Severe versus Moderate criteria for the new pediatric case definition for ME/CFS


The new diagnostic criteria for pediatric ME/CFS are structurally based on the Canadian Clinical Adult case definition, and have more required specific symptoms than the (Fukuda et al. Ann Intern Med 121:953-959, 1994) adult case definition.

Physicians specializing in pediatric ME/CFS referred thirty-three pediatric patients with ME/CFS and 21 youth without the illness. Those who met ME/CFS criteria were separated into Severe and Moderate categories. Significant differences were found for symptoms within each of the six major categories: fatigue, post-exertional malaise, sleep, pain, neurocognitive difficulties, and autonomic/neuroendocrine/immune manifestations.

In general, the results showed participants who met the Severe ME/CFS criteria reported the highest scores, the Moderate ME/CFS group show scores that were a little lower, and the control group evidenced the lowest scores. Findings indicate that the Pediatric Case Definition for ME/CFS can distinguish between those with this illness and controls, and between those with Severe versus Moderate manifestations of the illness.


Source: Jason L, Porter N, Shelleby E, Till L, Bell DS, Lapp CW, Rowe K, De Meirleir K. Severe versus Moderate criteria for the new pediatric case definition for ME/CFS. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev. 2009 Dec;40(4):609-20. doi: 10.1007/s10578-009-0147-8. Epub 2009 Jun 10.


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