Chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalitis

Comment in: Chronic fatigue syndrome/ME. [Br J Gen Pract. 2002]

Comment on: Doctors and social epidemics: the problem of persistent unexplained physical symptoms, including chronic fatigue. [Br J Gen Pract. 2002]


In their editorial (Journal, May 2002), Stanley et al argued that chronic fatigue should be categorised under ‘persistent unexplained physical symptoms’, and that these are often the result of the somatisation of ‘unhappiness’ and the misinterpretation of ‘normal functioning’. However, their analysis contained some notable flaws.

Firstly, there is more to chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) than ‘tiredness and its synonyms’ and to ignore symptoms, such as vertigo, nausea, and photophobia, both misrepresents and trivialises this illness.

Secondly, the authors alluded to widespread somatisation, despite the lack of evidence that this is a major problem in relation to CFS. The suggestion that this is a homogeneous population of unhappy, prejudiced, attention-seekers is difficult to reconcile with evidence-based medicine, and the subtle accusations of mass exaggeration are stigmatising and unhelpful.

You can read the rest of this comment here:


Source: Goudsmit E. Chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalitis. Br J Gen Pract. 2002 Sep;52(482):763; author reply 763-4. (Full article)


Chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalitis

Comment on: Doctors and social epidemics: the problem of persistent unexplained physical symptoms, including chronic fatigue. [Br J Gen Pract. 2002]


The editorial in the May 2002 issue by Drs Stanley, Peters and Salmon1 questions the validity of the report to the Chief Medical Officer stating that chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalopathy (CFS/ME) ‘is indeed a chronic illness meriting significant NHS resources, including the unreserved attention of the medical profession.’ They suggest that CFS/ME may be a ‘social epidemic’ where symptoms are generated by psychogenic mechanisms. They set high standards for discussions of these issues, advocating that information ‘must be interpreted within a rigorous scientific framework such as that afforded by the methods of qualitative research.’ Let us do just that. There have been repeated reports of objectively measurable physiological changes in CFS/ME.

You can read the rest of this comment here:


Source: Pall ML. Chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalitis. Br J Gen Pract. 2002 Sep;52(482):762; author reply 763-4. (Full article)


Chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalitis

Comment on: Doctors and social epidemics: the problem of persistent unexplained physical symptoms, including chronic fatigue. [Br J Gen Pract. 2002]


Readers of your editorial of May 2002 may easily gain the impression that the medical profession’s ‘established scientific methods’ have shown that CFS/ME is not a real illness and that people with CFS/ME are not really ill but are simply unhappy.

Such a perception of CFS/ME runs strongly counter to our experience at the registered charity, Westcare UK. Over the past 13 years we have been offering, with beneficial results, professional help to well over 700 patients with CFS/ME.

You can read the rest of this comment here:


Source: Sykes R. Chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalitis. Chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalitis. Br J Gen Pract. 2002 Sep;52(482):762-3; author reply 763-4. (Full article)


Underlying self-esteem in chronic fatigue syndrome


OBJECTIVE: It has been suggested that people with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) have low self-esteem; however, this is not necessarily apparent when self-esteem is measured overtly. This study is the first to investigate underlying self-esteem using information-processing measures and overtly administered measures of self-esteem with this population.

METHODS: The study comprised 68 participants (24 CFS, 24 healthy volunteers, and 20 chronic illness volunteers). A Self-Statements Questionnaire (SSQ) and an Emotional Stroop Test (EST) using neutral, positive, and negative trait words were administered.

RESULTS: Participants with CFS reported lower self-esteem than the two comparison groups on overt measures. Overt responses, however, did not fully account for the full extent of the interference effect from the negative word Stroop compared to the positive word Stroop.

CONCLUSION: In contrast to previous studies, participants with CFS reported lower levels of self-esteem on overt measures than two comparison groups. It is suggested, however, that the extent to which participants reported low self-esteem did not fully reflect their underlying low self-esteem and that this may result from the use of rigidly held defence mechanisms. Further use of information-processing measures, in contrast to relying only on self-report measures, is advocated for future research.

