Yeast Beta-Glucan Supplementation with Multivitamins Attenuates Cognitive Impairments in Individuals with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial


This research aimed to examine the potential alleviative effects of beta-glucan administration on fatigue, unrefreshing sleep, anxiety/depression symptoms and health-related quality of life in ME/CFS. A 36-week unicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted in 65 ME/CFS patients, who were randomly allocated to one of two arms to receive four capsules each one of 250 mg beta-glucan, 3.75 µg vitamin D3, 1.05 mg vitamin B6, and 7.5 mg zinc (n = 35), or matching placebo including only microcrystalline cellulose as an excipient (n = 30) once daily.

The findings showed that the beta-glucan supplementation significantly improved cognitive fatigue (assessed with FIS-40 scores) after the 36-week treatment compared to the baseline (p = 0.0338). Taken together, this study presents the novel finding that yeast-derived beta-glucan may alleviate cognitive fatigue symptoms in ME/CFS. Thus, it offers valuable scientific insights into the potential use of yeast beta-glucan as a nutritional supplement and/or functional food to prevent or reduce cognitive dysfunction in patients with ME/CFS. Further interventions are warranted to validate these findings and also to delve deeper into the possible immunometabolic pathomechanisms of beta-glucans in ME/CFS.

Source: Lacasa M, Alegre-Martin J, Sentañes RS, Varela-Sende L, Jurek J, Castro-Marrero J. Yeast Beta-Glucan Supplementation with Multivitamins Attenuates Cognitive Impairments in Individuals with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Nutrients. 2023 Oct 24;15(21):4504. doi: 10.3390/nu15214504. PMID: 37960157. (Full text)

Complementary and alternative medicine for long COVID: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials


Background: Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) interventions are growing in popularity as possible treatments for long COVID symptoms. However, comprehensive analysis of current evidence in this setting is still lacking.

Objective: This study aims to review existing published studies on the use of CAM interventions for patients experiencing long COVID through a systematic review.

Design: Systematic review of randomized controlled trials (RCTs).

Methods: A comprehensive electronic literature search was performed in multiple databases and clinical trial registries from September 2019 to January 2023. RCTs evaluating efficacy and safety of CAM for long COVID were included. Methodological quality of each included trial was appraised with the Cochrane ‘risk of bias’ tool. A qualitative analysis was conducted due to heterogeneity of included studies.

Results: A total of 14 RCTs with 1195 participants were included in this review. Study findings demonstrated that CAM interventions could benefit patients with long COVID, especially those suffering from neuropsychiatric disorders, olfactory dysfunction, cognitive impairment, fatigue, breathlessness, and mild-to-moderate lung fibrosis. The main interventions reported were self-administered transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation, neuro-meditation, dietary supplements, olfactory training, aromatherapy, inspiratory muscle training, concurrent training, and an online breathing and well-being program.

Conclusion: CAM interventions may be effective, safe, and acceptable to patients with symptoms of long COVID. However, the findings from this systematic review should be interpreted with caution due to various methodological limitations. More rigorous trials focused on CAM for long COVID are warranted in the future.

Source: Yang J, Lim KH, Lim KT, Woods JT, Mohabbat AB, Wahner-Roedler DL, Ganesh R, Bauer BA. Complementary and alternative medicine for long COVID: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Ther Adv Chronic Dis. 2023 Oct 11;14:20406223231204727. doi: 10.1177/20406223231204727. PMID: 37841213; PMCID: PMC10571674. (Full text)

Role of Vitamin D Supplementation for Symptoms and Lung Function Improvement in Long COVID Patient


Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome (PACS) or acute post-COVID-19 syndrome or also known as “Long Covid”, is a collection of persistent symptoms and long-term complications more than four weeks after the onset of initial symptoms. One of the leading causes of these long-term complications is pulmonary fibrosis, with an incidence of almost 25% in patients a year after hospitalization. Vitamin D is an important substance to our body homeostasis and regulation. Vitamin D has pleiotropic effect as pulmonary antifibrosis. This research aims to directly provide vitamin D3 supplements, especially in improving lung function in pulmonary fibrosis patients after COVID-19 infection.

