Hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis dysfunction in chronic fatigue syndrome, and the effects of low-dose hydrocortisone therapy


These neuroendocrine studies were part of a series of studies testing the hypotheses that 1) there may be reduced activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in chronic fatigue syndrome and 2) low-dose augmentation with hydrocortisone therapy would improve the core symptoms.

We measured ACTH and cortisol responses to human CRH, the insulin stress test, and D-fenfluramine in 37 medication-free patients with CDC-defined chronic fatigue syndrome but no comorbid psychiatric disorders and 28 healthy controls. We also measured 24-h urinary free cortisol in both groups. All patients (n = 37) had a pituitary challenge test (human CRH) and a hypothalamic challenge test [either the insulin stress test (n = 16) or D-fenfluramine (n = 21)].

Baseline cortisol concentrations were significantly raised in the chronic fatigue syndrome group for the human CRH test only. Baseline ACTH concentrations did not differ between groups for any test. ACTH responses to human CRH, the insulin stress test, and D- fenfluramine were similar for patient and control groups. Cortisol responses to the insulin stress test did not differ between groups, but there was a trend for cortisol responses both to human CRH and D-fenfluramine to be lower in the chronic fatigue syndrome group. These differences were significant when ACTH responses were controlled. Urinary free cortisol levels were lower in the chronic fatigue syndrome group compared with the healthy group.

These results indicate that ACTH responses to pituitary and hypothalamic challenges are intact in chronic fatigue syndrome and do not support previous findings of reduced central responses in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function or the hypothesis of abnormal CRH secretion in chronic fatigue syndrome. These data further suggest that the hypocortisolism found in chronic fatigue syndrome may be secondary to reduced adrenal gland output.

Thirty-two patients were treated with a low-dose hydrocortisone regime in a double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over design, with 28 days on each treatment. They underwent repeated 24-h urinary free cortisol collections, a human CRH test, and an insulin stress test after both active and placebo arms of treatment. Looking at all subjects, 24-h urinary free cortisol was higher after active compared with placebo treatments, but 0900-h cortisol levels and the ACTH and cortisol responses to human CRH and the insulin stress test did not differ.

However, a differential effect was seen in those patients who responded to active treatment (defined as a reduction in fatigue score to the median population level or less). In this group, there was a significant increase in the cortisol response to human CRH, which reversed the previously observed blunted responses seen in these patients.

We conclude that the improvement in fatigue seen in some patients with chronic fatigue syndrome during hydrocortisone treatment is accompanied by a reversal of the blunted cortisol responses to human CRH.


Source: Cleare AJ, Miell J, Heap E, Sookdeo S, Young L, Malhi GS, O’Keane V. Hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis dysfunction in chronic fatigue syndrome, and the effects of low-dose hydrocortisone therapy. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2001 Aug;86(8):3545-54. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11502777


Plasma leptin in chronic fatigue syndrome and a placebo-controlled study of the effects of low-dose hydrocortisone on leptin secretion


OBJECTIVE: Previous studies have suggested that chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is associated with changes in appetite and weight, and also with mild hypocortisolism. Because both of these features may be related to leptin metabolism, we undertook a study of leptin in CFS.

DESIGN: (i) A comparison of morning leptin concentration in patients with CFS and controls and (ii) a randomized, placebo-controlled crossover study of the effects of hydrocortisone on leptin levels in CFS.

PATIENTS: Thirty-two medication free patients with CFS but not comorbid depression or anxiety. Thirty-two age, gender, weight, body mass index and menstrual cycle matched volunteer subjects acted as controls.

MEASUREMENTS: We measured basal 0900 h plasma leptin levels in patients and controls. All 32 patients were taking part in a randomized, placebo-controlled crossover trial of low dose (5 or 10 mg) hydrocortisone as a potential therapy for CFS. We measured plasma leptin after 28 days treatment with hydrocortisone and after 28 days treatment with placebo.

