Ocular manifestations of chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome


Chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS) is a disease presenting with systemic, sensory, cognitive, and psychological manifestations. Ocular symptomatology is reported in the visual, functional, perceptual, and pathological aspects of the visual system. The purpose of the research was to evaluate ocular symptoms in patients with CFIDS.

One hundred and ninety CFIDS patients [155 females, 35 males; mean age of 41 years (range 15 to 72)] and 198 healthy controls [133 females, 65 males; mean age of 42 years (range 8 to 89)] were surveyed via written questionnaire. Evaluation of data showed statistical significance at levels ranging from 0.0001 to 0.007 for all but one symptom surveyed. It appears that the ocular symptoms of CFIDS are genuine. Further research is needed to determine the etiology and appropriate treatment of this disease.


Source: Potaznick W, Kozol N. Ocular manifestations of chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome. Optom Vis Sci. 1992 Oct;69(10):811-4. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1437004


Fluctuations in perceived energy and mood among patients with chronic fatigue syndrome

Comment on: Fluctuations in perceived energy and mood among patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. [J R Soc Med. 1992]


As one who has long had a high regard for Dr Shepherd’s reasoned arguments in. the area of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) (September. 1992 JRSM, p 588), I am sorry to have to point out a logical inconsistency in his assessment of our work. Postinfectious patients do indeed form a sub-group of those with chronic fatigue syndrome. However, according to the ‘Oxford criteria’, in defining other groups of chronically fatigued patients, a diagnosis of previous infection is not necessary. Thus precipitating infection is not necessary for defining the syndrome itself, as we said in our paper.

Secondly, he might do well to note the way in which our results show energy and mood levels among CFS patients to be at their highest in the midmorning. This does not appear to be the pattern typically found among individuals with a primary diagnosis of depression, as we also point out. We regard this distinction as being potentially important and would hope.that the ME Association might wish to consider its implications. Unfortunately, this point was also missed in a recently unsolicited ‘abstraction’ of our work kindly prepared for us by the International Federation of ME Associations to be published in their Medical Update.

You can read the rest of this letter here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1293708/pdf/jrsocmed00106-0076.pdf


Source: Wood C. Fluctuations in perceived energy and mood among patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. J R Soc Med. 1992 Oct;85(10):650. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1293708/


Rheumatic fever and disorders of the musculoskeletal system


New information provided on the pathogenesis and management of rheumatic fever is of current interest. Invasive disease by group A streptococci has been shown to be due to production of toxin A. The natural history and immunopathologic basis for chronic Lyme arthritis are reported. Attention is drawn to pyomyositis and clinical presentation of chronic fatigue syndrome in children. Patients with Sweet’s syndrome often have antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies. Biopsy specimens of panniculitis should be taken to aid treatment. Long-term outcome in chronic osteomyelitis is favorable; recommendations on the rational use of imaging have been reported.


Source: Coovadia HM. Rheumatic fever and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 1992 Oct;4(5):718-24. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1419508


Does chronic fatigue syndrome predispose to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma?


Chronic fatigue syndrome, an illness that frequently is associated with abnormalities of cellular immunity, has been reported anecdotally to be associated with an increased incidence of lymphoid hyperplasia and malignancy.

This report describes an initial analysis of population-based cancer incidence data in Nevada, focusing on the patterns of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma prior to and subsequent to well described, documented outbreaks of chronic fatigue syndrome during 1984-1986. In a study of time trends in four age groups, the observed time trends were consistent with the national trends reported in the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program.

No statistically significant increase attributable to the chronic fatigue syndrome outbreak was identified at the state level. Additional studies are in progress analyzing the data at the country level, reviewing patterns in other malignancies, and continuing to monitor the cancer patterns over subsequent years.


Source: Levine PH, Peterson D, McNamee FL, O’Brien K, Gridley G, Hagerty M, Brady J, Fears T, Atherton M, Hoover R. Does chronic fatigue syndrome predispose to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma? Cancer Res. 1992 Oct 1;52(19 Suppl):5516s-5518s; discussion 5518s-5521s. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1394166


Epstein-Barr virus infection and associated diseases in children. I. Pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical aspects


Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), an ubiquitous human B lymphotropic virus, is the cause of infectious mononucleosis. Moreover, EBV infection can be followed by lymphoproliferative diseases in patients with inherited and acquired immunodeficiencies.

Primary EBV infection may be a threat to all children after marrow or organ transplantation or those receiving chronic immunosuppressive treatment for various other reasons. The virus has been also implicated in the pathogenesis of different malignant tumours such as Burkitt lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Hodgkin disease and some T-cell lymphomas.

This review focuses on various aspects of virus-host interactions, immune mechanisms of the host, and the still experimental therapeutic approaches in EBV-associated diseases.


Source: Schuster V, Kreth HW. Epstein-Barr virus infection and associated diseases in children. I. Pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical aspects. Eur J Pediatr. 1992 Oct;151(10):718-25. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1330572


Self help organization’s advice on myalgic encephalomyelitis

Comment on: Outcome in the chronic fatigue syndrome. [BMJ. 1992]


EDITOR,-I should like to assure Simon Wessely that neither the ME Association nor ME Action regards Michael Sharpe and colleagues’ findings in patients with chronic fatigue’ as another attack on its credibility. Nor do we see why the paper should “further sour relations between the organisations and the profession.”