This study was a one-group, quasiexperimental pretest-posttest design conducted at Labuang Baji hospitals in the eastern part of Indonesia. The population of this study was patients post-covid-19 infection with negative PCR results at least three months, had persistent symptoms of covid 19, and a CT scan confirmed pulmonary fibrosis or destroyed lung results. Lung function was measured using spirometry before and after the intervention (Vitamin D3 5000 IU supplementation with a frequency of once per day for two months). This study included 20 cases of Lung Fibrosis post-Covid-19. The majority of respondents were women and between the ages of 40 and 49. Among 20 patients, most of them fatigue or dyspneu or shortness of breath as their main symptoms.

After 2-months supplementation of Vitamin D 5000 IU, number of patients who had shortness of breath and fatigue reduced significantly (From 11 to 3 and from 11 to 2 patients, respectively). 85% of our patient had deficient-insufficient status of vitamin D. We found restrictive pattern as a dominant lung function in our patient. There was significant improvement in lung function status after 2-months vitamin D supplementation (p=0.02). Vitamin D supplementation for Long COVID may have benefit for symptoms and lung function improvement.

Source: Irawaty Djaharuddin, Muzakkir Amir, Jamaluddin Madolangan, Ahmad Fachry Toaha, Muthiah Nur Afifah, Muhammad Zaki Rahmani, Izza fauziah Irfan.Role of Vitamin D Supplementation for Symptoms and Lung Function Improvement in Long COVID Patient. Teikyo Medical Journal. Volume 45, Issue 09, November, 2022 (Full text)

A Narrative Review on the Potential Role of Vitamin D3 in the Prevention, Protection, and Disease Mitigation of Acute and Long COVID-19


Purpose of Review: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has challenged global health systems and economies from January 2020. COVID-19 caused by the infectious severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has acute respiratory and cardiometabolic symptoms that can be severe and lethal. Long-term physiological and psychological symptoms, known as long COVID-19, persist affecting multiple organ systems. While vaccinations support the fight against SARS-CoV-2, other effective mechanisms of population protection should exist given the presence of yet unvaccinated and at-risk vulnerable groups, global disease comorbidities, and short-lived vaccine responses. The review proposes vitamin D3 as a plausible molecule for prevention, protection, and disease mitigation of acute and long COVID-19.

Recent Findings: Epidemiological studies have shown that individuals who were deficient in vitamin D3 had worse COVID-19 health outcomes and mortality rates. Higher doses of vitamin D3 supplementation may improve health and survivorship in individuals of various age groups, comorbidities, and severity of disease symptoms.

Summary: Vitamin D3’s biological effects can provide protection and repair in multiple organ systems affected by SARS-CoV-2. Vitamin D3 supplementation can potentially support disease-mitigation in acute and long COVID-19.

Source: Moukayed, M. A Narrative Review on the Potential Role of Vitamin D3 in the Prevention, Protection, and Disease Mitigation of Acute and Long COVID-19. Curr Nutr Rep (2023). (Full text)

Can we Reduce the Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Regulating Micronutrients? A Review


Introduction: Deficiencies of some micronutrients have been observed in chronic fatigue syndrome patients, but the underlying cause has not been fully understood. The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a relationship between CFS and micronutrients.

Methods: Related articles searched the combinations of the following terms which were used for the search in the Web of Science database: “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” OR “Chronic Fatigue- Fibromyalgia Syndrome” OR “Postviral Fatigue Syndrome” AND “vitamins” OR “minerals” OR “micronutrients”. Articles that met the inclusion criteria were included.

Results: The initial search resulted in 225 studies, with 11 studies fully meeting the inclusion criteria. In these studies, it has been shown that micronutrients may play a role in the etiology of CFS, and that supplemented micronutrients can positively affect the symptoms of CFS.

Conclusion: Although there seems to be a close relationship between CFS-related syndromes and nutritional status, the literature on this subject remains limited. The results of the studies were not compatible with each other due to differences in the studies. Therefore, new studies are needed to fully explain the relationship between CFS and micronutrients.

Source: Akduman, GUl; Kurtbeyoglu, Emine; Gunes, Fatma E. Can we Reduce the Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Regulating Micronutrients? A Review. Current Nutrition & Food Science, Volume 19, Number 5, 2023, pp. 509-518(10).