RESULTS: At baseline, there was no significant difference in plasma leptin between patients [mean 13.8, median 7.4, interquartile range (IQR) 18.0 ng/ml] and controls (mean 10.2, median 5.5, IQR 11.3 ng/ml). Hydrocortisone treatment, for both doses combined, caused a significant increase in leptin levels compared to placebo. When the two doses were analysed separately, only 10 mg was associated with a significant effect on leptin levels. We also compared the hydrocortisone induced increase in leptin between those who were deemed treatment-responders and those deemed nonresponders. Responders showed a significantly greater hydrocortisone-induced rise in leptin than nonresponders. This association between a clinical response to hydrocortisone and a greater rise in leptin levels may indicate a greater biological effect of hydrocortisone in these subjects, perhaps due to increased glucocorticoid receptor sensitivity, which may be present in some patients with CFS.

CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that, while we found no evidence of alterations in leptin levels in CFS, low dose hydrocortisone therapy caused increases in plasma leptin levels, with this biological response being more marked in those CFS subjects who showed a positive therapeutic response to hydrocortisone therapy. Increases in plasma leptin levels following low dose hydrocortisone therapy may be a marker of pretreatment physiological hypocortisolism and of response to therapy.


Source: Cleare AJ, O’Keane V, Miell J. Plasma leptin in chronic fatigue syndrome and a placebo-controlled study of the effects of low-dose hydrocortisone on leptin secretion. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2001 Jul;55(1):113-9. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11453960


A small, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of the use of antiviral therapy for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome

Comment on: Editorial response: microbial persistence and idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. [Clin Infect Dis. 1999]


SIR—We have presented controlled and observational data that are consistent with the hypothesis that subsets of cases of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) result from cardiac disease due to a single, persisting infection caused by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) or, in turn, to a single, persisting infection caused by human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) in immunocompetent patients [1]. Patients who have a separate subset of CFS have simultaneous coinfection with EBV and HCMV. Cardiomyopathic changes are observed in right ventricular endomyocardial biopsy specimens obtained from such patients, and abnormal findings on Holter monitoring (e.g., oscillating abnormal T-wave flattenings and T-wave inversions) are “uniformly” present [2–4]. Left ventricular dysfunction is manifested by sinus tachycardia at rest, abnormal cardiac-wall motion, and decreased left ventricular ejection fractions (rest/stress) in those patients with CFS who are most ill [5]. These findings belie the relatively normal findings observed on standard 12-lead electrocardiograms [6].

In January 1995, a double-blinded, placebo-controlled, phase III crossover study of patients with CFS was initiated. Eleven patients who had CFS (10 of whom were women) were each followed for 18 consecutive months. The mean patient age was 42.7 years, and the mean duration of CFS was 35.1 months. Before antiviral nucleosides were administered, endomyocardial biopsies were performed. Cardiac tissues and blood samples tested negative for isolation of HCMV in cultures of human fibroblast tissues. Two cardiac biopsy specimens that were obtained from patients who had CFS tested positive for HCMV nucleic acids by means of PCR. No cardiac specimen that was obtained from a patient with CFS tested positive for EBV nucleic acids. (Cardiac tissue samples that were obtained from 4 of 21 control patients who had coronary artery disease but who did not have CFS also tested positive for HCMV nucleic acids.) Cardiomyopathic degenerative findings (e.g., myofiber disarray, interstitial fibrosis, increased intracellular granules, and interstitial fat) were noted in patients who had CFS. One patient who had CFS had myocarditis with focal lymphocytic infiltrates.

You can read the rest of this article here: http://cid.oxfordjournals.org/content/32/11/1657.long


Source: Lerner AM, Zervos M, Chang CH, Beqaj S, Goldstein J, O’Neill W, Dworkin H, Fitgerald T, Deeter RG. A small, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of the use of antiviral therapy for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Clin Infect Dis. 2001 Jun 1;32(11):1657-8. http://cid.oxfordjournals.org/content/32/11/1657.long (Full article)


Randomised controlled trial of patient education to encourage graded exercise in chronic fatigue syndrome


OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy of an educational intervention explaining symptoms to encourage graded exercise in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.

DESIGN: Randomised controlled trial.

