Culture and somatic experience: the social course of illness in neurasthenia and chronic fatigue syndrome


An anthropological view of culture and somatic experience is presented through elaboration of the notion that illness has a social course. Contemporary anthropology locates culture in local worlds of interpersonal experience. The flow of events and processes in these local worlds influences the waxing and waning of symptoms in a dialectic involving body and society over time.

Conversely, symptoms serve as a medium for the negotiation of interpersonal experience, forming a series of illness-related changes in sufferers’ local worlds. Thus, somatic experience is both created by and creates culture throughout the social course of illness. Findings from empirical research on neurasthenia in China, and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) in the United States, corroborate this formulation. Attributions of illness onset to social sources, the symbolic linking of symptoms to life context, and the alleviation of distress with improvement in circumstances point to the sociosomatic mediation of sickness.

Transformations occasioned by illness in the lives of neurasthenic and CFS patients confirm the significance of bodily distress as a vehicle for the negotiation of change in interpersonal worlds. An indication of some of the challenges anthropological thinking poses for psychosomatic medicine concludes the discussion.


Source: Ware NC, Kleinman A. Culture and somatic experience: the social course of illness in neurasthenia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Psychosom Med. 1992 Sep-Oct;54(5):546-60.


Fluctuations in perceived energy and mood among patients with chronic fatigue syndrome

Comment in: Fluctuations in perceived energy and mood among patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. [J R Soc Med. 1992]

Comment on: Fluctuations in perceived energy and mood among patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. [J R Soc Med. 1992]


I find it surprising that Wood et al. (April 992 JRSM, p 195) no longer appear to consider,that the presence of a precipitating infection should be necessary for the selection of patients involved in the study of chronic fatigue syndromes. The reference they quote, which refers to guidelines laid down at Oxford in 1990, states very clearly that post-infectious patients with chronic fatigue do indeed form a distinct subgroup, and that to fulfil research criteria there, must be,’definite evidence of infection at onset or presentation’.

Having failed to make such a distinction it is not, altogether surprising that they go on to conclude that the higher levels of depression found in their study …. serve to reinforce the now widely–current, notion that such patients may be suffering from a depressive illness, of which physical fatigue is a somatic manifestation’.

You may read the rest of this comment as well as the author’s response here:


Source: Shepherd C. Fluctuations in perceived energy and mood among patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. J R Soc Med. 1992 Sep;85(9):588.


Chronic fatigue syndrome criteria. A critique of the requirement for multiple physical complaints


OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that the patients with chronic fatigue who have the highest number of medically unexplained physical symptoms over their lifetime would also have the highest prevalence of current and lifetime affective and anxiety disorders, lifetime affective symptoms, and the most functional disability. A further goal was to use this information to modify the current case definition to better identify a subgroup of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome who are less likely to have psychiatric illness.

DESIGN: Two hundred eighty-five consecutive patients with chronic fatigue were interviewed with the National Institute of Mental Health Diagnostic Interview Schedule and completed four self-rating questionnaires measuring psychologic distress, functional disability, and the tendency to amplify symptoms. Based on previously published data, patients were divided into four groups with a progressively higher number of lifetime medically unexplained physical symptoms. The prevalence of current and lifetime psychiatric disorders, lifetime psychologic symptoms, and extent of functional impairment was then compared in these four groups of patients.

MAIN RESULTS: The prevalence of current and lifetime psychiatric diagnosis and lifetime depressive symptoms increased linearly with the number of lifetime physical symptoms that the patient experienced. The extent of impairment in activities of daily living and the tendency to amplify symptoms also increased linearly with the number of medically unexplained physical symptoms.

CONCLUSION: The patients with the highest numbers of medically unexplained physical symptoms had extraordinarily high rates of current and lifetime psychiatric disorders. These data suggest that the current case definition for chronic fatigue syndrome inadvertently selects for patients with the highest prevalence of lifetime psychiatric diagnoses. A recommendation based on these results is to modify the case criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome to include patients with fatigue and few physical symptoms and to identify and consider excluding patients with high numbers of physical complaints.

Comment in: Defining the chronic fatigue syndrome. [Arch Intern Med. 1992]


Source: Katon W, Russo J. Chronic fatigue syndrome criteria. A critique of the requirement for multiple physical complaints. Arch Intern Med. 1992 Aug;152(8):1604-9.


Follow up of patients presenting with fatigue to an infectious diseases clinic


OBJECTIVES: To determine the symptomatic and functional status during follow up of patients referred to hospital with unexplained fatigue and to identify patient variables associated with persistent functional impairment.

