Fluctuations in perceived energy and mood among patients with chronic fatigue syndrome

Comment in: Fluctuations in perceived energy and mood among patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. [J R Soc Med. 1992]

Comment on: Fluctuations in perceived energy and mood among patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. [J R Soc Med. 1992]


I find it surprising that Wood et al. (April 992 JRSM, p 195) no longer appear to consider,that the presence of a precipitating infection should be necessary for the selection of patients involved in the study of chronic fatigue syndromes. The reference they quote, which refers to guidelines laid down at Oxford in 1990, states very clearly that post-infectious patients with chronic fatigue do indeed form a distinct subgroup, and that to fulfil research criteria there, must be,’definite evidence of infection at onset or presentation’.

Having failed to make such a distinction it is not, altogether surprising that they go on to conclude that the higher levels of depression found in their study …. serve to reinforce the now widely–current, notion that such patients may be suffering from a depressive illness, of which physical fatigue is a somatic manifestation’.

You may read the rest of this comment as well as the author’s response here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1293670/pdf/jrsocmed00107-0092b.pdf


Source: Shepherd C. Fluctuations in perceived energy and mood among patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. J R Soc Med. 1992 Sep;85(9):588. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1293670/


Chronic fatigue syndrome and heterogeneity

Comment on: The measurement of fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome. [J R Soc Med. 1992]


One thing which hampers medical research is a frustrating tendency for researchers to conclude that heterogeneous groups are homogeneous. Several examples can be cited including research into sudden infant death syndrome. In his editorial on chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) Wessely (April 1992 JRSM, p 189) asserts that previous views suggesting CFS to be simply a form of somatized depression are no longer tenable because of one published and one unpublished study showing biological differences from major depression. This view is just as untenable as the notion that all CFS is depression. Surely the most likely explanation is that CFS represents a heterogeneous group. The notion that one or two positive findings exclude all other explanations is a dangerous one. Aside from the fact that it negates the possibility of heterogeneity it may have a tendency to narrow thinking on the subject, and this is, after all, the food for medical research.

You can read the full comment here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1293669/pdf/jrsocmed00107-0092a.pdf


Source: Wright B. Chronic fatigue syndrome and heterogeneity. J R Soc Med. 1992 Sep;85(9):588. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1293669/


Monospot and VP1 tests in chronic fatigue syndrome and major depression


Thirty-four patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) were compared with controls with DSM-III-R major depression on the Monospot and VP1 antigen tests.

There was no significant difference in the numbers initially VP1 positive in the groups (11/34 and 7/34 positive in the chronic fatigue and major depression group respectively). Four CFS but no depressed patients were Monospot positive initially. No patient was both Monospot and VP1 positive. Patients positive on the tests were offered a repeat 6 months later. Eight of the 11 VP1 positive patients in the CFS group were retested and four remained positive, but none of the four depressed patients retested remained positive. No patient retested remained Monospot positive.

The Monospot and VP1 tests appear to have little discriminating ability between these groups as screening tests and their predictive validity is unclear.


Source: Lynch SP, Seth RV, Main J. Monospot and VP1 tests in chronic fatigue syndrome and major depression. J R Soc Med. 1992 Sep;85(9):537-40. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1293640/ (Full article)


Estimating the prevalence of chronic fatigue syndrome and associated symptoms in the community


Chronic fatigue syndrome is a poorly understood disease characterized by debilitating fatigue and neuromuscular and neuropsychological symptoms. Despite numerous studies on the subject, the epidemiology of the syndrome in the community remains largely unexplored.

An estimate of the prevalence in the population is presented, approximating the Centers for Disease Control criteria as well as the prevalence estimates of the fatigue symptom complex that include fatigue, disability, and neuromuscular and neuropsychological symptoms. The study population consisted of a very large, multicenter, stratified, and random sample of a general population health survey known as the Epidemiologic Catchment Area Program.

Data used for this study were gathered between 1981 and 1984. The Diagnostic Interview Schedule, a highly structured mental health interview, was used to assess the lifetime prevalence of medical and psychological symptoms. Chronic fatigue was common.