SETTING: Chronic fatigue clinic and infectious diseases outpatient clinic.

SUBJECTS: 148 consecutively referred patients fulfilling Oxford criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome.

INTERVENTIONS: Patients randomised to the control group received standardised medical care. Patients randomised to intervention received two individual treatment sessions and two telephone follow up calls, supported by a comprehensive educational pack, describing the role of disrupted physiological regulation in fatigue symptoms and encouraging home based graded exercise. The minimum intervention group had no further treatment, but the telephone intervention group received an additional seven follow up calls and the maximum intervention group an additional seven face to face sessions over four months.

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: A score of >/=25 or an increase of >/=10 on the SF-36 physical functioning subscale (range 10 to 30) 12 months after randomisation.

RESULTS: 21 patients dropped out, mainly from the intervention groups. Intention to treat analysis showed 79 (69%) of patients in the intervention groups achieved a satisfactory outcome in physical functioning compared with two (6%) of controls, who received standardised medical care (P<0.0001). Similar improvements were observed in fatigue, sleep, disability, and mood. No significant differences were found between the three intervention groups.

CONCLUSIONS: Treatment incorporating evidence based physiological explanations for symptoms was effective in encouraging self managed graded exercise. This resulted in substantial improvement compared with standardised medical care.

Comment in:

Patient education to encourage graded exercise in chronic fatigue syndrome. Trial has too many shortcomings. [BMJ. 2001]

ACP J Club. 2001 Sep-Oct;135(2):46.


Source: Powell P, Bentall RP, Nye FJ, Edwards RH. Randomised controlled trial of patient education to encourage graded exercise in chronic fatigue syndrome. BMJ. 2001 Feb 17;322(7283):387-90. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC26565/ (Full article)

Fludrocortisone acetate to treat neurally mediated hypotension in chronic fatigue syndrome: a randomized controlled trial


CONTEXT: Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) are more likely than healthy persons to develop neurally mediated hypotension (NMH) in response to prolonged orthostatic stress.

OBJECTIVE: To examine the efficacy of fludrocortisone acetate as monotherapy for adults with both CFS and NMH.

DESIGN: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial conducted between March 1996 and February 1999.

SETTING: Two tertiary referral centers in the United States.

PATIENTS: One hundred individuals aged 18 to 50 years who satisfied Centers for Disease Control and Prevention criteria for CFS and had NMH provoked during a 2-stage tilt-table test. Eighty-three subjects had adequate outcome data to assess efficacy.

INTERVENTION: Subjects were randomly assigned to receive fludrocortisone acetate, titrated to 0.1 mg/d (n = 50) or matching placebo (n = 50) for 9 weeks, followed by 2 weeks of observation after discontinuation of therapy.

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Proportion of subjects in each group with at least a 15-point improvement on a 100-point global wellness scale.

RESULTS: Baseline demographic and illness characteristics between the groups were similar; CFS had been present for at least 3 years in 71%. Using an intention-to-treat analysis, 7 subjects (14%) treated with fludrocortisone experienced at least a 15-point improvement in their wellness scores compared with 5 (10%) among placebo recipients (P =.76). No differences were observed in several other symptom scores or in the proportion with normal follow-up tilt test results at the end of the treatment period.

CONCLUSIONS: In our study of adults with CFS, fludrocortisone as monotherapy for NMH was no more efficacious than placebo for amelioration of symptoms. Failure to identify symptomatic improvement with fludrocortisone does not disprove the hypothesis that NMH could be contributing to some of the symptoms of CFS. Further studies are needed to determine whether other medications or combination therapy are more effective in treating orthostatic intolerance in patients with CFS.

