Cognitive domains affected post-COVID-19; a systematic review and meta-analysis


Background and purpose: This review aims to characterize the pattern of post-COVID-19 cognitive impairment, allowing better prediction of impact on daily function to inform clinical management and rehabilitation.

Methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis of neurocognitive sequelae following COVID-19 was conducted, following PRISMA-S guidelines. Studies were included if they reported domain-specific cognitive assessment in patients with COVID-19 at >4 weeks post-infection. Studies were deemed high-quality if they had >40 participants, utilized healthy controls, had low attrition rates and mitigated for confounders.

Results: Five of the seven primary Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) cognitive domains were assessed by enough high-quality studies to facilitate meta-analysis. Medium effect sizes indicating impairment in patients post-COVID-19 versus controls were seen across executive function (standardised mean difference (SMD) -0.45), learning and memory (SMD -0.55), complex attention (SMD -0.54) and language (SMD -0.54), with perceptual motor function appearing to be impacted to a greater degree (SMD -0.70). A narrative synthesis of the 56 low-quality studies also suggested no obvious pattern of impairment.

Conclusions: This review found moderate impairments across multiple domains of cognition in patients post-COVID-19, with no specific pattern. The reported literature was significantly heterogeneous, with a wide variety of cognitive tasks, small sample sizes and disparate initial disease severities limiting interpretability. The finding of consistent impairment across a range of cognitive tasks suggests broad, as opposed to domain-specific, brain dysfunction. Future studies should utilize a harmonized test battery to facilitate inter-study comparisons, whilst also accounting for the interactions between COVID-19, neurological sequelae and mental health, the interplay between which might explain cognitive impairment.

Source: Fanshawe JB, Sargent BF, Badenoch JB, Saini A, Watson CJ, Pokrovskaya A, Aniwattanapong D, Conti I, Nye C, Burchill E, Hussain ZU, Said K, Kuhoga E, Tharmaratnam K, Pendered S, Mbwele B, Taquet M, Wood GK, Rogers JP, Hampshire A, Carson A, David AS, Michael BD, Nicholson TR, Paddick SM, Leek CE. Cognitive domains affected post-COVID-19; a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Neurol. 2024 Feb 20:e16181. doi: 10.1111/ene.16181. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38375608. (Full text)

Cognitive and Mental Health Trajectories of COVID-19: Role of Hospitalisation and Long-COVID Symptoms


Background: There is considerable evidence of cognitive impairment post COVID-19, especially in individuals with long-COVID symptoms, but limited research objectively evaluating whether such impairment attenuates or resolves over time, especially in young and middle-aged adults.

Methods: Follow-up assessments (T2) of cognitive function (processing speed, attention, working memory, executive function, memory) and mental health were conducted in 138 adults (18-69 years) who had been assessed six months earlier (T1). Of these, 88 had a confirmed history of COVID-19 at T1 assessment (≥20 days post-diagnosis) and were also followed-up on COVID-19 related symptoms (acute and long-COVID); 50 adults had no known COVID-19 history at any point up to their T2 assessment.

Results: From T1 to T2, a trend-level improvement occurred in intra-individual variability in processing speed in the COVID, relative to the non-COVID group. However, longer response/task completion times persisted in participants with COVID-19 related hospitalisation relative to those without COVID-19 related hospitalisation and non-COVID controls. There was a significant reduction in long-COVID symptom load, which correlated with improved executive function in non-hospitalised COVID-19 participants. The COVID group continued to self-report poorer mental health, irrespective of hospitalisation history, relative to non-COVID group.

Conclusions: Although some cognitive improvement has occurred over a six-month period in young and middle-aged COVID-19 survivors, cognitive impairment persists in those with a history of COVID-19 related hospitalisation and/or long-COVID symptoms. Continuous follow-up assessments are required to determine whether cognitive function improves or possibly worsens, over time in hospitalised and long-COVID participants.

Source: Vakani K, Ratto M, Sandford-James A, Antonova E, Kumari V. Cognitive and Mental Health Trajectories of COVID-19: Role of Hospitalisation and Long-COVID Symptoms. Eur Psychiatry. 2024 Feb 5:1-40. doi: 10.1192/j.eurpsy.2024.7. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38312039. (Full text)

Neutrophil degranulation, endothelial and metabolic dysfunction in unvaccinated long COVID patients


Background: Long COVID symptoms are widely diffused and have a poorly understood pathophysiology, with possible involvement of inflammatory cytokines.

Materials and methods: A prospective follow-up study involved 385 unvaccinated patients, started 1 month after SARS-CoV-2 infection and continued for up to 12 months. We compared circulating biomarkers of neutrophil degranulation, endothelial and metabolic dysfunction in subjects with long COVID symptoms and in asymptomatic post-COVID controls.

Results: The highest occurrence of symptoms (71%) was after 3 months from the infection, decreasing to 62.3% and 29.4% at 6 and 12 months, respectively. Compared to controls, long COVID patients had increased levels of the neutrophilic degranulation indices MMP-8 and MPO, of endothelial dysfunction indices L-selectin and P-selectin. Among indices of metabolic dysfunction, leptin levels were higher in long COVID patients than in controls.

