Cognitive behavior therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome: a case study


The case of a 26-year old woman with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is presented. Multidimensional assessment showing severe debilitating fatigue and considerable psychological, social and occupational impairment confirmed the diagnosis. Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) was based on a tested causal model of CFS and individual behavioral analyses. Key elements in CBT were process variables from the CFS model, like sense of control, causal attributions, physical activity and focusing on bodily functions. Goals were recovery from fatigue, returning to work and relapse prevention. The course of therapy is described in detail to illustrate difficulties in treating CFS. Assessments were made five times, at baseline and at 8, 14, 21 and 33 months. Comparison of the pretest, post-test and follow-up scores of the outcome variables, fatigue and functional impairment and of the process variables showed clinically significant improvement from the range of CFS patients to the range of healthy controls.


Source: Prins JB, Bleijenberg G. Cognitive behavior therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome: a case study. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry. 1999 Dec;30(4):325-39.


Psychological profile and ventilatory response to inspiratory resistive loading


The purpose of this study was to explore the contribution of psychological state to both the ventilatory response and the intensity of dyspnea experienced after the addition of small inspiratory loads to breathing. We hypothesized that patients with either a specific psychiatric diagnosis or a specific psychological trait will associate a greater degree of dyspnea with a loaded breathing task than will control subjects.

To insure the inclusion of persons with relevant psychological profiles, we recruited both subjects enrolled in the Chronic Fatigue Center and normal control subjects. In all, 52 subjects inspired first through a small (1.34 cm H(2)O/L/s) and second through a moderate (3.54 cm H(2)O/L/s) inspiratory resistive load (IRL). Ventilation was monitored throughout the 5-min sessions. Dyspnea was quantified with the Borg scale at specified times during the protocol. Standard psychological tests were administered.

We found that subjects could be divided into two groups. One, the “responders,” reported Borg scores higher than those of the second, or “nonresponder” group, at all times during the protocol. By contrast, there was no difference between groups with respect to ventilation. Responders had higher scores on tests of depression (the Center for Epidemiological Study depression scale) than did nonresponders. We conclude that the variability observed in subjective responses to IRL is explained, in part, by differences in psychological state.


Source: Lavietes MH, Sanchez CW, Tiersky LA, Cherniack NS, Natelson BH. Psychological profile and ventilatory response to inspiratory resistive loading. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2000 Mar;161(3 Pt 1):737-44.


Psychiatric morbidity and illness experience of primary care patients with chronic fatigue in Hong Kong


OBJECTIVE: The authors’ goal was to examine the prevalence and experience of psychiatric morbidity among primary care patients with chronic fatigue in Hong Kong.

METHOD: One hundred adult patients with medically unexplained fatigue for 6 or more months were assessed with the Explanatory Model Interview Catalogue, psychopathological rating scales, and an enhanced version of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R.

RESULTS: The lifetime prevalence of DSM-III-R depressive and anxiety disorders was 54%. Current depressive and anxiety disorders were identified in 28 patients, who exhibited more psychopathology and functional impairment than other patients. Thirty-three patients had somatoform pain disorder, and 30 had undifferentiated somatoform disorder, but most of them could also be diagnosed as having shenjing shuairuo (weakness of nerves) and, to a lesser extent, ICD-10 neurasthenia. Chronic fatigue syndrome diagnosed according to the 1988 Centers for Disease Control criteria was rare (3%) and atypical. Generally, patients mentioned fatigue if asked, but pains (36%), insomnia (20%), and worries (13%) were the most troublesome symptoms. Most patients attributed illness onset to psychosocial sources.

CONCLUSIONS: Psychiatric morbidity was common among primary care patients with chronic fatigue. Subthreshold psychiatric morbidity was very common and was more validly represented by the disease construct of shenjing shuairuo or neurasthenia than somatoform disorder.


Source: Lee S, Yu H, Wing Y, Chan C, Lee AM, Lee DT, Chen C, Lin K, Weiss MG. Psychiatric morbidity and illness experience of primary care patients with chronic fatigue in Hong Kong. Am J Psychiatry. 2000 Mar;157(3):380-4.