A total of 23 percent of the subjects reported having experienced the symptom of persistent fatigue sometime during their lives. Chronic fatigue syndrome, however, as defined by the Centers for Disease Control, appeared to be quite rare in the general population. Only 1 of 13,538 people examined was found to meet a diagnosis of the syndrome with an approximation of the CDC criteria. Fatigue symptom complex was frequently related to medical or psychiatric illness or substance abuse; thus, persons meeting partial criteria of chronic fatigue syndrome were also found to be rare when psychiatric or medical exclusions were applied.


Comment inTaking exception to chronic fatigue syndrome prevalence findings by Price, et al. [Public Health Rep. 1993]


Source: Price RK, North CS, Wessely S, Fraser VJ. Estimating the prevalence of chronic fatigue syndrome and associated symptoms in the community. Public Health Rep. 1992 Sep-Oct;107(5):514-22. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1403692/ (Full article)


Alleged link between hepatitis B vaccine and chronic fatigue syndrome

I thought it fitting that Mr. Andrew House’s letter “Alleged link between  and chronic fatigue syndrome” saw the light of day in your Apr. 1 issue (page 1145), sharing space with “Psychopharmacology of lycanthropy.”

It was an appropriate debut for a letter that unblushingly ridiculed sick human beings. The disparaging tone and point of view reminded me of the way psychiatric patients used to be discussed in the bad old days.

You can read the full comment as well as the author’s reply here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1336231/pdf/cmaj00257-0021c.pdf


Source: O’Sullivan SJ. Alleged link between hepatitis B vaccine and chronic fatigue syndrome. CMAJ. 1992 Aug 15;147(4):399, 402. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1336231/


NIH conference. Chronic fatigue syndrome research. Definition and medical outcome assessment


A workshop was held 18 to 19 March 1991 at the National Institutes of Health to address critical issues in research concerning the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Case definition, confounding diagnoses, and medical outcome assessment by laboratory and other means were considered from the perspectives of key medical specialties involved in CFS research.

It was recommended that published Centers for Disease Control (CDC) case-definition criteria be modified to exclude fewer patients from analysis because of a history of psychiatric disorder. Specific recommendations were made concerning the inclusion or exclusion of other major confounding diagnoses, and a standard panel of laboratory tests was specified for initial patient evaluation.

The workshop emphasized the importance of recognizing other conditions that could explain the patient’s symptoms and that may be treatable. It was viewed as essential for the investigator to screen for psychiatric disorder using a combination of self-report instruments followed by at least one structured interview to identify patients who should be excluded from studies or considered as a separate subgroup in data analysis.

Because CFS is not a homogeneous abnormality and because there is no single pathogenic mechanism, research progress may depend upon delineation of these and other patient subgroups for separate data analysis. Despite preliminary data, no physical finding or laboratory test was deemed confirmatory of the diagnosis of CFS.

For assessment of clinical status, investigators must rely on the use of standardized instruments for patient self-reporting of fatigue, mood disturbance, functional status, sleep disorder, global well-being, and pain. Further research is needed to develop better instruments for quantifying these domains in patients with CFS.


Source: Schluederberg A, Straus SE, Peterson P, Blumenthal S, Komaroff AL, Spring SB, Landay A, Buchwald D. NIH conference. Chronic fatigue syndrome research. Definition and medical outcome assessment. Ann Intern Med. 1992 Aug 15;117(4):325-31. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1322076


Outcome in the chronic fatigue syndrome

Comment in: Self help organization’s advice on myalgic encephalomyelitis. [BMJ. 1992]

Comment on: Follow up of patients presenting with fatigue to an infectious diseases clinic. [BMJ. 1992]


EDITOR,-Michael Sharpe and colleagues’ paper confirms what many clinicians have long suspected -namely, that the prognosis for those with a chronic fatigue syndrome who reach specialist care is poor.’ The paper also suggests that membership of a self help organisation is associated with a poor outcome. Although the authors emphasise that this association is not necessarily causal, I fear that the self help organisations may interpret this as another attack on their credibility, which will further sour relations between the organisations and the profession.

What are the possible explanations for these disturbing findings? Sharpe and colleagues suggest that patients’ beliefs are an important mediator of disability, a view I share.2 An article written by a sufferer illustrates how this might happen: “These living viruses are erratic and unpredictable. The prickly-edged ones pierce their way into the body cells. If disturbed by the patient’s activity they become as aggressive as a disturbed wasps’ nest, and can be felt giving needle-like jabs (or stimulating the nerves to do so).” It is easy to understand how such beliefs, regardless of their scientific accuracy, amplify disability.

