Research about fatigue in France over the past 20 years


The author reported the works of the “Fatigue Studies Group” founded 20 years ago to explore the different dimensions of “fatigue” complaint. The emphasis is placed on the asthenic syndromes evaluation instrument created by the group, which takes into account the socio-demographic data of the patient, clinical signs and their severity as well as the potential etiological factors. Its first version (GEF-3) enabled to isolate 4 groups of asthenia (overworking, somatic, psychosomatic and psychic), each of them requesting a specific treatment. An ulterior version (GEF-4) has been elaborated to describe better the psychiatric semeiology. Finally, a simplified version (GEF-10) was used as an evaluation instrument in different therapeutic researches. At the same time, the group continued its researches on the fatigue psychosocial dimensions and its nosographic status, especially in comparison with dysthymic disorders.


Source: Crocq L. Research about fatigue in France over the past 20 years. Encephale. 1994 Nov;20 Spec No 3:615-8. [Article in French]