Psychological adjustment of adolescent girls with chronic fatigue syndrome


OBJECTIVE: To examine psychosocial problems and adaptation of adolescent girls with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

METHODOLOGY: Thirty-six adolescent girls with CFS (mean age: 15.2 years; mean syndrome duration: 19.7 months) who fulfilled the criteria of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were examined by interviews regarding premorbid problems and by questionnaires regarding psychosocial functioning and distress, psychological attitudes, and coping resources. Data were compared with normative data.

RESULTS: Of the adolescents, 86.1% reported 1 or more premorbid problems (58.3% physical, 38.9% psychological, and 52.8% familial). Normal adjustment was reported for psychosocial self-esteem, social abilities, and attentional abilities. High adjustment to adult social standards of behavior was found, but low perceived competence in specific adolescent domains, such as athletic ability, romance, and participation in recreational activities. The girls reported predominantly internalizing problems. Normal achievement motivation, no debilitating fear of failure, and high internal locus of control were observed. Palliative reaction patterns and optimism were predominantly used as coping strategies.

CONCLUSIONS: The large number of premorbid problems suggests a possible contributing factor to the onset of the syndrome, although there were no reference data of healthy adolescents. In distinct domains of psychosocial adjustment, the adolescent girls with CFS showed strengths such as adequate self-esteem and scholastic and social abilities, and weaknesses such as low competence in adolescent-specific tasks and internalizing distress, which may partly be explained by syndrome-specific somatic complaints. The use of optimistic and palliative reaction patterns as coping strategies in this patient group indicates that the patients with CFS seem to retain an active and positive outlook on life, which may result in a rather adequate psychological adaptation to the syndrome, but also in maintenance of the syndrome by exceeding the physical limits brought about by the CFS. Our results on adjustment and coping strategies may be helpful to implement (individual) rehabilitation programs.


Source: van Middendorp H, Geenen R, Kuis W, Heijnen CJ, Sinnema G. Psychological adjustment of adolescent girls with chronic fatigue syndrome. Pediatrics. 2001 Mar;107(3):E35.


Diagnose and be damned. Corroboration is important when children’s illnesses are diagnosed

EDITOR—Marcovitch’s arguments about treatment of the chronic fatigue syndrome (myalgic encephalomyelitis) in children are illogical.1 He writes of the “hatchet job” performed by Panorama in the programme of 8 November and refers to the Washington Post’s policy that news requires corroboration.

One of the responses to his article, by Wessely [published here, p 1005], states, “contrary to the message of the programme, the management of chronic fatigue syndrome in children is not contentious.”2 In referring to a case reported by Panorama Marcovitch states that “parents’ views and those of the local medical team were in conflict.” Yet the programme made clear that the dispute was between the parents supported by their own medical advisers and the local medical team, so perhaps there is greater disagreement than has been asserted.

Marcovitch discussed at length Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy; Panorama labelled one of the cases of myalgic encephalitis as being a case of this syndrome. No one likes receiving emotional, intemperate outbursts, even from people who think they have been wrongly accused. But what is sauce for the goose is surely sauce for the gander. Even doctors sometimes make mistakes, yet Marcovitch disregards the possibility that parents, knowing themselves innocent, may feel themselves to have been receiving exactly the same type of vituperative attack that he objects to when doctors are on the receiving end. Such allegations turn on fact rather than clinical opinion so should be subject to Marcovitch’s own test of corroboration.

You can read the rest of this comment here:


Source: Pheby D. Diagnose and be damned. Corroboration is important when children’s illnesses are diagnosed. BMJ. 2000 Apr 8;320(7240):1004. (Full article)


Autonomic nervous system dysfunction in adolescents with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome is characterized by attenuated vagal baroreflex and potentiated sympathetic vasomotion


The objective was to determine the nature of autonomic and vasomotor changes in adolescent patients with orthostatic tachycardia associated with the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and the postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).

Continuous electrocardiography and arterial tonometry was used to investigate the heart rate and blood pressure responses before and 3-5 min after head-up tilt in 22 adolescents with POTS and 14 adolescents with CFS, compared with control subjects comprising 10 healthy adolescents and 20 patients with simple faint. Heart rate and blood pressure variability, determined baroreceptor function using transfer function analysis, and measured cardiac vagal and adrenergic autonomic responses were calculated using timed breathing and the quantitative Valsalva maneuver.