Comment in:

Orthostatic hypotension and chronic fatigue syndrome. [JAMA. 2001]

Orthostatic hypotension and chronic fatigue syndrome. [JAMA. 2001]

Orthostatic hypotension and chronic fatigue syndrome. [JAMA. 2001]


Source: Rowe PC, Calkins H, DeBusk K, McKenzie R, Anand R, Sharma G, Cuccherini BA, Soto N, Hohman P, Snader S, Lucas KE, Wolff M, Straus SE. Fludrocortisone acetate to treat neurally mediated hypotension in chronic fatigue syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2001 Jan 3;285(1):52-9. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11150109


A randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial of moclobemide in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome


BACKGROUND: Chronic fatigue syndrome is characterized by prolonged and disabling fatigue and a range of neuropsychiatric symptoms including depressed and/or irritable mood. To date, no medical or psychotropic therapies have provided clear symptomatic benefit.

METHOD: Ninety patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, diagnosed with our system that approximates CDC criteria, participated in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial of 450 to 600 mg/day of moclobemide, a novel reversible inhibitor of monoamine oxidase-A.

RESULTS: Fifty-one percent (24/47) of patients receiving moclobemide improved compared with 33% (14/43) of patients receiving placebo (odds ratio = 2.16, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.9 to 5.1). Drug response was best characterized symptomatically by an increase in the subjective sense of vigor and energy rather than a reduction in depressed mood. The effect of moclobemide on subjective energy was detectable within the first 2 weeks of treatment and increased across the course of the study. The greatest reduction in clinician-rated disability was in patients with concurrent immunologic dysfunction (mean difference in standardized units of improvement = 0.8, 95% CI = 0.03 to 1.6).

CONCLUSION: Moclobemide produces some improvement in key symptoms experienced by patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. This effect is not dependent on the presence of concurrent psychological distress and is likely to be shared with other monoamine oxidase inhibitors.


Source: Hickie IB, Wilson AJ, Wright JM, Bennett BK, Wakefield D, Lloyd AR. A randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial of moclobemide in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. J Clin Psychiatry. 2000 Sep;61(9):643-8. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11030484


Treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome with 5-HT3 receptor antagonists–preliminary results


OBJECTIVE: The serotonin system presumably is involved in the pathogenesis of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Results from a few studies led to the hypothesis of a “postsynaptic hyperresponsiveness” in CFS. Therefore we intended to evaluate the efficacy of 5-HT3 receptor antagonists in the treatment of CFS.

PATIENTS AND METHODS: 2 patient groups (10 patients each; CFS according to the CDC classification criteria) received either oral tropisetron (5 mg once daily) or oral ondansetron (2 x 8 mg daily), open-labelled. Treatment duration was 15 days. Treatment response was evaluated by visual analog scales (VAS) for fatigue and capability.

RESULTS: 19 patients finished their respective study. In the tropisetron group 6/9 (VAS fatigue) and 7/9 (VAS capability) patients documented benefit, 8/10 rsp. 8/10 patients in the ondansetron group. The score changes (VAS before and after treatment) in case of response were more pronounced in the tropisetron group. The frequency of concomitant symptoms did not differ significantly in the treatment groups. The overall analysis of both studies showed a remarkable improvement (> or = 35%) of approximately one third of the patients in both VAS. Treatment was well tolerated.

CONCLUSION: Our preliminary results encourage to perform placebo-controlled, double-blind studies to further evaluate the efficacy of 5-HT3 receptor antagonists in the treatment of CFS.

Source: Späth M, Welzel D, Färber L. Treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome with 5-HT3 receptor antagonists–preliminary results. Scand J Rheumatol Suppl. 2000;113:72-7. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11028837

Decreased bone mineral density during low dose glucocorticoid administration in a randomized, placebo controlled trial


OBJECTIVE: While osteoporosis and bone fractures are clearly recognized side effects of high dose glucocorticoids, the effect of low dose glucocorticoids remains controversial. We investigated the effect of 3 months of low dose hydrocortisone on bone mineral density (BMD).

METHODS: Subjects, 18 to 55 years old with chronic fatigue syndrome and no medical or psychiatric illness requiring medication, were randomized in a double blind, placebo controlled trial to receive oral hydrocortisone, 13 mg/m2 body surface area every morning and 3 mg/m2 every afternoon (25 to 35 mg/day, equivalent to about 7.5 mg prednisone/day) or placebo for 12 weeks. Before and after treatment BMD of the lumbar spine was measured by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry.

