoantibodies against p80-coilin and the IgG subclass distribution of anti- p80-coilin antibodies. Sera from 365 Japanese patients were analysed. Immunoblotting and indirect immunofluorescence microscopy techniques were used with a polyclonal rabbit antiserum against p80-coilin. Eleven patients with anti-p80-coilin antibodies were found. All the patients were female and nine were in their twenties. None could be diagnosed with differentiated rheumatic disease except for one case of systemic scleroderma and another of Sjögren’s syndrome. Most patients had general fatigue, arthralgia, headaches, dysmenorrhea, lymph node swelling and/or low grade fever such as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and showed low complement. One patient fulfilled the criteria for CFS. All were younger females than those often diagnosed with rheumatic disease in previous reports. Patients’ sera had a predominant distribution of subclass IgG(1)anti-p80-coilin antibodies and five sera had concomitant subclass IgG(2). Two rheumatic disease patients had a relatively high titer of IgG(2)anti-p80-coilin antibodies. The IgG(2)subclass of anti-p80-coilin antibodies may be a specific marker for systemic autoimmune disease.


Source: Onouchi H, Muro Y, Tomita Y. Clinical features and IgG subclass distribution of anti-p80 coilin antibodies. J Autoimmun. 1999 Sep;13(2):225-32.


Chronic Chlamydia pneumoniae infection: a treatable cause of chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), an elusive and controversial illness, has been a difficult management problem for clinicians. A number of infectious agents have been implicated as the cause of CFS, although consistent and compelling evidence is still lacking [1]. Few well-documented infections could cause persistent in- flammatory reaction leading to the symptomatology of CFS [2, 3]. Chlamydia pneumoniae is a common cause of respiratory infection and has been demonstrated within plaques of the coronary arteries years after initial infection [4]. Recently demonstrated replication of C. pneumoniae within human macrophages and endothelial cells [5] and a potent inducer of proinflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-a and IL-1 [6], raised the possibility of chronic infection that leads to persistent inflammatory response. A previous study failed to demonstrate elevated titers of antibody to C. pneumoniae in 50 patients with CFS [7], although fatigue is a common symptom reported by patients for whom sp

Over the past 3 years, we encountered 10 of 171 patients with symptoms of chronic fatigue who had elevated titers of antibody to C. pneumoniae long after initial respiratory infection. Most patients had favorable clinical and serological responses to a 1- to 2-months course of azithromycin therapy, although relapse was common. The clinical symptoms of and titers of antibody to C. pneumoniae for our 10 patients over the course of treatment are summarized in table 1.

You can read the rest of this article here:


Source: Chia JK, Chia LY. Chronic Chlamydia pneumoniae infection: a treatable cause of chronic fatigue syndrome. Clin Infect Dis. 1999 Aug;29(2):452-3. (Full article)


Review of juvenile primary fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome


This article reviews the current literature on childhood fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. In doing so, it questions assumptions about the presumed nature of the disorders-that they are distinct from each other and are duplicates of their adult counterparts. It also attempts to synthesize the available data to reach some preliminary judgments about these disorders: that fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome may be related in children and may not be duplicates of the adult disorders; that psychological and psychosocial factors are unlikely contributors to the etiology of these disorders; and that the evidence is increasingly pointing to a role for genetic factors in their etiology. A discussion of the research into treatments for childhood fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome highlights the lack of well-designed, controlled studies. Finally, directions for future research are offered where results of the current literature are unclear.


Source: Breau LM, McGrath PJ, Ju LH. Review of juvenile primary fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 1999 Aug;20(4):278-88.


Achieving a patient-centred consultation by giving feedback in its early phases


The traditional medical consultation comprises history, examination, and investigations, followed by explanation to the patient of diagnosis and management. In the course of studying a series of tape-recorded consultations in a specialist medical clinic for chronic fatigue, we have observed a different structure. In some consultations, those categorized as more ‘patient-centred’, doctors introduced explanation and education into the early history-taking stage. This strategy is contrasted with the traditional approach, where the doctor only elicits information during the history, and gives an explanation later. The ‘early feedback’ strategy may result in patients with chronic illnesses achieving greater understanding of their symptoms. We discuss the implication of these findings for medical training.


