Background: Chronic fatigue syndrome/Myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) is a disease that affects people of all ages. CFS/ME significantly limits the activity level of those affected, including in relation to physical activity, schooling, occupational life and social life.
High levels of school absence among young people with CFS/ME result in loss of important learning and social development among peers. As such, there is increasing uncertainty about their future, and personal and socio-economic consequences could put them at risk of becoming disabled at a young age. Measurements of health-related quality of life (HRQoL), including being able to function in school, have shown that young people with CFS/ME score lower than their counterparts without CFS/ME.
Aims: The overall aim of this project was to explore HRQoL among young people with CFS/ME, including the factors associated with HRQoL in relation to school and everyday life.
More specifically, the aim was to firstly (Study1) examine HRQoL, including factors that are positively or negatively associated with HRQoL, in a cohort of young people with CFS/ME.
Study 1, along with the previous literature, provided the basis for an in-depth study (Study 2) to investigate the positive and negative factors that young people with CFS/ME experience in school and everyday life.
Based on the findings from Study 1 and Study 2, a third study (Study 3) was planned to explore teachers’, counsellors’ and school nurses’ experiences with educational and social adaptation at school for young people with CFS/ME.
Method: To explore HRQoL and the factors associated with HRQoL among young people with CFS/ME (Studies 1 & 2), a cross-sectional survey- and interview-based study was conducted. The participants of the cross-sectional study were recruited to participate in the interview study.
To explore the experiences of teachers, counsellors and school nurses with education and social adaptions at school for young people with CFS/ME (Study 3), an interview study was conducted with participants recruited among school personnel and school nurses in secondary school (educating students aged 13-16), high school (educating students aged 16-19) and educational psychological services (EPS).
Results: A total of 63 participants were included in the cross-sectional study, 18 of whom participated in the interview study. A total of 12 participants were included in the interview study with the teachers, counsellors and school nurses. In the cross-sectional study (Study 1), young people with CFS/ME scored lower on HRQoL than their counterparts who were healthy or had other chronic diseases. Contact with school and teachers was associated with a higher HRQoL among young people with CFS/ME.
This association could be due to that more contact resulted from adaptations of education and social life at school, or that fewer health problems due to CFS/ME had abled the young people to maintain the contact with school and teachers.
In Study 2, it was found that an adapted plan for education and social life at school for young people with CFS/ME could increase the possibility of continuing schooling with peers. The lack of an adapted plan for education and social life at school could lead to increased school absence as well as loss of education, social contact and development among peers. Subsequently, this could lead to depressive thoughts and worry about the future.
The school personnel and school nurses in Study 3 experienced that young people with CFS/ME lost confidence in school. The challenges experienced by school personnel included (1) understanding students’ needs before they received a diagnosis and before school personnel received information from healthcare providers and (2) maintaining the teacher–student relationship and (3) the continuity of teaching.
In terms of measures for better management, early problematization of school absence, interdisciplinary collaboration on early measures, ensuring the maintenance of the teacher–student relationship and increasing CFS/ME-related competence in schools were proposed. These measures could contribute to prevent loss of function and school absence among young people with CFS/ME.
Conclusion: HRQoL among young people with CFS/ME was associated with contact with school and teachers, but a causal relationship could not be proven.
Interviews with young people with CFS/ME and school personnel suggested that interdisciplinary strategies for early adaptations to education and social life at school for young people with CFS/ME may benefit education and social development among peers for young people with CFS/ME. Lack of educational and social adaptations at school might lead to loss of education, social life and development among peers.
Source: Similä, Wenche Ann. Health-related quality of life in Young People with Chronic fatigue syndrome/ Myalgic encephalomyelitis. Doctoral thesis. https://ntnuopen.ntnu.no/ntnu-xmlui/handle/11250/2991015