Two of 10 healthy controls and 14 of 20 simple faint patients experienced vasovagal syncope during head-up tilt. By design, all CFS and POTS patients experienced orthostatic tachycardia, often associated with hypotension. R-R interval and heart rate variability were decreased in CFS and POTS patients compared with control subjects and remained decreased with head-up tilt. Low-frequency (0.05-0.15 Hz) blood pressure variability reflecting vasomotion was increased in CFS and POTS patients compared with control subjects and increased further with head-up tilt. This was associated with depressed baroreflex transfer indicating baroreceptor attenuation through defective vagal efferent response. Only the sympathetic response remained. Heart rate variability declined progressively from normal healthy control subjects through syncope to POTS to CFS patients. Timed breathing and Valsalva maneuver were most often normal in CFS and POTS patients, although abnormalities in select individuals were found.

Heart rate and blood pressure regulation in POTS and CFS patients are similar and indicate attenuated efferent vagal baroreflex associated with increased vasomotor tone. Loss of beat-to-beat heart rate control may contribute to a destabilized blood pressure resulting in orthostatic intolerance. The dysautonomia of orthostatic intolerance in POTS and in chronic fatigue are similar.


Source: Stewart JM. Autonomic nervous system dysfunction in adolescents with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome is characterized by attenuated vagal baroreflex and potentiated sympathetic vasomotion. Pediatr Res. 2000 Aug;48(2):218-26.


Personality in adolescents with chronic fatigue syndrome


Our aim was to study the presence of personality traits and disorder in adolescents with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). Personality was then compared to other measures of functioning such as presence of psychiatric disorder and rating on the Child Behavior Checklist 4-18 (CBCL) and in relation to CFS outcome.

Twenty-five adolescents with CFS followed-up after contacts with tertiary paediatric/psychiatric clinics were compared with 15 matched healthy controls. Interviews and questionnaires from parents and youngsters included Personality Assessment Schedule (PAS), Kiddie-SADS Psychiatric Interview, Child Behavior Checklist. CFS subjects were significantly more likely than controls to have personality difficulty or disorder.

Personality features significantly more common amongst them were conscientiousness, vulnerability, worthlessness and emotional lability. There was a nonsignificant association between personality disorder and worse CFS outcome. Personality difficulty or disorder was significantly associated with psychological symptoms and decreased social competence on the CBCL but it was distinguishable from episodic psychiatric disorder. Personality difficulty and disorder are increased in adolescents with a history of CFS. Personality disorder may be linked to poor CFS outcome.


Source: Rangel L, Garralda E, Levin M, Roberts H. Personality in adolescents with chronic fatigue syndrome. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2000 Mar;9(1):39-45.


Chronic fatigue syndrome in childhood


Chronic fatigue occurring in previously healthy children and adolescents is one of the most vexing problems encountered by pediatric practitioners.

We report three cases, 11, 12 and 13-year-old children, with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). They initially developed a low grade fever and generalized fatigue, followed by sleep disturbance and psychosomatic symptoms, and their performance ability deteriorated. They were diagnosed as having CFS on the basis of criteria.

To investigate the brain function in CFS patients, we examined the regional cerebral blood flow by single-photon emission-computed tomography (SPECT) with 111 MBq [123I]-iodoamphetamine (123I-IMP) or xenon-computed tomography (Xe-CT), and brain metabolic levels by MR spectroscopy (MRS).

Blood flow, expressed as the corticocerebellar ratio (CCR), in the left temporal and occipital lobes was markedly lower in cases 2 and 3 than that in healthy subjects reported by another investigator. In case 1, however, blood flow in the left basal ganglia and thalamus was markedly higher than in healthy subjects. The MR spectroscopy (MRS) study revealed remarkable elevation of the choline/creatine ratio in the patients with CFS. None of our patients exhibited evidence of focal structural abnormalities on MRI.

These findings suggest that the various clinical symptoms in CFS patients may be closely related to an abnormal brain function.


Source: Tomoda A, Miike T, Yamada E, Honda H, Moroi T, Ogawa M, Ohtani Y, Morishita S. Chronic fatigue syndrome in childhood. Brain Dev. 2000 Jan;22(1):60-4.