Source: Hak T, Campion P. Achieving a patient-centred consultation by giving feedback in its early phases. Postgrad Med J. 1999 Jul;75(885):405-9. (Full article)


Detection of borna disease virus-reactive antibodies from patients with psychiatric disorders and from horses by electrochemiluminescence immunoassay


The prevalence of Borna disease virus (BDV)-specific antibodies among patients with psychiatric disorders and healthy individuals has varied in several reports using several different serological assay methods. A reliable and specific method for anti-BDV antibodies needs to be developed to clarify the pathological significance of BDV infections in humans.

We developed a new electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA) for the antibody to BDV that uses two recombinant proteins of BDV, p40 and p24 (full length). Using this ECLIA, we examined 3,476 serum samples from humans with various diseases and 917 sera from blood donors in Japan for the presence of anti-BDV antibodies.

By ECLIA, 26 (3.08%) of 845 schizophrenia patients and 9 (3.59%) of 251 patients with mood disorders were seropositive for BDV. Among 323 patients with other psychiatric diseases, 114 with neurological diseases, 75 with chronic fatigue syndrome, 85 human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients, 50 with autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosis and 17 with leprosy, there was no positive case except one case each with alcohol addiction, AIDS, and dementia.

Although 19 (1.36%) of 1,393 patients with various ocular diseases, 10 (1.09%) of 917 blood donors, and 3 (4.55%) of 66 multitransfused patients were seropositive for BDV-specific antigen, high levels of seroprevalence in schizophrenia patients and young patients (16 to 59 years old) with mood disorders were statistically significant.

The immunoreactivity of seropositive sera could be verified for specificity by blocking with soluble p40 and/or p24 recombinant protein. Anti-p24 antibody was more frequent than p40 antibody in most cases, and in some psychotic patients antibody profiles showed only p40 antibody. Although serum positive for both p40 and p24 antibodies was not found in this study, the p40 ECLIA count in schizophrenia patients was higher than that of blood donors.

Furthermore, we examined 90 sera from Japanese feral horses. Antibody profiles of control human samples are similar to that of naturally BDV-infected feral horses. We concluded that BDV infection was associated in some way with psychiatric disorders.


Source: Yamaguchi K, Sawada T, Naraki T, Igata-Yi R, Shiraki H, Horii Y, Ishii T, Ikeda K, Asou N, Okabe H, Mochizuki M, Takahashi K, Yamada S, Kubo K, Yashiki S, Waltrip RW 2nd, Carbone KM. Detection of borna disease virus-reactive antibodies from patients with psychiatric disorders and from horses by electrochemiluminescence immunoassay. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol. 1999 Sep;6(5):696-700. (Full article)


Fatigue and psychiatric disorder: different or the same?


BACKGROUND: Fatigue and psychiatric symptoms are common in the community, but their association and outcome are sparsely studied.

METHOD: A total of 1177 patients were recruited from UK primary care on attending their general practitioner. Fatigue and psychiatric disorder was measured at three time points with the 12-item General Health Questionnaire and the 11-item Fatigue Questionnaire.

RESULTS: Total scores for fatigue and psychiatric disorder did not differ between the three time points and were closely correlated (r around 0.6). The association between non-co-morbid (‘pure’) fatigue and developing psychiatric disorder 6 months later was the same as that for being well and subsequent psychiatric disorder. Similarly, having non-co-morbid psychiatric disorder did not predict having fatigue any more than being well 6 months previously. Between 13 and 15% suffered from non-co-morbid fatigue at each time point and 2.5% suffered from fatigue at two time points 6 months apart. Less than 1% of patients suffered from non-co-morbid fatigue at all three time points.

CONCLUSIONS: The data are consistent with the existence of ‘pure’ independent fatigue state. However, this state is unstable and the majority (about three-quarters) of patients become well or a case of psychiatric disorder over 6 months. A persistent, independent fatigue state lasting for 6 months can be identified in the primary-care setting, but it is uncommon of the order of 2.5%. Non-co-morbid (pure) fatigue did not predict subsequent psychiatric disorder.


Source: van der Linden G, Chalder T, Hickie I, Koschera A, Sham P, Wessely S. Fatigue and psychiatric disorder: different or the same? Psychol Med. 1999 Jul;29(4):863-8.