Copyright 2002 Elsevier Science Inc


Source: Creswell C, Chalder T. Underlying self-esteem in chronic fatigue syndrome. J Psychosom Res. 2002 Sep;53(3):755-61.


A comparison of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome attending separate fatigue clinics based in immunology and psychiatry


Hospital clinics for patients with chronic unexplained fatigue are held in departments of various disciplines. This causes difficulties for referrers in choosing the appropriate clinic and for researchers in generalizing findings from one type of clinic to others.

We randomly selected 37 outpatients attending an immunology fatigue clinic and 36 outpatients attending a psychiatry fatigue clinic, all of whom had chronic fatigue syndrome. We compared demographic factors, symptoms, disability, quality of life, psychological distress and illness attributions.

The patients from the two clinics were closely similar in their specific symptoms, disability, quality of life, psychological distress and previous attendance to mental health professionals. Psychological distress was high and equal in the two samples. The proportion of men was greater among patients attending the immunology clinic. In a post-hoc analysis, 64% of immunology attenders attributed their fatigue to physical factors, compared with 31% of psychiatry clinic attenders (chi(2)=6.35, 1 d.f., P=0.01).

These findings suggest that research data from one type of chronic fatigue clinic can be generalized to others. Clinically similar patients are referred to different clinics, and the choice of clinic may be influenced by the patients’ illness beliefs. The high levels of emotional distress suggest that psychosocial management is as important as physical management in hospital outpatients with chronic fatigue syndrome, irrespective of its aetiology.


Source: White PD, Pinching AJ, Rakib A, Castle M, Hedge B, Priebe S. A comparison of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome attending separate fatigue clinics based in immunology and psychiatry. J R Soc Med. 2002 Sep;95(9):440-4.


Predictors of response to treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome


BACKGROUND: Controlled trials have shown that psychological interventions designed to encourage graded exercise can facilitate recovery from chronic fatigue syndrome.

AIMS: To identify predictors of response to psychological treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome.

METHOD: Of 114 patients assigned to equally effective treatment conditions in a randomised, controlled trial, 95 completed follow-up assessments. Relationships between variables measured prior to randomisation and changes in physical functioning and subjective handicap at 1 year were evaluated by multiple regression.

RESULTS: Poor outcome was predicted by membership of a self-help group, being in receipt of sickness benefit at the start of treatment, and dysphoria as measured by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale. Severity of symptoms and duration of illness were not predictors of response.

CONCLUSIONS: Poor outcome in the psychological treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome is predicted by variables that indicate resistance to accepting the therapeutic rationale, poor motivation to treatment adherence or secondary gains from illness.


Source: Bentall RP, Powell P, Nye FJ, Edwards RH. Predictors of response to treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. Br J Psychiatry. 2002 Sep;181:248-52. (Full article)


Chronic unexplained fatigue

After more than two years’ gestation, an independent working group, set up by the previous Chief Medical Officer for England, published its final report on the subject of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) in January of this year.1 This is a topical subject in the English speaking world as two other management reports have been published in the last six months, by the US government and the Australasian Royal College of Physicians.2 3 The Canadians are also close to a final draft of their own report. This has occurred at the same time as the release of two independent systematic reviews of management. Remarkably the two teams from Texas (USA) and York (UK) reached such similar conclusions that they combined their findings into the one paper.4 The York group has just published their own guidance based on their systematic review.5

You can read the rest of this editorial here:

CONFLICT OF INTEREST Dr White was one of the clinicians who resigned from the English report on CFS/ME.

Comment in: Chronic unexplained fatigue. [Postgrad Med J. 2002]


Source: White PD. Chronic unexplained fatigue. Postgrad Med J. 2002 Aug;78(922):445-6. (Full article)


Daily hassles reported by chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia patients in tertiary care: a controlled quantitative and qualitative study


BACKGROUND: This study aimed at providing insight in the frequency, emotional impact and nature of daily hassles, experienced by patients suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and/or fibromyalgia (FM), compared with patients with a chronic organic disease.

