Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Me/Cfs): The Biology of a Neglected Disease


Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a chronic disease with debilitating symptoms that impact all aspects of life. The diverse symptom presentation indicates that ME/CFS is likely to have a multifactorial origin. However, it is an extremely understudied disease with no standardised diagnostic criteria or proven treatment avenues. It is hypothesised that environmental insults (such as acute infection, mainly viral) or stress in genetically susceptible individuals may trigger the development of ME/CFS.

These insults result in acute inflammatory responses, along with aberrant immune activation. A spiralling disruption of homeostasis promotes subsequent patho-mechanisms including gut dysbiosis and systemic inflammation, and eventually a pathological clotting system, chronic endothelialitis, vasoconstriction, and hypoxia. Additionally, dysfunctional energy metabolism including oxidative stress is also present in the development of ME/CFS. Since the exact pathophysiology of ME/CFS remains unclear, additional research is required to reveal further insight into this “neglected” disease.

Source: Arron, Hayley and Marsh, Benamin and Khan, M. Asad and Jaeger, Beate and Kell, Douglas and Pretorius, Etheresia, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Me/Cfs): The Biology of a Neglected Disease. Available at SSRN: or (Full text available as PDF file)

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