Clinical correlates of infection with human herpesvirus-6


Human herpesvirus-6 is a lymphotropic virus which infects susceptible individuals during the first year of life and usually causes life-long latency. In a variable percentage primary infections are followed by a short acute disease, exanthema subitum. Older individuals may suffer from infectious mononucleosis-like illnesses or from Kikuchi-Fujimoto’s disease. In addition, there is a fairly wide spectrum of lymphoid and hematopoietic diseases or autoimmune disorders, which are associated with elevated titers of HHV-6 antibody, and from which replicating virus may be isolated. Such diseases include atypical polyclonal lymphoproliferation, Hodgkin’s disease, chronic fatigue syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus. The present article reviews the current knowledge of such associations.


Source: Krueger GR, Klueppelberg U, Hoffmann A, Ablashi DV. Clinical correlates of infection with human herpesvirus-6. In Vivo. 1994 Jul-Aug;8(4):457-85.


Prevalence of human herpesvirus 6 variants A and B in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome



Peripheral blood mononuclear cells collected from 13 patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and 13 healthy controls were analyzed for the presence of human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) DNA by variant-specific polymerase chain reaction and dot blot hybridization. HHV-6 DNA was detected in 7 of 13 (53%) patients, and of those 7 patients, 4 were positive for HHV-6 variant A DNA and 3 were for variant B. No HHV-6 DNA was detected in the controls. Serum antibody titers to the late antigen and antibody prevalence to the early antigen of HHV-6 were significantly higher in the patient group. These results suggest active replication of HHV-6 in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.


Source: Yalcin S1, Kuratsune H, Yamaguchi K, Kitani T, Yamanishi K. Prevalence of human herpesvirus 6 variants A and B in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Microbiol Immunol. 1994;38(7):587-90. (Full article)


Pathogenic tracks in fatigue syndromes


This review analyses the recent literature devoted to two related fatigue syndromes: chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and acute onset postviral fatigue syndrome (PVFS). The articles are grouped into five pathogenic tracks: infectious agents, immune system, skeletic muscle, hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and psychiatric factors.

Although a particular infectious agent is unlikely to be responsible for all CFS cases, evidence is shown that host-parasite relationships are modified in a large proportion of patients with chronic fatigue. Antibody titres against infectious agents are often elevated and replication of several viruses could be increased.

Chronic activation of the immune system is also observed and could be due to the reactivation of persistent or latent infectious agents such as herpes viruses (i.e. HHV-6) or enteroviruses. It could also be favorised by an impaired negative feedback of the HPA axis on the immune system.

A model is proposed where the abnormalities of the HPA axis are primary events and are mainly responsible for a chronic activation of the immune system which in turn induces an increased replication of several viruses under the control of cellular transcription factors. These replicating viruses together with cytokines such as TNF-alpha would secondarily induce functional disorders of muscle and several aspects of asthenia itself.


Source: Moutschen M, Triffaux JM, Demonty J, Legros JJ, Lefèbvre PJ. Pathogenic tracks in fatigue syndromes. Acta Clin Belg. 1994;49(6):274-89.


Chronic fatigue syndrome: immune dysfunction, role of pathogens and toxic agents and neurological and cardial changes


375 patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) were examined using a standardized questionnaire and subsequent interview on 11 risk factors and 45 symptoms. Additionally immunologic, serologic, toxicologic, neuroradiologic, neurophysiologic and cardiologic investigations were performed.

Immunologic tests showed cellular immunodeficiences particularly in functional regard (pathological lymphocyte stimulation in 50% of the patients, disorders of granulocyte function in 44%). Furthermore variable deviations were found in the lymphocyte subpopulations (CD3, CD4, CD8, CD19, DR, Leu 11 + 19).

In the humoral part tendencies to low IgG-3- and IgG-1-subclass-levels occurred (59% respectively 11% of the patients) also as decreases in complement system (CH50, C3, C4, C1-esterase-inhibitor). In the group of activation markers and cytokines 42% of the investigated patients had circulating immune complexes (CIC), 47% increases of tumor-necrosis-factor (TNF-a) and 21% increases of soluble interleukin-2-receptor (IL-2-R).

The increased occurrence of autoantibodies in the CFS-patients (specially antinuclear anti-bodies [ANA], microsomal thyroid antibodies) suggest, that CFS is associated with or the beginning of manifest autoimmune disease.