As Wessely points out, the apparent relation between functional impairment and membership of a self help organisation at follow up does not mean that membership of such an organisation is responsible for the impairment. Aside from the fact that the study did not focus on myalgic encephalomyelitis, or on the work the ME Association does, Sharpe reassured us that there was no evidence of a causal relation between membership of a patient group and level of disability.

As regards the potential damage resulting from inaccurate information about myalgic encephalomyelitis, it is worth emphasising that the quote that illustrates this came from Nursing Standard and not from a magazine for patients. The British organisations have long been unhappy with the way the media have portrayed the illness and reviewed existing research, and it is often extremely difficult to get erroneous or biased information corrected. Sometimes we get a right of reply, but usually we don’t.

Finally, I wish to make clear that our current advice on exercise and stress is based on sound scientific research, the recommendations of our medical advisers, and 50 years’ experience. Since our aim is to help patients it would be ridiculous for us to ignore good research and to stick instead to outdated explanations, speculation, or even prejudice. No one gains from such a narrow minded approach, least of all us.

You can read the rest of this comment here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1883373/pdf/bmj00091-0063a.pdf


Source: Hume MC. Self help organization’s advice on myalgic encephalomyelitis. BMJ. 1992 Sep 12;305(6854):649. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1883373/


Attention and short-term memory in chronic fatigue syndrome patients: an event-related potential analysis


We recorded event-related brain potentials (ERPs) from 13 patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and 13 matched normal controls. To assess attentional and memory deficits in CFS patients, we used a short-term memory task in which events occurred in different spatial locations and the patients made a rapid-response (RT) when a letter in a relevant location matched a letter in the prememorized set (Attention paradigm).

Time-on-task effects on the ERP and behavioral measures were assessed over the 2 1/4-hour duration of this task. Both groups also performed a visual Oddball paradigm, with an RT, before and after the Attention paradigm. The patients’ RTs were much more variable and, in nine of 13 cases, slower than the mean RT of the controls in both paradigms.

The patients’ memory performance was not significantly different from that of the controls and there were no group differences in the overall amplitude, latency, or scalp distribution of the N1, P2, N2, or P300 components of the ERP in either paradigm. The ERP and performance data from both paradigms suggest that perceptual, attentional, and short-term memory processes were unaffected in CFS patients and that the differences were limited to response-related processes.


Source: Scheffers MK, Johnson R Jr, Grafman J, Dale JK, Straus SE. Attention and short-term memory in chronic fatigue syndrome patients: an event-related potential analysis. Neurology. 1992 Sep;42(9):1667-75. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1513453


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Do herbs or homeopathy help?


To determine the effect of certain herbal and homeopathic preparations on symptoms, lymphocyte markers, and cytotoxic function of the lymphocytes in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, we studied six outpatients diagnosed with the disease by their family physicians. Patients were given herbal and homeopathic preparations after a 3-week symptom-recording period. After treatment, symptoms were again recorded. Blood samples were taken before and after treatment. None of the values showed any significant change after treatment.


Source: Leyton E, Pross H. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Do herbs or homeopathy help? Can Fam Physician. 1992 Sep;38:2021-6. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2145466/ (Full article)


Immunological and psychological dysfunction in patients receiving immunotherapy for chronic fatigue syndrome


Associations between immunological and psychological dysfunction in 33 patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) were examined before and in response to treatment in a double blind, placebo-controlled trial of high dose intravenous immunoglobulin. Only those patients who received active immunotherapy demonstrated a consistent pattern of correlations between improvement in depressive symptoms and markers of cell-mediated immunity (CMI).

This finding lends some support to the hypothesis that depressive symptoms in patients with CFS occur secondary to, or share a common pathophysiology with, immunological dysfunction. This pattern and the lack of strong associations between depression and immunological disturbance prior to treatment are less supportive of the view that CFS is primarily a form of depressive disorder or that immunological dysfunction in patients with CFS is secondary to concurrent depression.


Source: Hickie I, Lloyd A, Wakefield D. Immunological and psychological dysfunction in patients receiving immunotherapy for chronic fatigue syndrome. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 1992 Jun;26(2):249-56. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1642616


Culture and somatic experience: the social course of illness in neurasthenia and chronic fatigue syndrome


An anthropological view of culture and somatic experience is presented through elaboration of the notion that illness has a social course. Contemporary anthropology locates culture in local worlds of interpersonal experience. The flow of events and processes in these local worlds influences the waxing and waning of symptoms in a dialectic involving body and society over time.

Conversely, symptoms serve as a medium for the negotiation of interpersonal experience, forming a series of illness-related changes in sufferers’ local worlds. Thus, somatic experience is both created by and creates culture throughout the social course of illness. Findings from empirical research on neurasthenia in China, and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) in the United States, corroborate this formulation. Attributions of illness onset to social sources, the symbolic linking of symptoms to life context, and the alleviation of distress with improvement in circumstances point to the sociosomatic mediation of sickness.

Transformations occasioned by illness in the lives of neurasthenic and CFS patients confirm the significance of bodily distress as a vehicle for the negotiation of change in interpersonal worlds. An indication of some of the challenges anthropological thinking poses for psychosomatic medicine concludes the discussion.


Source: Ware NC, Kleinman A. Culture and somatic experience: the social course of illness in neurasthenia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Psychosom Med. 1992 Sep-Oct;54(5):546-60. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1438658