Transcranial direct current stimulation for post-COVID fatigue: a randomized, double-blind, controlled pilot study


Fatigue is one of the most frequent and disabling symptoms of the post-COVID syndrome. In this study, we aimed to assess the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on fatigue severity in a group of patients with post-COVID syndrome and chronic fatigue.

We conducted a double-blind, parallel-group, sham-controlled study to evaluate the short-term effects of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (2 mA, 20 min/day) on the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. The modified fatigue impact scale score was used as the primary endpoint. Secondary endpoints included cognition (Stroop test), depressive symptoms (Beck depression inventory) and quality of life (EuroQol-5D).

Patients received eight sessions of transcranial direct current stimulation and were evaluated at baseline, immediately after the last session, and one month later. Forty-seven patients were enrolled (23 in the active treatment group and 24 in the sham treatment group); the mean age was 45.66 ± 9.49 years, and 37 (78.72%) were women. The mean progression time since the acute infection was 20.68 ± 6.34 months.

Active transcranial direct current stimulation was associated with a statistically significant improvement in physical fatigue at the end of treatment and 1 month as compared with sham stimulation. No significant effect was detected for cognitive fatigue.

In terms of secondary outcomes, active transcranial direct current stimulation was associated with an improvement in depressive symptoms at the end of treatment. The treatment had no effects on the quality of life. All the adverse events reported were mild and transient, with no differences between the active stimulation and sham stimulation groups.

In conclusion, our results suggest that transcranial direct current stimulation on the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex may improve physical fatigue. Further studies are needed to confirm these findings and optimize stimulation protocols.

Source: Oliver-Mas S, Delgado-Alonso C, Delgado-Álvarez A, Díez-Cirarda M, Cuevas C, Fernández-Romero L, Matias-Guiu A, Valles-Salgado M, Gil-Martínez L, Gil-Moreno MJ, Yus M, Matias-Guiu J, Matias-Guiu JA. Transcranial direct current stimulation for post-COVID fatigue: a randomized, double-blind, controlled pilot study. Brain Commun. 2023 Apr 10;5(2):fcad117. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcad117. PMID: 37091591; PMCID: PMC10116605. (Full text)

Neurocognitive and psychiatric symptoms following infection with COVID-19: Evidence from laboratory and population studies


Objective: The objective of the current investigation was to examine associations between symptomatic COVID-19 history, neurocognitive function, and psychiatric symptoms using cognitive task performance, functional brain imaging, and a prospective population survey.

Methods: Study 1 was a laboratory study conducted between 3 May 2022 and 16 Nov 2022 involving 120 fully vaccinated community dwelling adults between 18 and 84 years of age (Mage = 31.96 (SD = 20.71), 63.3% female). In this cross-sectional study we examined the association between symptomatic COVID-19 infection history and performance on three computer tasks assessing cognitive function (Flanker interference, delay discounting and simple reaction time) and measured oxygen saturation within the prefrontal cortex using functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). Study 2 was a 2-wave population survey undertaken between 28 September 2021 and 21 March 2022, examining the prospective relationship between symptomatic COVID-19 and self-reported symptoms of cognitive dysfunction, depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, and agitation at 6-month follow up. The sample (N = 2,002, M age = 37.0, SD = 10.4; 60.8% female) was collected using a quota process to ensure equal numbers of vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. Structural equation modelling with latent variables was performed on the population-level data, evaluating the fit of the proposed mediational model of symptomatic COVID-19 to psychiatric symptoms through cognitive dysfunction.

Results: Findings from Study 1 revealed significant effects of symptomatic COVID-19 history on Flanker interference and delay discounting. Effects on flanker performance were significantly stronger among older adult women (effect: 9.603, SE = 4.452, t = 2.157, p = .033), and were accompanied by task-related changes cerebral oxygenation at the right superior frontal gyrus (F (1, 143.1) = 4.729, p = .031). Additionally, those with a symptomatic COVID-19 infection history showed evidence of amplified delay discounting (coefficient = 0.4554, SE = 0.2208, t = 2.0629, p = .041). In Study 2, baseline symptomatic COVID-19 history was associated with self-reported cognitive dysfunction and a latent variable reflecting psychiatric symptoms of anxiety, depression and agitation at follow-up. Mediational analyses revealed evidence of cognitive mediation of clinically significant psychiatric outcomes: depression (indirect effect = 0.077, SE = 0.026, p = .003) and generalized anxiety (indirect effect = 0.060, SE = 0.021, p = .004).