Examination of Cloninger’s basic dimensions of personality in fatiguing illness: chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple sclerosis


Relatively few studies have examined the personality characteristics of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). The personality profiles of 38 CFS subjects were compared with 40 healthy controls and 40 subjects with multiple sclerosis (MS), a chronic illness that shares many symptoms with CFS (e.g., fatigue), but has a known neurological substrate. Subjects were examined within Cloninger’s biosocial theory of personality, which delineates basic dimensions of temperament. Both illness groups displayed similarly elevated levels of Harm Avoidance, and lower levels of Reward Dependence as compared with healthy controls. The MS group showed a lower level of Persistence than controls and CFS subjects. Implications for the relationship between chronic illness and personality are discussed.


Source: Christodoulou C, Deluca J, Johnson SK, Lange G, Gaudino EA, Natelson BH. Examination of Cloninger’s basic dimensions of personality in fatiguing illness: chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple sclerosis. J Psychosom Res. 1999 Dec;47(6):597-607.


The role of depression in pain, psychophysiological syndromes and medically unexplained symptoms associated with chronic fatigue syndrome


BACKGROUND: The association between depression and pain, function, medically unexplained symptoms and psychophysiological syndromes such as irritable bowel syndrome has not been explored before in chronic fatigue syndrome.

METHODS: Cross-sectional controlled study of the current prevalence of psychophysiological syndromes, pain, function and lifetime prevalence of medically unexplained symptoms in 77 out-patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) without DSM-III-R depression, 42 CFS out-patients with DSM-III-R depression and 26 out-patient with primary DSM-III-R depression.

RESULTS: Both CFS groups differed significantly from the primary depression group but not each other in the prevalence of tension headaches (P < 0.001), reporting of widespread bodily pain (P < 0.001) and the number of lifetime medically unexplained symptoms (P < 0.001). The three groups did not significantly differ in the prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome or fibromyalgia. CFS patients with depression were more impaired in social function than other CFS patients.

CONCLUSION: Depression is not associated with the reporting of pain, psychophysiological syndromes and medically unexplained symptoms in CFS patients. Depression is associated with decreased social function in CFS patients.

LIMITATIONS: Study depended on recall of symptoms, not confirmed by medical records and current investigations. Patients with depression were taking antidepressants.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Treating depression in chronic fatigue syndrome is unlikely to diminish reporting of pain and medically unexplained symptoms but may improve social function.


Source: Morriss RK, Ahmed M, Wearden AJ, Mullis R, Strickland P, Appleby L, Campbell IT, Pearson D. The role of depression in pain, psychophysiological syndromes and medically unexplained symptoms associated with chronic fatigue syndrome. J Affect Disord. 1999 Oct;55(2-3):143-8.


The development of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Attitudes Test. A psychometric analysis


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is characterized by debilitating symptoms including persistent or relapsing fatigue. As a result of CFS, some individuals experience significant stigma that is attached to this illness. Many medical professionals are skeptical of the validity of the illness, and employers often fail to appreciate the seriousness of the symptoms. Although negative attitudes greatly affect the lives of individuals with CFS, there is presently no measurement of attitudes toward this illness and people who have CFS. The purpose of the present studies was to create a scale that measures attitudes toward individuals with CFS–the Chronic Fatigue Attitudes Test (CAT)–and to assess the scale’s reliability and validity. The 13-item scale was created using several constructs outlined in the literature regarding negative attitudes toward people with CFS, disabilities, and AIDS. Theoretical implications of the findings and the utility of the CAT are discussed.


Source: Shlaes JL, Jason LA, Ferrari JR. The development of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Attitudes Test. A psychometric analysis. Eval Health Prof. 1999 Dec;22(4):442-65.


Personality and social attitudes in chronic fatigue syndrome


One hundred one chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients attending a specialist CFS clinic were compared with 45 rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients on a range of standardized questionnaire measures, to investigate whether CFS patients are characterized by particular personality traits or social attitudes.