DESIGN: Follow up by postal questionnaire six weeks to four years (median 1 year) after initial clinical assessment of patients referred to hospital during 1984-8.

SETTING: Infectious diseases outpatient clinic in a teaching hospital.

PATIENTS: 200 consecutive patients with fatigue of uncertain cause for at least six weeks; 177 fulfilled the inclusion criteria.

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Findings at initial assessment; current symptoms, beliefs about the cause of illness, coping behaviours emotional disorder, social variables including membership of self help organizations, and degrees of recovery and functional impairment from questionnaire responses.

RESULTS: 144 (81%) patients returned completed questionnaires. Initial assessment did not indicate the cause of fatigue, other than preceding infection. The proportion of patients with functional impairment was significantly smaller with longer follow up (33% (11/33) at two to four years, 73% (29/40) at six weeks to six months; chi 2 for trend = 12.5, df = 1; p less than 0.05). Functional impairment was significantly associated with belief in a viral cause of the illness (odds ratio = 3.9; 95% confidence interval 1.5 to 9.9), limiting exercise (3.2; 1.5 to 6.6), avoiding alcohol (4.5; 1.8 to 11.3), changing or leaving employment (3.1; 1.4 to 6.9), belonging to a self help organization (7.8; 2.5 to 23.9), and current emotional disorder (4.4; 2.0 to 9.3).

CONCLUSIONS: Short term prognosis for recovery of function was poor but improved with time. Most patients had made a functional recovery by two years after initial clinic attendance. Impaired functioning was more likely with certain patient characteristics. Prospective studies are required to clarify whether these associations are the consequences of a more disabling illness or indicate factors contributing to impaired function.

Comment in

Outcome in the chronic fatigue syndrome. [BMJ. 1992]

Outcome in the chronic fatigue syndrome. [BMJ. 1992]

Outcome in the chronic fatigue syndrome. [BMJ. 1992]


Source: Sharpe M, Hawton K, Seagroatt V, Pasvol G. Follow up of patients presenting with fatigue to an infectious diseases clinic. BMJ. 1992 Jul 18;305(6846):147-52.

Note: You can read the full article here


The epidemiology of fatigue: more questions than answers

Fatigue syndromes, though recognised for some time, have recently attracted a variety of new diagnostic labels, as well as both professional and media controversy. However, most of the arguments surround the interpretation of small hospital based case-control studies using highly selected groups of patients.’ There is relative silence on population based studies, which perhaps contributes to the lack of concensus. This paper reviews the epidemiology of fatigue in the general population and in primary care and examines potential sources of bias in hospital based studies

You can read the rest of this article here:


Source: Lewis G, Wessely S. The epidemiology of fatigue: more questions than answers. J Epidemiol Community Health. 1992 Apr;46(2):92-7.


Illness perception and symptom components in chronic fatigue syndrome


Two-hundred and eight patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (post-viral fatigue syndrome) completed a questionnaire which dealt both with their illness in general and with the extent to which they experienced specific symptoms. A factor analysis of the symptom data yielded four components: emotional distress; fatigue; somatic symptoms; and cognitive difficulty.

Emotional disturbance is a common feature of the disorder and its role has been widely debated. When the symptom components were considered independently, fatigue, somatic symptoms and cognitive difficulty were associated with questionnaire items relating to general illness severity, but emotional distress was not.

Thus negative emotions did not contribute directly to patients’ perception of illness severity. They were, however, correlated with the other symptom components. It is argued that this correlation reflects a reciprocal influence, with negative emotions exacerbating fatigue and other key symptoms and the debilitating nature of these symptoms enhancing emotional vulnerability.


Source: Ray C, Weir WR, Cullen S, Phillips S. Illness perception and symptom components in chronic fatigue syndrome. J Psychosom Res. 1992 Apr;36(3):243-56.