Conclusions: Converging findings from laboratory and population survey data support the conclusion that symptomatic COVID-19 infection is associated with task-related, functional imaging and self-reported indices of cognitive dysfunction as well as psychiatric symptoms. In some cases, these findings appear to be more amplified among women than men, and among older women than younger.

Source: Hall PA, Ayaz H, Meng G, Hudson A, Sakib MN, Quah ACK, Agar TK, Lee JA, Boudreau C, Fong GT. Neurocognitive and psychiatric symptoms following infection with COVID-19: Evidence from laboratory and population studies. Brain Behav Immun Health. 2023 Mar;28:100595. doi: 10.1016/j.bbih.2023.100595. Epub 2023 Jan 24. PMID: 36713476; PMCID: PMC9870612. (Full study)

Stuttering-Like Dysfluencies as a Consequence of Long COVID-19


Purpose: We present two patients who developed neurogenic stuttering after long COVID-19 related to SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Methods and results: Both patients experienced both physical (e.g., fatigue) and cognitive difficulties, which led to impaired function of attention, lexical retrieval, and memory consolidation. Both patients had new-onset stuttering-like speech dysfluencies: Blocks and repetitions were especially evident at the initial part of words and sentences, sometimes accompanied by effortful and associated movements (e.g., facial grimaces and oro-facial movements). Neuropsychological evaluations confirmed the presence of difficulties in cognitive tasks, while neurophysiological evaluations (i.e., electroencephalography) suggested the presence of “slowed” patterns of brain activity. Neurogenic stuttering and cognitive difficulties were evident for 4-5 months after negativization of SARS-CoV-2 nasopharyngeal swab, with gradual improvement and near-to-complete recovery.

Conclusions: It is now evident that SARS-CoV-2 infection may significantly involve the central nervous system, also resulting in severe and long-term consequences, even if the precise mechanisms are still unknown. In the present report, long COVID-19 resulted in neurogenic stuttering, as the likely consequence of a “slowed” metabolism of (pre)frontal and sensorimotor brain regions (as suggested by the present and previous clinical evidence). As a consequence, the pathophysiological mechanisms related to the appearance of neurogenic stuttering have been hypothesized, which help to better understand the broader and possible neurological consequences of COVID-19.

Source: Furlanis G, Busan P, Formaggio E, Menichelli A, Lunardelli A, Ajcevic M, Pesavento V, Manganotti P. Stuttering-Like Dysfluencies as a Consequence of Long COVID-19. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2023 Feb 7:1-16. doi: 10.1044/2022_JSLHR-22-00381. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36749838. (Full text)

Medial prefrontal cortex deficits correlate with unrefreshing sleep in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome


Unrefreshing sleep is a hallmark of chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS). This study examined brain structure variations associated with sleep quality in patients with CFS. 38 patients with CFS (34.8 ± 10.1 years old) and 14 normal controls (NCs) (34.7 ± 8.4 years old) were recruited. All subjects completed the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), and Chalder Fatigue Scale (CFQ) questionnaires. Brain MRI measures included global and regional grey and white matter volumes, magnetization transfer T1 weighted (MT-T1w) intensities, and T1 weighted (T1w) and T2 weighted spin echo signal intensities.

We performed voxel based group comparisons of these regional brain MRI measures and regressions of these measures with the PSQI and CFQ scales adjusted for age, anxiety and depression, and the appropriate global measure. In CFS patients, negative correlations were observed in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) between PSQI and MT-T1w intensities (family-wise error corrected cluster, PFWE < 0.05) and between PSQI and T1w intensities (PFWE < 0.05). In the same mPFC location, both MT and T1w intensities were lower in CFS patients compared with NCs (uncorrected voxel P < 0.001).

This study is the first to report that brain structural differences are associated with unrefreshing sleep in CFS. This result refutes the suggestion that unrefreshing sleep is a misperception in CFS patients and further investigation of this symptom is warranted.

Source: Shan ZY, Kwiatek R, Burnet R, Del Fante P, Staines DR, Marshall-Gradisnik SM, Barnden LR. Medial prefrontal cortex deficits correlate with unrefreshing sleep in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. NMR Biomed. 2017 Jun 29. doi: 10.1002/nbm.3757. [Epub ahead of print]

Prefrontal Structure Varies as a Function of Pain Symptoms in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


BACKGROUND: Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is characterized by severe fatigue persisting for ≥6 months and leading to considerable impairment in daily functioning. Neuroimaging studies of patients with CFS have revealed alterations in prefrontal brain morphology. However, it remains to be determined whether these alterations are specific for fatigue or whether they relate to other common CFS symptoms (e.g., chronic pain, lower psychomotor speed, and reduced physical activity).