Conclusion: In unvaccinated patients, symptoms may persist up to 1 year after acute COVID infection, with increased indices of neutrophil degranulation, endothelial and metabolic dysfunction. The clinical implications of specific inflammatory biomarkers require further attention, especially in individuals with fatigue and long COVID-linked cognitive dysfunctions.

Source: Di Ciaula A, Liberale L, Portincasa P, Khalil M, Galerati I, Farella I, Noto A, JohnBritto S, Moriero M, Michelauz C, Frè F, Olivero C, Bertolotto M, Montecucco F, Carbone F, Bonfrate L. Neutrophil degranulation, endothelial and metabolic dysfunction in unvaccinated long COVID patients. Eur J Clin Invest. 2024 Jan 16:e14155. doi: 10.1111/eci.14155. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38226472.



Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 or Long COVID becomes evident some weeks to months following acute COVID-19. Symptoms include cognitive impairment and varying degrees of memory loss with no definitive etiologies or efficacious therapies forthcoming even after four years of the SARS-Cov2 pandemic virus. The aim of this review is to demonstrate the important role of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in both acute COVID-19 and Long COVID.

Evidence presented implicates immune mechanisms stimulated by SARS-Cov-2 S-protein fragment 674-685 that possesses homology with α7-specific ligands. Cognitive dysfunctions observed in Long COVID patients may be derived from anti-idiotypic α7-specific antibodies stimulated by (674-685)-specific antibodies. Therapeutic interventions capable of neutralizing these antibodies and restoring full functions of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors appear to be of paramount importance in post-acute sequelae of COVID-19.

Source: Skok M. THE ROLE OF α7 NICOTINIC ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTORS IN POST-ACUTE SEQUELAE OF COVID-19. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2024 Jan 11:106519. doi: 10.1016/j.biocel.2024.106519. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38218363.

Microstructural brain abnormalities, fatigue, and cognitive dysfunction after mild COVID-19


Although some studies have shown neuroimaging and neuropsychological alterations in post-COVID-19 patients, fewer combined neuroimaging and neuropsychology evaluations of individuals who presented a mild acute infection. Here we investigated cognitive dysfunction and brain changes in a group of mildly infected individuals.

We conducted a cross-sectional study of 97 consecutive subjects (median age of 41 years) without current or history of psychiatric symptoms (including anxiety and depression) after a mild infection, with a median of 79 days (and mean of 97 days) after diagnosis of COVID-19. We performed semi-structured interviews, neurological examinations, 3T-MRI scans, and neuropsychological assessments. For MRI analyses, we included a group of non-infected 77 controls. The MRI study included white matter (WM) investigation with diffusion tensor images (DTI) and functional connectivity with resting-state functional MRI (RS-fMRI).

The patients reported memory loss (36%), fatigue (31%) and headache (29%). The quantitative analyses confirmed symptoms of fatigue (83% of participants), excessive somnolence (35%), impaired phonemic verbal fluency (21%), impaired verbal categorical fluency (13%) and impaired logical memory immediate recall (16%). The WM analyses with DTI revealed higher axial diffusivity values in post-infected patients compared to controls.

Compared to controls, there were no significant differences in the functional connectivity of the posterior cingulum cortex. There were no significant correlations between neuropsychological scores and neuroimaging features (including DTI and RS-fMRI).

Our results suggest persistent cognitive impairment and subtle white matter abnormalities in individuals mildly infected without anxiety or depression symptoms. The longitudinal analyses will clarify whether these alterations are temporary or permanent.

Source: Scardua-Silva, L., Amorim da Costa, B., Karmann Aventurato, Í. et al. Microstructural brain abnormalities, fatigue, and cognitive dysfunction after mild COVID-19. Sci Rep 14, 1758 (2024). (Full text)

Exploring the neurocognitive consequences of post-exertional malaise in myalgic encephalomyelitis

Background and aims:

Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) is a complex, debilitating and heterogeneous disorder. It affects over 500,000 people in Canada but remains poorly understood. People are affected with multi-systemic symptoms such as fatigue that is not alleviated by rest, pain, cognitive impairment and post-exertional malaise (PEM), which is considered as the hallmark symptom of ME. PEM is triggered by minimal mental or physical effort and exacerbates other symptoms. Our aim was to measure how individuals’ cognition can be impacted by the induction of PEM, and investigate the difference in cognitive response.

Section snippets:

A prospective cohort of people with ME (n = 42) and matched healthy controls (n = 15) was recruited and subjected to PEM induction through a 90-minutes mechanical arm stimulation. BrainCheck test (BrainCheck, Inc., TX, USA) was used at baseline (T0) and after 90 minutes of stimulation to evaluate six cognitive domains for which each participant received a score and a population percentile based on their performance.

Comparison between both groups was significant (p < 0.05) at T90, but not at T0, in four out of six cognitive domains. We then classified our ME cohort in three clusters by k-means method based on the Δ percentile (T90-T0) for each cognitive task. This stratification allowed us to notice how some cognitive domains seem more affected depending on the cluster, namely memory and attention.

These results showed the impact of PEM on the disturbance of cognition in the context of ME as well as the variability of cognitive domains affected in people with ME.

Source: Corinne Leveau, Iurie Caraus, Anita Franco, Alain Moreau. Exploring the neurocognitive consequences of post-exertional malaise in myalgic encephalomyelitis. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, Volume 455, Supplement, December 2023, 122590.