Chronic fatigue syndrome: a joint paediatric-psychiatric approach

Comment in: Chronic fatigue syndrome: a joint paediatric-psychiatric approach. [Arch Dis Child. 1992]


Prolonged fatigue after an apparent viral infection, occurring sporadically or as an epidemic, has been described over the past 50 years. It has been given various names including Royal Free disease (1) and myalgic encephalomyelitis, but the preferred terms in the medical literature have been postviral fatigue syndrome (2) or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). (3)

However, the validity of this syndrome as a nosological entity has created a good deal of controversy and remains in doubt. (4) A constellation of symptoms make up the syndrome. There is fatigue of defined onset that is generally reported to follow a viral illness, often an influenza-like illness or an infection of the upper respiratory tract. The patient experiences profound fatigue with the initial illness and then fails to make the expected recovery, with fatigue that can persist over months or years. Fatigue is defined as a subjective sensation, which the patient often describes as tiredness or weariness and that occurs at rest. These patients also report a clear relationship of fatigue to activity. The term fatiguability has been used to describe the greater than normal fatigue that occurs after physical and sometimes after mental exertion in these patients. A great variety of associated symptoms have been described that include increased sleepiness, dizziness, vertigo, headache, difficulty in concentrating, sore throat, muscle weakness, and myalgia. The majority of patients have some emotional symptoms. There can be irritability and anxiety, tearfulness and depression. The fatigue and associated symptoms are of such severity as to impair significantly normal daily activities. There is a remarkable absence of physical signs and physical investigations fail to detect any organic pathology or current infection to account for the symptoms.

You can read the rest of this article here:


Source: Vereker MI. Chronic fatigue syndrome: a joint paediatric-psychiatric approach. Arch Dis Child. 1992 Apr;67(4):550-5.


Fluctuations in perceived energy and mood among patients with chronic fatigue syndrome


Patients currently suffering or recently recovered from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) were compared with each other and with a group of well-matched controls in a study of diurnal variation in levels of perceived mental and physical energy and positive and negative affect.

Patients who were currently ill showed diurnal variation in patterns of energy, with maximum levels being recorded between 10.00 h and 12.00 h which were significantly higher (P < 0.05) than energy levels recorded on rising or retiring. This pattern was similar to the controls but average energy levels at each time point were lower (P < 0.05) among the ill patients.

Recovered patients showed the same pattern, with mean energy levels falling between those of the ill patients and controls. Similar diurnal patterns were found for perceptions of positive, though not negative affect. Correlations between physical and mental energy and between both of these energy variables and positive affect were high (r = 0.75 to 0.85) in both controls and CFS patients. However, correlations with negative affect were low (eg r = -0.10) and non-significant.

Total scores on the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) were significantly higher (P < 0.05) among patients who were still ill than those who had recovered. Scores on the HAD Depression (but not Anxiety) subscale were also significantly higher among those who were still ill (P < 0.01). These findings may be of value in facilitating programmes of cognitive-behavioural modification intended to aid the recovery of patients with CFS.

Comment in:

Fluctuations in perceived energy and mood among patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. [J R Soc Med. 1992]

Does atmospheric nitrous oxide (N2O) affect the perception of energy and mood? [J R Soc Med. 1992]


Source: Wood C, Magnello ME, Sharpe MC. Fluctuations in perceived energy and mood among patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. J R Soc Med. 1992 Apr;85(4):195-8.

Note: You can read the full article here


Psychosocial management of chronic fatigue syndrome in adolescence


The state of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) as abnormal illness behaviour or as biologically determined disease is undecided. The ensuing, often public, debate has confused the community and has led to sharp differences in the therapeutic approach to individual patients. These challenges are compounded when the patient is an adolescent and intergenerational issues enter the picture. Two adolescent cases with different outcomes are presented and the principles of a rehabilitation approach to treatment are outlined which attempt to avoid being drawn into unproductive debates about aetiology.

Comment in: Chronic fatigue syndrome. [Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 1992]


Source: Rikard-Bell CJ, Waters BG. Psychosocial management of chronic fatigue syndrome in adolescence. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 1992 Mar;26(1):64-72.


Neuropsychological and psychiatric abnormalities in myalgic encephalomyelitis: a preliminary report


Ten patients attending one general medical hospital clinic who fulfilled operational criteria for the diagnosis of myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and with a history longer than three months, underwent a series of standardized neuropsychological and psychiatric tests. Nine were able to complete the tests and were individually matched with a normal control group for age, sex, educational background and premorbid intelligence. The ME subjects showed inferior performance to the controls on two tests of verbal memory. Their personality scores displayed less extraversion and less psychoticism. This is the first report of objective neuropsychological abnormalities in patients with ME, suggesting a discrete deterioration of short-term memory. The findings may also suggest a concurrent psychiatric component of the condition, but the direction of causality remains to be clarified.


Source: Riccio M, Thompson C, Wilson B, Morgan DJ, Lant AF. Neuropsychological and psychiatric abnormalities in myalgic encephalomyelitis: a preliminary report. Br J Clin Psychol. 1992 Feb;31 ( Pt 1):111-20.