METHODS: We used magnetic resonance imaging to quantify gray matter volume (GMV) and the N-acetylaspartate and N-acetylaspartylglutamate/creatine ratio (NAA/Cr) in a group of 89 women with CFS. Building on previous reports, we tested whether GMV and NAA/Cr in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex are associated with fatigue severity, pain, psychomotor speed, and physical activity, while controlling for depressive symptoms. We also considered GMV and NAA/Cr differences between patients with CFS and 26 sex-, age-, and education-matched healthy controls.

RESULTS: The presence of pain symptoms was the main predictor of both GMV and NAA/Cr in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of patients with CFS. More pain was associated with reduced GMVs and NAA/Cr, over and above the effects of fatigue, depressive symptoms, physical activity, and psychomotor speed. In contrast to previous reports and despite a large representative sample, global GMV did not differ between the CFS and healthy control groups.

CONCLUSIONS: CFS, as diagnosed by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention criteria, is not a clinical entity reliably associated with reduced GMV. Individual variation in the presence of pain, rather than fatigue, is associated with neuronal alterations in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of patients with CFS.

Copyright © 2016 Society of Biological Psychiatry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Source: van der Schaaf ME, De Lange FP, Schmits IC, Geurts DE, Roelofs K, van der Meer JW, Toni I, Knoop H. Prefrontal Structure Varies as a Function of Pain Symptoms in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Biol Psychiatry. 2017 Feb 15;81(4):358-365. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2016.07.016. Epub 2016 Aug 31.


Less efficient and costly processes of frontal cortex in childhood chronic fatigue syndrome


The ability to divide one’s attention deteriorates in patients with childhood chronic fatigue syndrome (CCFS). We conducted a study using a dual verbal task to assess allocation of attentional resources to two simultaneous activities (picking out vowels and reading for story comprehension) and functional magnetic resonance imaging.

Patients exhibited a much larger area of activation, recruiting additional frontal areas. The right middle frontal gyrus (MFG), which is included in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, of CCFS patients was specifically activated in both the single and dual tasks; this activation level was positively correlated with motivation scores for the tasks and accuracy of story comprehension.

In addition, in patients, the dorsal anterior cingulate gyrus (dACC) and left MFG were activated only in the dual task, and activation levels of the dACC and left MFG were positively associated with the motivation and fatigue scores, respectively.

Patients with CCFS exhibited a wider area of activated frontal regions related to attentional resources in order to increase their poorer task performance with massive mental effort. This is likely to be less efficient and costly in terms of energy requirements. It seems to be related to the pathophysiology of patients with CCFS and to cause a vicious cycle of further increases in fatigue.


Source: Mizuno K, Tanaka M, Tanabe HC, Joudoi T, Kawatani J, Shigihara Y, Tomoda A, Miike T, Imai-Matsumura K, Sadato N, Watanabe Y. Less efficient and costly processes of frontal cortex in childhood chronic fatigue syndrome. Neuroimage Clin. 2015 Sep 10;9:355-68. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2015.09.001. ECollection 2015. (Full article)


Cerebral perfusion in chronic fatigue syndrome and depression


BACKGROUND: Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and depressive illness share many, but not all, features.

AIMS: To test the hypothesis that patients with CFS have abnormal cerebral perfusion, that differs from that in patients with depressive illness.

METHOD: We recruited 30 patients with CFS who were not depressed, 12 depressed patients and 15 healthy volunteers. Regional cerebral perfusion at rest was assessed using region of interest (ROI) and voxel-based statistical parametric mapping (SPM) techniques.

RESULTS: On SPM analysis there was increased perfusion in the right thalamus, pallidum and putamen in patients with CFS and in those with depressive illness. CFS patients also had increased perfusion in the left thalamus. Depressed patients differed from those with CFS in having relatively less perfusion of the left prefrontal cortex. The results were similar on ROI analysis.

CONCLUSIONS: Abnormal cerebral perfusion patterns in CFS subjects who are not depressed are similar but not identical to those in patients with depressive illness. Thalamic overactivity may be a correlate of increased attention to activity in CFS and depression; reduced prefrontal perfusion in depression may be associated with the greater neuropsychological deficits in that disorder.

Comment in: Chronic fatigue syndrome and depression. [Br J Psychiatry. 2000]


Source: MacHale SM, Lawŕie SM, Cavanagh JT, Glabus MF, Murray CL, Goodwin GM, Ebmeier KP. Cerebral perfusion in chronic fatigue syndrome and depression. Br J Psychiatry. 2000 Jun;176:550-6. (Full article)