Low vitamin D levels are associated with Long COVID syndrome in COVID-19 survivors


Purpose: Long-COVID is an emerging syndrome affecting 50-70% of COVID-19 survivors which still lacks predicting factors. Due to the extra-skeletal effects of vitamin D, we retrospectively assessed in COVID-19 survivors 6-months after hospitalization the association between 25(OH)vitamin D levels and Long-COVID.

Methods: Long-COVID was defined according to NICE-guidelines. Fifty Long-COVID and 50 non-Long-COVID subjects matched on a 1:1-basis were enrolled from an outpatient-post-COVID clinic-cohort seen from August to November 2020. Therapies/comorbidities affecting calcium/vitamin-D/bone metabolism, and/or admission in ICU during hospitalization were exclusion criteria. 25(OH)vitamin D was measured at hospital-admission and 6-months after discharge.

Results: We observed lower 25(OH)vitamin D levels, evaluated at follow-up, in subjects with Long-COVID than those without (20.1vs23.2 ng/mL-p = 0.03). Regarding the affected health-areas evaluated in the entire cohort, we observed lower 25(OH)vitamin D levels in those with neurocognitive symptoms at follow-up (n.7) as compared to those without (n.93) (14.6vs20.6 ng/mL-p = 0.042). In patients presenting vitamin D deficiency (<20 ng/mL) both at admission and at follow-up (n.42), those affected by Long-COVID (n.22) presented lower 25(OH)vitamin D levels, at follow-up, compared to those not affected (n.20) (12.7vs15.2 ng/mL-p = 0.041). In multiple-regression analyses, lower 25(OH)vitamin D levels, at follow-up, resulted as the only variable significantly associated with Long-COVID in our cohort (p = 0.008, OR 1.09-CI 1.01-1.16).

Conclusions: COVID-19 survivors with Long-COVID have lower 25(OH)vitamin D levels as compared to matched-patients without Long-COVID. Our data suggest that vitamin D levels should be evaluated in COVID-19 patients after hospital-discharge. Role of vitamin D supplementation as preventive strategy of COVID-19 sequelae should be tested in randomized-controlled trials.

Source: di Filippo L, Frara S, Nannipieri F, Cotellessa A, Locatelli M, Rovere Querini P, Giustina A. Low vitamin D levels are associated with Long COVID syndrome in COVID-19 survivors. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2023 Apr 13:dgad207. doi: 10.1210/clinem/dgad207. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37051747. (Full text available as PDF file)

Synbiotic Supplementation Improves Quality of Life and Inmunoneuroendocrine Response in Patients with Fibromyalgia: Influence of Codiagnosis with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Fibromyalgia (FM) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) are two medical conditions in which pain, fatigue, immune/inflammatory dysregulation, as well as various mental health disorders predominate in the diagnosis, without evidence of a clear consensus on the treatment of FM and CFS.
The main aim of this research was to analyse the possible effects of a synbiotic (Synbiotic, Gasteel Plus® (Heel España S.A.U.), through the study of pro-inflammatory/anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-8/IL-10) and neuroendocrine biomarkers (cortisol and DHEA), in order to evaluate the interaction between inflammatory and stress responses mediated by the cytokine-HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis, as well as mental and physical health using body composition analysis, accelerometry and previously validated questionnaires.
The participants were women diagnosed with FM with or without a diagnostic of CFS. Each participant was evaluated at baseline and after the intervention, which lasted one month. Synbiotic intervention decreased levels of perceived stress, anxiety and depression, as well as improved quality of life during daily activities. In addition, the synbiotic generated an activation of HPA axis (physiological cortisol release) that can compensate the increased inflammatory status (elevated IL-8) observed at baseline in FM patients. There were no detrimental changes in body composition or sleep parameters, as well as in the most of the activity/sedentarism-related parameters studied by accelerometry.
It is concluded that synbiotic nutritional supplements can improve the dysregulated immunoneuroendocrine interaction involving inflammatory and stress responses in women diagnosed with FM, particularly in those without a previous CFS diagnostic; as well as their perceived of levels stress, anxiety, depression and quality of life.
Source: Hinchado MD, Quero-Calero CD, Otero E, Gálvez I, Ortega E. Synbiotic Supplementation Improves Quality of Life and Inmunoneuroendocrine Response in Patients with Fibromyalgia: Influence of Codiagnosis with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Nutrients. 2023; 15(7):1591. (Full text)

