Chronic fatigue syndrome

Comment on: Chronic fatigue syndrome. [J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1991]


As neurologists in a country where the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) has almost no recognized official existence, we often feel bewildered by the papers on the subject we read in the Anglo-Saxon literature. We wonder whether the clinical experience of some of their authors is so different from ours that they do not consider that their approach may result in a disservice to their patients. The JNNP has followed a sensitive line culminating in Wessely’s excellent editorial. We still, however, feel that his kid-glove handling of the subject reflects the controversy that surrounds it in the UK.

Avoiding the futile organic versus functional debate, in our neurology department we refer to many of the problems we see in our practice as the “chronic vigilance syndromes”: specific patterns of enhanced attention centred on particular bodily structures and functions. Naturally, the commonest in a neurologist’s outpatient clinic are the “cephalic vigilance syndromes” in their two main forms: the painful, with its several varieties of chronic headaches, and the operational one with its subjective unsteadiness, concentration problems and various odd turns. “Thoracic vigilance” patients are often referred to cardiologists or pneumologists but a fair number also come to us, especially if they have hyperventilation symptoms such as dizziness and paraesthesiae. Among the different types of patients with fatigue we are also familiar with the occasional “neuro-muscular vigilance” patient whose symptoms parallel your CFS cases. We have the noncontrolled impression that in our environment such patients often have a premorbid preoccupation with their locomotor system.

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Source: Digon A, Goicoechea A, Moraza MJ. Chronic fatigue syndrome. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1992 Jan;55(1):85.