Under the pathogens 78% of the patients had a striking serological constellation of Epstein-Barr-Virus (EBV-EA positive, low EBNA-titers), in the HHV-6-Virus 47% showed increased antibody-titers. Tests on further herpes viruses and on Borreliae, Chlamydiae, Candida and Amoebae were positive in 8 to 36% of the examined patients. Furthermore there were found variable deficits of vitamins and trace elements also as hormonal disturbances.

In 26% of the patients there were hints of pollutants (e.g. wood preservatives), in 32 patients blood-levels of pentachlorphenol (PCP) and gamma-hexachlorcyclohexan (γ-HCH, lindan) were measured, which showed vanable increases.

178 (83%) of 225 investigated patients showed disturbances of perfusion in cerebral SPECT imaging, 65 (29%) of 218 patients cerebral punctuate signal changes in cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Neurophysiologic measurements (motor evoked potentials, MEP) showed in about 50% of 112 patients prolonged central motor conduction times. 62 patients were additionally investigated by myocardial SPECT-imaging, which was abnormal under exercise in 73%. Our data confirm the concept, that CFS must be considered as a complex psycho-neuro-immunological disorder.


Source: Hilgers A, Frank J. Chronic fatigue syndrome: immune dysfunction, role of pathogens and toxic agents and neurological and cardial changes. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1994;144(16):399-406.[Article in German]




Human herpesvirus 6 and chronic fatigue syndrome


The cause of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is still enigmatic. Using indirect immunofluorescence testing for measuring antibody against human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6), this study investigated the association of CFS with infection by HHV-6. Seventeen patients (group A) fulfilling the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) definition for CFS were compared with eight patients (group B) with chronic fatigue but not meeting the CDC criteria.

No significant difference was found between the two groups for 30 parameters including sex, age, exposure to children and serology for Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus, and toxoplasma. Univariate analysis showed that patients in group A complained more frequently of a sore throat, headache and of recurrent type of fatigue.

These three parameters are discriminant in identifying patients who will meet the CDC case definition of CFS. The titre of antibody against HHV-6 in group A (1:99) was significantly higher than in group B (1:15) (P=0.007). Elevated HHV-6 titres suggests that this virus could be a cofactor in the pathogenesis of CFS.


Source: Eymard D, Lebel F, Miller M, Turgeon F. Human herpesvirus 6 and chronic fatigue syndrome. Can J Infect Dis. 1993 Jul;4(4):199-202.  (Full article)


Infection of natural killer cells by human herpesvirus 6


Natural killer (NK) cells are a functionally defined subset of non-T, non-B lymphocytes of bone marrow origin, which induce lysis of selected target cells, including neoplastic and virus-infected cells. The NK cell function provides an important mechanism of primary defence against viruses in vivo, as demonstrated by the occurrence of multiple herpesvirus infections in patients congenitally lacking NK cells.

Here we show that functionally competent CD3- NK clones can be productively infected by human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6), a T-lymphotropic DNA virus that may play a role in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and in the chronic fatigue syndrome, two disorders associated with a defective NK cell activity.

The infection is cytopathic and induces de novo expression of CD4, an antigen not expressed within the NK lineage, thereby predisposing NK cells to infection by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1).

These results provide evidence that a herpesvirus can directly target and kill NK cells, a potential strategy to suppress the natural anti-viral immunity of the host.


Source: Lusso P, Malnati MS, Garzino-Demo A, Crowley RW, Long EO, Gallo RC. Infection of natural killer cells by human herpesvirus 6. Nature. 1993 Apr 1;362(6419):458-62.


Studies of herpesvirus infection in chronic fatigue syndrome


The relationship of herpesviruses to chronic fatigue syndrome has received considerable attention over the past decade. Data suggesting an association fall into three major categories.

First, among acute precipitants of the syndrome are primary infections with some herpesviruses, most notably Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus.

Second, a series of studies have detailed elevations of antibodies to most herpesviruses in selected chronic fatigue syndrome populations, with Epstein-Barr virus and human herpes type 6 being the objects of most scrutiny.

Third, one recent study reported a greater ease of recovery of human herpes virus type 6 from chronic fatigue syndrome patients. This review article critically examines the cumulative data regarding an association between one or more herpesviruses and the chronic fatigue syndrome in the context of the known biology and epidemiology of these agents.

In view of these, and additional considerations regarding study methodologies, the conclusion is drawn that herpesviruses are not dominant causes of the chronic fatigue syndrome and may not even be necessary to the perpetuation of the illness, but it is premature to dismiss entirely this latter possibility.


Source: Straus SE. Studies of herpesvirus infection in chronic fatigue syndrome. Ciba Found Symp. 1993;173:132-9; discussion 139-45.