An Orthomolecular Protocol for Long COVID


A significant number of COVID-19 patients suffer from SARS-CoV-2 post-acute chronic sequelae, also known as post-COVID syndrome or long COVID. These patients report a broad range of persistent and debilitating symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, pain, breathlessness, and dysrhythmias. These chronic symptoms are believed to be a consequence of excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), inflammation, tissue damage, and mitochondrial dysfunction. Patients at higher risk of long-term sequelae are those who experienced severe COVID-19 infection, are immunocompromised and likely have depleted reserves of biological factors and micronutrients necessary for prompt recovery.

Based on biochemical principles and studies in conditions that share common traits with long COVID patients such as chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, symptom relief and sustained recovery can be expected by administering an orthomolecular protocol consisting of a combination of precursors, cofactors, and biological response modifiers.

Source: Gonzalez MJ et al. (2023) An Orthomolecular Protocol for Long-COVID. J Orthomol Med. 38(1) (Full text)

A Review of Possible Supplements to Relieve the Symptoms of Fatigue after COVID-19


Background: The highly infectious coronavirus has become a global pandemic; the effective medication is yet to be developed. The health care system was strained; millions of people have been suffered from infection and complications. Post COVID-19 fatigue is a dominant characteristic of coronavirus infection. It affects general state of health, muscle strength, sleeping quality, mental health, and life quality. This paper is emphasizing and summarizing the potential beneficial supplementations of post COVID-19 fatigue symptoms.

Methods: The knowledge gained from PubMed and from the National Library of Medicine. Clinical studies and systematic review articles were collected in this topic.

Results: Herein, we discuss the possible therapeutic supplementations with anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antioxidant effect. Vitamin complexes, trace elements, antioxidants, coenzymes, probiotics, essential fatty acids; one and creatine as amino acid derivatives have been appeared to be effective in relieving post COVID-19 fatigue symptoms.

Conclusions: Based on the data, these nutrients and supplements might be important to alleviate the post COVID-19 fatigue symptoms and they could be considered as a supportive therapy

Source: Boglárka Bernadett Tisza, Gyöngyi Iván, Viola Keczeli, Melinda Kóró, Patricia Szántóri, Zsófia Gyócsiné Varga, Henriett Müller, Olivia Pribéli, Zoltán Szabó, Zsófia Verzár, Monika Sélleyné Gyuró, Andrea Gubicskóné Kisbendek and Tímea Stromájer-Rácz. A Review of Possible Supplements to Relieve the Symptoms of Fatigue after COVID-19.  J Med Public Health. 2023;4(2):JMPH-04-1062. (Full text)

Long Covid and Neurodegenerative Disease


Brain fog with compromised ability to concentrate has been the most frequent Long Covid (LC) complaint. This is due to an increased TGF beta/IFN gamma with consequently increased bradykinin (BKN), especially in Caucasian females. Brain and lung blood vessels “leak.” This same ratio is increased in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), but decreased in Parkinson’s disease (PD), because CD4+ and CD8+ T cells are differentially affected by the invading associated viruses, e.g., SARS CoV2, HIV, ….

In Covid-19 CD147 receptors on immune cells are critical in generating the increased TGF beta/IFN gamma and those on endothelial cells, platelets, and erythrocytes are critical to the abnormal microvascular blood flow. ACE2 receptors on pneumocytes and enterocytes enable pulmonary and GI entry, initiating gut dysbiosis.

Epigenetics, methylation, magnesium, vitamin D, the B vitamins, and antioxidants suggest that these issues can be surmounted. Biochemical, physiologic, and epidemiologic data are analyzed to answer these questions. An LC model is presented and discussed in the context of the most recent research. Suggestions to avoid these and other worrisome concerns are included. Other topics discussed include estrogen, the gut microbiome, type 2 diabetes (T2D), and homocysteine.

Source: Chambers, P. Long Covid and Neurodegenerative Disease. Preprints 2023, 2023020027 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202302.0027.v1) (Full text available as PDF file)