No differences were found between CFS and RA patients in measures of perfectionism, attitudes toward mental illness, defensiveness, social desirability, or sensitivity to punishment (a concept related to neuroticism), on either crude or adjusted analyses. Alexithymia scores were greater in the RA patient group (p<0.05). Social adjustment, based on subjective assessment of overall restriction in activities and relationship difficulties, was substantially poorer in the CFS group (p<0.001). This was highly associated with depressive symptoms, but remained significant even after adjusting for depressive symptomatology.

There was no evidence from this study of major differences between the personalities of CFS patients and RA patients. The stereotype of CFS sufferers as perfectionists with negative attitudes toward psychiatry was not supported.


Source: Wood B, Wessely S. Personality and social attitudes in chronic fatigue syndrome. J Psychosom Res. 1999 Oct;47(4):385-97.


Chronic fatigue syndrome in private practice psychiatry: family history of physical and mental health


Forty-five psychiatric patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) were compared, using the case-control method, to two control groups selected from the same practice and matched on age, gender, and psychiatric diagnosis.

The first control group (C-I, N=90) was selected on the basis of relatively good physical health. The second control group (C-II, N=45) was selected without regard to physical health. The reported family history of physical health revealed: the CFS mothers died at a younger age than the C-II mothers; both parents died before age 65 among the CFS parents more frequently than did the C-I parents; and the CFS parents had an increased prevalence of cancer, autoimmune disorders, and CFS-like conditions as compared to the families of one or both control groups.

The reported family history of mental disorders revealed no significant differences in any of these conditions between the CFS patients and either control group.


Source: Endicott NA. Chronic fatigue syndrome in private practice psychiatry: family history of physical and mental health. J Psychosom Res. 1999 Oct;47(4):343-54.


Psychiatric adjustment in adolescents with a history of chronic fatigue syndrome


OBJECTIVE: To ascertain psychiatric adjustment in youngsters with a history of childhood chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

METHOD: Subjects were 25 children and adolescents with CFS who were seen in tertiary pediatric/psychiatric clinics (mean age 15.6 years, seen a mean of 45.5 months after illness onset; 17 subjects had recovered and 8 were still ill) and 15 healthy matched controls. Youngsters and their parents (usually mothers) were interviewed and completed questionnaires. Instruments used included the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children (K-SADS), the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), and the Harter Self-Esteem Questionnaire.

RESULTS: At assessment, psychiatric disorders (mainly anxiety and depressive disorders) were present in half the subjects with a history of CFS, a rate significantly higher than in healthy controls. On the CBCL youngsters with a history of CFS had an excess of psychological symptoms and decreased social competence. On the Harter Self-Esteem Questionnaire they reported reduced self-esteem, especially in social competence. Anxiety disorders were significantly more common in recovered subjects than in those with active CFS illness status.

CONCLUSIONS: Psychiatric disorders were found to be increased in adolescents with a history of severe CFS; CFS may enhance the risk for or share common predisposing factors with anxiety disorders.

Comment in: Chronic fatigue syndrome. [J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2000]


Source: Garralda E, Rangel L, Levin M, Roberts H, Ukoumunne O. Psychiatric adjustment in adolescents with a history of chronic fatigue syndrome. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1999 Dec;38(12):1515-21.


Chronic unexplained fatigue


Fatigue is a common symptom in the community and the commonest associations are with stress or mood disturbance. One in a hundred people complain of unexplained and prolonged fatigue, with half that number meeting the strictest criteria for the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Discrete fatigue syndromes have been described, particularly after Epstein Barr virus infection. The majority of patients with CFS have a syndrome similar to the ICD-10 definition of neurasthenia. Mood and somatoform disorders are common comorbid or differential diagnoses. The prognosis is poor, particularly in patients attending hospitals and those with comorbid psychiatric disorders. The aetiology of both CFS and chronic unexplained fatigue are essentially unknown, perhaps reflecting the heterogenenous natures of both the symptom and syndrome. There is reasonable evidence to suggest that particular infections may trigger both prolonged fatigue and CFS. Maintaining factors are different from triggering factors and include mood and sleep disorders, illness beliefs and behaviours, and possibly inactivity. Treatments aimed at reversing these maintaining factors show promise.


Source: White PD. Chronic unexplained fatigue. Acta Neuropsychiatr. 1999 Dec;11(4):130-3. doi: 10.1017/S0924270800035870.