RESULTS: We studied 23 subjects (19 women, 4 men). For the 11 hydrocortisone recipients there was a mean decrease in BMD: mean change from baseline of the lateral spine was -2.0% (95% CI -3.5 to -0.6. p = 0.03) and mean change of the anteroposterior spine was -0.8% (95% CI -1.5 to -0.1, p = 0.06). Corresponding changes for the 12 placebo recipients were +1.0% (95% CI -1.0 to 3.0, p = 0.34) and +0.2% (95% CI -1.4 to 1.5, p = 0.76).

CONCLUSION: A 12 week course of low dose glucocorticoids given to ambulatory subjects with chronic fatigue syndrome was associated with a decrease in BMD of the lumbar spine. This decrease was statistically significant in lateral spine measurements and nearly so in anteroposterior spine measurements.


Source: McKenzie R, Reynolds JC, O’Fallon A, Dale J, Deloria M, Blackwelder W, Straus SE. Decreased bone mineral density during low dose glucocorticoid administration in a randomized, placebo controlled trial. J Rheumatol. 2000 Sep;27(9):2222-6. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10990237


Effect of growth hormone treatment in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome: a preliminary study


The efficacy of growth hormone (GH) therapy was evaluated in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) who had peak serum GH levels below 10 microg/l during stage-controlled sleep. Twenty patients (7 men, 13 women; age range, 30-60 years) with CFS were randomized to receive placebo or GH therapy, 6.7 microg/kg/day (0.02 IU/kg/day), for 12 weeks.

Following this double-blind treatment period, the 17 patients remaining in the study were given GH therapy at the above dose for an open period of 9 months. Mean (+/- SD) serum levels of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) increased during GH treatment, from 173 +/- 46 microg/I to 296 +/- 89 microg/l (P < 0.001); IGF-I SDS values increased from -0.45 +/- 1.14 to +1.43 +/- 1.09 (P < 0.001).

Fat-free mass and total body water were significantly increased after 12 months of treatment. Although quality of life, as assessed using two different questionnaires, did not improve significantly during GH treatment, four patients were able to resume work after a long period of sick leave.


Source: Moorkens G, Wynants H, Abs R. Effect of growth hormone treatment in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome: a preliminary study. Growth Horm IGF Res. 1998 Apr;8 Suppl B:131-3. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10990148


Effects of staphylococcus toxoid vaccine on pain and fatigue in patients with fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome


Positive results of pilot studies of the effect of staphylococcus toxoid vaccine in patients with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome were the incitement to the present, placebo-controlled study. It included 28 patients who fulfilled the criteria for both fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

The effect of vaccination with a staphylococcus toxoid was compared with the effect of injections of sterile water. Psychometric assessment was made using 15 items from the comprehensive psychopathological rating scale (CPRS), Zung’s self-rating depression scale and clinical global impressions (CGI). The visual analogue scale (VAS) was used to measure pain levels, and a hand-held electronic pressure algometer was used to measure pressure pain thresholds.

Significant improvement was seen in seven of the 15 CPRS items in the vaccine group when pretreatment values were compared to post-treatment values. In CPRS <<fatiguability>>, there were significant intergroup differences, and in CPRS <<pain>> intergroup differences bordered on significance. There was no significant improvement in CPRS items in the placebo group.

Clinical global impressions showed significant improvement in the vaccine-treated group, and VAS did so in both groups. In a follow-up study of 23 patients, the vaccine treatment was continued for 2-6 years. Fifty percent were rehabilitated successfully and resumed half-time or full-time work. The results of this study support the authors>> hypothesis that treatment with staphylococcus toxoid may be a fruitful strategy in patients with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Copyright 1998 European Federation of Chapters of the International Association for the Study of Pain.


Source: Andersson M, Bagby JR, Dyrehag L, Gottfries C. Effects of staphylococcus toxoid vaccine on pain and fatigue in patients with fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome. Eur J Pain. 1998;2(2):133-142. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10700309