An investigation of the long-term benefits of antidepressant medication in the recovery of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome


Two hundred and seventy-five patients fulfilling the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) criteria for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) completed measures assessing illness history, global ratings of well being, sleep, activity and psychopathology at baseline, 6 months, 18 months and 3 year follow-up. Forty-nine of these patients had been prescribed antidepressant medication, namely Tricyclic drugs or Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors (SSRI).

Data from the current study suggests that patients in the antidepressant medication group recover at a faster rate over time when compared to the untreated patient sample. In addition, the positive effects of antidepressant therapy are maintained at the 3-year follow-up point. It appears from these data that the SSRI in particular are responsible for improvements in the condition. Most importantly, these improvements include a reduction in the levels of fatigue recorded by patients. These findings have not been demonstrated in previous studies of the effect of antidepressant therapy for patients with this illness and this may reflect the short time periods studied in the earlier research.


Source: Thomas MA, Smith AP. An investigation of the long-term benefits of antidepressant medication in the recovery of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Hum Psychopharmacol. 2006 Dec;21(8):503-9.


Effects of staphylococcus toxoid vaccine on pain and fatigue in patients with fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome


Positive results of pilot studies of the effect of staphylococcus toxoid vaccine in patients with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome were the incitement to the present, placebo-controlled study. It included 28 patients who fulfilled the criteria for both fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

The effect of vaccination with a staphylococcus toxoid was compared with the effect of injections of sterile water. Psychometric assessment was made using 15 items from the comprehensive psychopathological rating scale (CPRS), Zung’s self-rating depression scale and clinical global impressions (CGI). The visual analogue scale (VAS) was used to measure pain levels, and a hand-held electronic pressure algometer was used to measure pressure pain thresholds.

Significant improvement was seen in seven of the 15 CPRS items in the vaccine group when pretreatment values were compared to post-treatment values. In CPRS <<fatiguability>>, there were significant intergroup differences, and in CPRS <<pain>> intergroup differences bordered on significance. There was no significant improvement in CPRS items in the placebo group.

Clinical global impressions showed significant improvement in the vaccine-treated group, and VAS did so in both groups. In a follow-up study of 23 patients, the vaccine treatment was continued for 2-6 years. Fifty percent were rehabilitated successfully and resumed half-time or full-time work. The results of this study support the authors>> hypothesis that treatment with staphylococcus toxoid may be a fruitful strategy in patients with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Copyright 1998 European Federation of Chapters of the International Association for the Study of Pain.


Source: Andersson M, Bagby JR, Dyrehag L, Gottfries C. Effects of staphylococcus toxoid vaccine on pain and fatigue in patients with fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome. Eur J Pain. 1998;2(2):133-142.


Influence of patients’ expectations on disease

EDITOR,-Michael Loudon continues the debate about the contribution of psychological factors to the development of the chronic fatigue syndrome and the influence of patients’ expectations on the prognosis.

I developed glandular fever over a year ago. For three months earlier this year I had considerable but variable difficulty in getting out of bed in the morning, muscle “woodenness” all over, and wobbly legs in association with a still positive PaulBunnell test. Normal activities have not been a problem for some time now, but I am still struggling to resume sporting activities at something like my previous level.

Why do we seek to make general statements? It is so easy to illustrate the futility of trying to generalise. For example, the teenage son of one of my colleagues on the nursing staff at our hospice died of hepatitis arising from the early stages of glandular fever, despite his transfer to a liver unit. By contrast, I had a normal appetite from the beginning of my illness and no abdominal tenderness. If this lad died of hepatitis and I had no hepatitis at all, does anyone suggest that he did not have a helpful attitude to his illness, while I did to mine? I think not. Why not? Because when we understand and can measure we accept that there is a range of organically based illness.

Surely the reason why there is scepticism about whether the chronic fatigue syndrome has an organic basis is because of the implications for long term absenteeism from work as well as the cost to the country in benefits.

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Source: Ife S. Influence of patients’ expectations on disease. BMJ. 1994 Oct 29;309(6962):1160-1.