You can read the full comment here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1882994/pdf/bmj00086-0047b.pdf


Source: Wessely S. Outcome in the chronic fatigue syndrome. BMJ. 1992 Aug 8;305(6849):365. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1882994/


Outcome in the chronic fatigue syndrome

Comment on: Follow up of patients presenting with fatigue to an infectious diseases clinic. [BMJ. 1992]


EDITOR,-Michael Sharpe and colleagues’ follow up study of 177 patients with chronic fatigue of uncertain origin raises several important unanswered questions, which require further investigation. Factors such as a belief that their illness followed an infection, intolerance to alcohol, and membership of a support group for patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis were all associated with an adverse prognosis. Could it be that the authors had identified patients belonging to a distinct postinfectious subgroup as many doctors maintain they do? Clearly, if this is the case future studies of this nature will have to include more objective analysis of persisting viral infection (for example, analysis of muscle biopsy specimens with the polymerase chain reaction rather than tests for VP1 antigen); immune function (for example, function of natural killer cells rather than white cell counts); and hypothalamic-pituitary-axis activity (for example, up regulation of serotonin- I receptors and basal cortisol concentrations) to see if there are characteristic abnormalities that distinguish the postinfectious subgroup.

The high incidence of intolerance to alcohol is noted as intriguing, but from personal experience, as well as from seeing many patients with a classic postinfectious fatigue syndrome, I regard this observation as an important diagnostic feature. In these patients even small amounts of alcohol cause a further deterioration in cognitive function, and I suggest that a physiological explanation may lie in the fact that alcohol increases the concentration of the neurotransmitter y-aminobutyric acid, which in turn reduces the availability of calcium ions and hence depresses brain function still further.

You can read the rest of this comment here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1883001/pdf/bmj00086-0047c.pdf


Source: Shepherd C. Outcome in the chronic fatigue syndrome. BMJ. 1992 Aug 8;305(6849):365. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1883001/


Outcome in the chronic fatigue syndrome

Comment on: Follow up of patients presenting with fatigue to an infectious diseases clinic. [BMJ. 1992]


EDITOR,-Michael Sharpe and colleagues report that most patients with the chronic fatigue syndrome rate contact with medical services as unhelpful or only slightly helpful. Many sufferers turn to alternative health care, again with varied success. Such dissatisfaction with medical care is well documented, and self help organisations flourish to provide the support, advice, and education that is not, or cannot be, provided by the medical profession; they potentially fulfil an important role.

The authors conclude that for patients with the chronic fatigue syndrome membership of a self help organisation is associated with a poorer outcome (although whether members were more functionally impaired at the outset is not known). Adopting coping strategies, particularly with regard to exercise and “stress,” and a belief in the persistence of a viral infection are also associated with continuing disability.

You can read the rest of this comment here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1883006/pdf/bmj00086-0047d.pdf


Source: Cope H, David AS. Outcome in the chronic fatigue syndrome. BMJ. 1992 Aug 8;305(6849):365. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1883006/


Immunologically mediated fatigue: a murine model


Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is an idiopathic disorder in which the chief symptoms is profound fatigue. To explore the relationship between immune stimulation and fatigue, we developed a murine model for quantifying fatigue: reduction in voluntary running and delayed initiation of grooming after swimming.

Inoculation of female BALB/c mice with Corynebacterium parvum antigen or the relatively avirulent Me49 strain of Toxoplasma gondii induced fatigue: baseline running reduced to less than 50 and 30% for 8 and 14 days, respectively, and delayed initiation of grooming after swimming in both immunologically stimulated groups.

A threefold evaluation of serum transforming growth factor-beta levels, a cytokine increased in CFS patients, was found in fatigued C. parvum- and T. gondii-inoculated mice. This murine model appears promising for investigation of the pathogenesis of immunologically mediated fatigue.


Source: Chao CC, DeLaHunt M, Hu S, Close K, Peterson PK. Immunologically mediated fatigue: a murine model. Clin Immunol Immunopathol. 1992 Aug;64(2):161-5. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1643746