Human herpesvirus 7 is a T-lymphotropic virus and is related to, but significantly different from, human herpesvirus 6 and human cytomegalovirus


An independent strain (JI) of human herpesvirus 7 (HHV-7) was isolated from a patient with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). No significant association could be established by seroepidemiology between HHV-7 and CFS.

HHV-7 is a T-lymphotropic virus, infecting CD4+ and CD8+ primary lymphocytes. HHV-7 can also infect SUP-T1, an immature T-cell line, with variable success. Southern blot analysis with DNA probes scanning 58.8% of the human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) genome and hybridizing to all HHV-6 strains tested so far revealed homology to HHV-7 with only 37.4% of the total probe length. HHV-7 contains the GGGTTA repetitive sequence, as do HHV-6 and Marek’s disease chicken herpesvirus. DNA sequencing of a 186-base-pair fragment of HHV-7(JI) revealed an identity with HHV-6 and human cytomegalovirus of 57.5% and 36%, respectively. Oligonucleotide primers derived from this sequence (HV7/HV8, HV10/HV11) amplified HHV-7 DNA only and did not amplify DNA from other human herpesviruses, including 12 different HHV-6 strains. Southern blot analysis with the p43L3 probe containing the 186-base-pair HHV-7 DNA fragment hybridized to HHV-7 DNA only.

The molecular divergence between human cytomegalovirus, on the one hand, and HHV-6 and HHV-7, on the other, is greater than between HHV-6 and HHV-7, which, in turn, is greater than the difference between HHV-6 strains. This study supports the classification of HHV-7 as an additional member of the human beta-herpesviruses.


Source: Berneman ZN, Ablashi DV, Li G, Eger-Fletcher M, Reitz MS Jr, Hung CL, Brus I, Komaroff AL, Gallo RC. Human herpesvirus 7 is a T-lymphotropic virus and is related to, but significantly different from, human herpesvirus 6 and human cytomegalovirus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1992 Nov 1;89(21):10552-6. (Full article)


Chronic fatigue syndrome, a case of high anti-HHV-6 antibody titer and one associated with primary hyperaldosteronism


Two cases of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) were reported which were suggestive for the study of the etiology and a cure for CFS.

Case 1: A 31-year-old woman was admitted for chronic fatigue syndrome. Examination revealed a high titer of anti HHV-6 antigen of x2560 and an increased percentage of suppressor T lymphocytes in the peripheral blood. HHV-6 was speculated to be reactivated and stimulating the immune system in CFS.

Case 2: A 46-year-old woman suffering from CFS had been in remission for 6 years. She was admitted for hypertension associated with right adrenal adenoma and hyperaldosteronism. After right adrenalectomy, there was a recurrence of high fever and other CFS symptoms. It was suggested that CFS symptoms may be ameliorated by aldosterone.


Source: Kato Y, Kamijima S, Kashiwagi A, Oguri T. Chronic fatigue syndrome, a case of high anti-HHV-6 antibody titer and one associated with primary hyperaldosteronism. Nihon Rinsho. 1992 Nov;50(11):2673-8. [Article in Japanese]


Symptoms, signs and laboratory findings in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome


This review summarizes the symptoms, signs and laboratory abnormalities seen in 59 patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), 2 patients with post-infectious CFS and in 26 patients with possible CFS whose illnesses fulfill the criteria proposed by the study group of the Ministry of Welfare, Japan.

The characteristic symptoms and signs of CFS are prolonged generalized fatigue following exercise, headache, neuropsychological symptoms, sleep disturbance and mild fever. In possible CFS patients, the frequency of mild fever, muscle weakness, myalgia and headache is low.

Our standard hematologic and laboratory tests revealed a few abnormality in patients with CFS. The characteristic abnormality in CFS patients is the low values of 17-Ketosteroid-Sulfates/creatinine in morning urine and the acylcarnitine deficiency. It seems likely that this deficiency of acylcarnitine induces an energy deficit in the skeletal muscle, resulting in general fatigue, myalgia, muscle weakness and postexertional malaise in CFS patients. Virologic studies revealed no evidence of retrovirus infection with HTLV-1, HTLV-2 and HIV, but the reactivation of HHV-6 infection was apparent.


Source: Kuratsune H, Yamaguti K, Hattori H, Tazawa H, Takahashi M, Yamanishi K, Kitani T. Symptoms, signs and laboratory findings in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Nihon Rinsho. 1992 Nov;50(11):2665-72. [Article in Japanese]