Post-COVID-19 Syndrome: A Novel Diagnosis


Patients with post-COVID-19 syndrome have reported a wide array of symptoms that include autonomic dysfunction. It is hypothesized that this may be secondary to interruption of baroreflex pathways in the carotid arteries or nucleus tractus solitarius, however, confirming studies have yet to be performed. A limited number of studies have highlighted the presence of an exaggerated baroreflex response in patients with a post-COVID-19 syndrome that mirror other chronic autonomic dysfunction-related conditions.

Source: Kalia R, Kalia R, Musih J, Cubelo M, Popat J. Post-COVID-19 Syndrome: A Novel Diagnosis. Cureus. 2022 Aug 22;14(8):e28266. doi: 10.7759/cureus.28266. PMID: 36158335; PMCID: PMC9491485. (Full text)

Autonomic neuropathies


A limited autonomic neuropathy may underlie some unusual clinical syndromes, including the postural tachycardia syndrome, pseudo-obstruction syndrome, heat intolerance, and perhaps chronic fatigue syndrome. Antibodies to autonomic structures are common in diabetes, but their specificity is unknown. The presence of autonomic failure worsens prognosis in the diabetic state. Some autonomic neuropathies are treatable. Familial amyloid polyneuropathy may respond to liver transplantation. There are anecdotal reports of acute panautonomic neuropathy responding to intravenous gamma globulin. Orthostatic hypotension may respond to erythropoietin or midodrine.


Source: Low PA. Autonomic neuropathies. Curr Opin Neurol. 1998 Oct;11(5):531-7.