Managing Energy, and Shaping Care: Insights from Adults with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Through Co-Production Workshops


Background: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a complex, debilitating condition characterised by severe fatigue that is not relieved by rest and is often exacerbated by physical or mental activity. A key challenge for individuals with ME/CFS is energy management and to date, the only recommended strategy is “activity pacing.” This approach involves balancing activity and rest to avoid overexertion and minimise the risk of symptom exacerbation, commonly known as “post-exertional malaise”(PEM). A recent systematic review highlighted significant shortcomings in activity pacing interventions for ME/CFS, noting that they lacked rigour, were brief, and did not follow guidelines or integrate recommended technology, limiting their relevance for modern energy management. To address these gaps, the present study aimed to explore ME/CFS patients’ and health practitioners’ perspectives on approaches to energy management, how their understanding of energy management has evolved over time, and their recommendations for future interventions concerning energy management.

Method: Eight individuals with ME/CFS participated in six one-hour long online co-production workshops with two researchers, with the option to provide input through written responses. Additionally, three health practitioners shared their perspectives via email. Thematic analysis of the data identified several key recommendations for improving ME/CFS care.

Results and conclusions: Workshops highlighted the need for early support, healthcare provider training, and public education to combat stigma and misconceptions around ME/CFS. Participants emphasised patient collaboration, research-informed practices, rigorous research, multidisciplinary teams, and the integration of technologies like mHealth, along with a comprehensive approach including sleep, diet, and psychological support for better symptom management and activity pacing.

Source: Thornton EJ, Hayes LD, Goodwin DS, Sculthorpe N, Prior Y, Sanal-Hayes NEM. Managing Energy, and Shaping Care: Insights from Adults with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Through Co-Production Workshops. Am J Med. 2025 Feb 15:S0002-9343(25)00093-2. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2025.02.008. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39961545. (Full text)

Management of severe ME/CFS in children and young people in the UK: a British Paediatric Surveillance Unit study


Objective: Severe myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) in children and young people (CYP) is a little-understood condition which significantly impacts education, development and quality of life. We used data from a population-wide surveillance study to explore the screening investigation, referral and management of suspected cases of paediatric severe ME/CFS.

Methods: A British Paediatric Surveillance Unit (BPSU) study reported cases of CYP with suspected severe ME/CFS between February 2018 and February 2019. Paediatricians reporting cases to BPSU and allied healthcare professionals in two large specialist paediatric ME/CFS centres were invited to complete questionnaires for CYP meeting the surveillance case definition. The study focused primarily on CYP with confirmed severe ME/CFS and the extent to which their care met NICE (The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) recommendations but also considered separately those with probable or possible severe ME/CFS.

Results: This study includes a total of 92 CYP with suspected severe ME/CFS; 33 meeting criteria for severe ME/CFS and an additional 59 classified as probable or possible severe ME/CFS. For 16 possible cases, incomplete investigation to exclude alternative diagnoses prevented confirmation of a severe ME/CFS diagnosis. Only 21 of 33 (64%) confirmed severe ME/CFS cases had been referred to specialist services. The management provided varied considerably between patients and four received nothing at all. Of the management provided, the most frequent approaches were medication (67%), activity management (61%) and physiotherapy (61%). Domiciliary assessments and support, and social services referrals were received by 12% and 6% of confirmed severe cases. Similar proportions of management approaches were seen in probable/possible severe ME/CFS.

Conclusion: Full investigation is frequently incomplete in CYP with suspected severe ME/CFS and recommendations for referral and management are poorly implemented, in particular the needs of CYP who are unable to leave their home might be poorly met.

Source: Royston AP, Burge S, Idini I, Brigden A, Pike KC. Management of severe ME/CFS in children and young people in the UK: a British Paediatric Surveillance Unit study. BMJ Paediatr Open. 2024 Mar 7;8(1):e002436. doi: 10.1136/bmjpo-2023-002436. PMID: 38453418. (Full text)

Graded exercise therapy compared to activity management for paediatric chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis: pragmatic randomized controlled trial


The MAGENTA pragmatic parallel groups randomized controlled trial compared graded exercise therapy (GET) with activity management (AM) in treating paediatric myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Children aged 8-17 years with mild/moderate ME/CFS and presenting to NHS specialist paediatric services were allocated at random to either individualised flexible treatment focussing on physical activity (GET, 123 participants) or on managing cognitive, school and social activity (AM, 118 participants) delivered by NHS therapists.

The primary outcome was the self-reported short-form 36 physical function subscale (SF-36-PFS) after 6 months, with higher scores indicating better functioning. After 6 months, data were available for 201 (83%) participants who received a mean of 3.9 (GET) or 4.6 (AM) treatment sessions. Comparing participants with measured outcomes in their allocated groups, the mean SF-36-PFS score changed from 54.8 (standard deviation 23.7) to 55.7 (23.3) for GET and from 55.5 (23.1) to 57.7 (26.0) for AM giving an adjusted difference in means of -2.02 (95% confidence interval -7.75, 2.70). One hundred thirty-five participants completed the mean SF-36-PFS at 12 months, and whilst further improvement was observed, the difference between the study groups remained consistent with chance.

The two study groups showed similar changes on most of the secondary outcome measures: Chalder Fatigue, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: Depression, proportion of full-time school attended, a visual analogue pain scale, participant-rated change and accelerometer measured physical activity, whether at the 6-month or 12-month assessment.

There was an isolated finding of some evidence of an improvement in anxiety in those allocated to GET, as measured by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale at 6 months, with the 12-month assessment, and the Spence Children’s Anxiety scale being aligned with that finding. There was weak evidence of a greater risk of deterioration with GET (27%) than with AM (17%; p = 0.069).

At conventional UK cost per QALY thresholds, the probability that GET is more cost-effective than AM ranged from 18 to 21%. Whilst completion of the SF-36-PFS, Chalder Fatigue Scale and EQ-5D-Y was good at the 6-month assessment point, it was less satisfactory for other measures, and for all measures at the 12-month assessment.

Conclusion: There was no evidence that GET was more effective or cost-effective than AM in this setting, with very limited improvement in either study group evident by the 6-month or 12-month assessment points.

Trial registration: The study protocol was registered at (3rd September 2015; ISRCTN 23962803) before the start of enrolment to the initial feasibility phase.

Source: Gaunt DM, Brigden A, Harris SRS, Hollingworth W, Jago R, Solomon-Moore E, Beasant L, Mills N, Sinai P, Crawley E, Metcalfe C. Graded exercise therapy compared to activity management for paediatric chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis: pragmatic randomized controlled trial. Eur J Pediatr. 2024 Mar 2. doi: 10.1007/s00431-024-05458-x. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38429546. (Full text)