The course of severe chronic fatigue syndrome in childhood


Little has been reported on prognostic indicators in children with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). We used interviews with children and parents, a mean of 45.5 months after illness onset, to follow up 25 cases of CFS referred to tertiary paediatric psychiatric clinics. At its worst, the illness had been markedly handicapping (prolonged bed-rest and school absence in two-thirds); mean time out of school was one academic year. Two-thirds, however, had recovered and resumed normal activities–mean duration of illness to recovery/assessment 38 months–and none had developed other medical conditions. Recovery was associated with specific physical triggers to the illness, with start of illness in the autumn school term and with higher socioeconomic status. Severe fatigue states in children can cause serious and longlasting handicap but most children recover.

Comment in: Chronic fatigue syndrome in mother and child. [J R Soc Med. 2000]


Source: Rangel L, Garralda ME, Levin M, Roberts H. The course of severe chronic fatigue syndrome in childhood. J R Soc Med. 2000 Mar;93(3):129-34. (Full article)


Psychiatric adjustment in adolescents with a history of chronic fatigue syndrome


OBJECTIVE: To ascertain psychiatric adjustment in youngsters with a history of childhood chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

METHOD: Subjects were 25 children and adolescents with CFS who were seen in tertiary pediatric/psychiatric clinics (mean age 15.6 years, seen a mean of 45.5 months after illness onset; 17 subjects had recovered and 8 were still ill) and 15 healthy matched controls. Youngsters and their parents (usually mothers) were interviewed and completed questionnaires. Instruments used included the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children (K-SADS), the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), and the Harter Self-Esteem Questionnaire.

RESULTS: At assessment, psychiatric disorders (mainly anxiety and depressive disorders) were present in half the subjects with a history of CFS, a rate significantly higher than in healthy controls. On the CBCL youngsters with a history of CFS had an excess of psychological symptoms and decreased social competence. On the Harter Self-Esteem Questionnaire they reported reduced self-esteem, especially in social competence. Anxiety disorders were significantly more common in recovered subjects than in those with active CFS illness status.

CONCLUSIONS: Psychiatric disorders were found to be increased in adolescents with a history of severe CFS; CFS may enhance the risk for or share common predisposing factors with anxiety disorders.

Comment in: Chronic fatigue syndrome. [J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2000]


Source: Garralda E, Rangel L, Levin M, Roberts H, Ukoumunne O. Psychiatric adjustment in adolescents with a history of chronic fatigue syndrome. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1999 Dec;38(12):1515-21.


Syncope: etiology, management, and when to refer


An abnormality of blood pressure control is by far the most likely cause of syncope in children; however, syncope in children may be due to primary cardiac dysrhythmias, particularly in the presence of structural heart disease. An appropriate work-up should include an ECG with a 60-second rhythm strip at first presentation. Tilt testing can usually wait until after a second occurrence on non-pharmacologic therapy. Patients who require more than a history and ECG by the algorithm in the Figure should probably be referred to a cardiologist familiar with the evaluation of syncope. The common form of neurally mediated syncope is also probably related to both breath-holding spells in toddlers, and to many of the cases of chronic fatigue syndrome.


Source: Saul JP. Syncope: etiology, management, and when to refer. J S C Med Assoc. 1999 Oct;95(10):385-7.


Review of juvenile primary fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome


This article reviews the current literature on childhood fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. In doing so, it questions assumptions about the presumed nature of the disorders-that they are distinct from each other and are duplicates of their adult counterparts. It also attempts to synthesize the available data to reach some preliminary judgments about these disorders: that fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome may be related in children and may not be duplicates of the adult disorders; that psychological and psychosocial factors are unlikely contributors to the etiology of these disorders; and that the evidence is increasingly pointing to a role for genetic factors in their etiology. A discussion of the research into treatments for childhood fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome highlights the lack of well-designed, controlled studies. Finally, directions for future research are offered where results of the current literature are unclear.


Source: Breau LM, McGrath PJ, Ju LH. Review of juvenile primary fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 1999 Aug;20(4):278-88.


The effects on siblings in families with a child with chronic fatigue syndrome


Paediatric CFS/ME is a stressor, which affects not only the sufferer but also the whole family. The sibling bond exerts a great influence on all the children in the family. Healthy siblings are often overlooked as attention is focused on the child with CFS/ME or other chronic illness. Individual children react in different ways to serious illness in another sibling by adopting a variety of coping mechanisms. There is a need for health and education professionals to consider the whole family when caring for and working with a child with CFS/ME.


Source: Jackson EL. The effects on siblings in families with a child with chronic fatigue syndrome. J Child Health Care. 1999 Summer;3(2):27-32.