METHODS: One hundred and seventy-seven CFS/FM patients, 26 multiple sclerosis (MS) and 26 rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients were investigated within 2-6 months after diagnosis. All patients completed a self-report questionnaire assessing daily hassles and associated distress, a visual analogue scale assessing fatigue and pain and a depression and anxiety questionnaire.

RESULTS: CFS/FM patients show a higher frequency of hassles, higher emotional impact and higher fatigue, pain, depression and anxiety levels compared with MS/RA patients. Three hassle themes dominate in the CFS/FM group: dissatisfaction with oneself, insecurity and a lack of social recognition. In contrast, hassles reported by MS/RA patients show a much larger diversity and are not focused on person-dependent problems.

CONCLUSIONS: Patients recently diagnosed as suffering from CFS and/or FM are highly preoccupied and distressed by daily hassles that have a severe impact on their self-image, as well as their personal, social and professional functioning. An optimal therapeutic approach of CFS and FM should take account of this heavy psychosocial burden, which might refer to core themes of these patients’ illness experience.

Copyright 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel


Source: Van Houdenhove B, Neerinckx E, Onghena P, Vingerhoets A, Lysens R, Vertommen H. Daily hassles reported by chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia patients in tertiary care: a controlled quantitative and qualitative study. Psychother Psychosom. 2002 Jul-Aug;71(4):207-13.


The role of fear of physical movement and activity in chronic fatigue syndrome


OBJECTIVE: To examine beliefs in relation to avoidance of activity in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients.

METHODS: The first phase consisted of modifying an existing chronic pain measure of kinesiophobia-fear of physical movement and activity-and validating it on the CFS population [Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia-Fatigue (TSK-F); n=129; test-retest: r=.89, P<.001; alpha=.68]. Subscales of Illness Beliefs (alpha=.78) and Beliefs about Activity (alpha=.70) were identified. The second phase consisted of evaluating whether behavioural persistence was predicted by the TSK-F (n=33). Participants were asked to ride an exercise bike for as long as they felt able.

RESULTS: Analyses indicated that behavioural persistence did not correlate with maximal heart rate or resting heart rate, level of tiredness, symptom severity, illness identity or emotional distress. However, the TSK-F did correlate highly with distance travelled and added a significant 15% of the variance in distance after adjustments for gender and physical functioning (PF). The TSK-F Beliefs about Activity subscale appears to be the predictive factor, explaining 12% of the variance in excise performance or rather 12% of the avoidance of exercise.

CONCLUSION: Beliefs about Activity appear to be an important variable in predicting behaviour and avoidance of exercise. As avoidance has been suggested as a key to the maintenance of symptoms, disability and distress in CFS patients, this research has important theoretical, clinical and research implications.


Source: Silver A, Haeney M, Vijayadurai P, Wilks D, Pattrick M, Main CJ. The role of fear of physical movement and activity in chronic fatigue syndrome. J Psychosom Res. 2002 Jun;52(6):485-93.


Illness experience, depression, and anxiety in chronic fatigue syndrome


OBJECTIVE: Given the high rate of psychiatric comorbidity with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), we considered two possible correlates of anxiety and depression: lack of illness legitimization and beliefs about limiting physical activity.

METHOD: A total of 105 people diagnosed with CFS reported on their experiences with medical professionals and their beliefs about recovery and completed the depression and anxiety subscales of the Brief Symptom Inventory.

RESULTS: Those who said that their physician did not legitimize their illness (36%) had higher depression and anxiety scores (P’s<.05) than their counterparts. Those who believed that limiting their physical exertion was the path to recovery (55%) had lower depression and anxiety scores (P’s<.01) than their counterparts.

CONCLUSION: Lack of illness legitimization ranked high as a source of dissatisfaction for CFS patients, and it may aggravate psychiatric morbidity. Many CFS patients believed that staying within what they felt to be their physical limits would improve their condition. This belief, and possibly an accompanying sense of control over their symptoms, may alleviate psychiatric morbidity.


Source: Lehman AM, Lehman DR, Hemphill KJ, Mandel DR, Cooper LM. Illness experience, depression, and anxiety in chronic fatigue syndrome. J Psychosom Res. 2002 Jun;52(6):461-5.