Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Hypofunction in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) as a Consequence of Activated Immune-Inflammatory and Oxidative and Nitrosative Pathways


There is evidence that immune-inflammatory and oxidative and nitrosative stress (O&NS) pathways play a role in the pathophysiology of myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)/chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). There is also evidence that these neuroimmune diseases are accompanied by hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis hypoactivity as indicated by lowered baseline glucocorticoid levels.

This paper aims to review the bidirectional communications between immune-inflammatory and O&NS pathways and HPA axis hypoactivity in ME/CFS, considering two possibilities: (a) Activation of immune-inflammatory pathways is secondary to HPA axis hypofunction via attenuated negative feedback mechanisms, or (b) chronic activated immune-inflammatory and O&NS pathways play a causative role in HPA axis hypoactivity.

Electronic databases, i.e., PUBMED, Scopus, and Google Scholar, were used as sources for this narrative review by using keywords CFS, ME, cortisol, ACTH, CRH, HPA axis, glucocorticoid receptor, cytokines, immune, immunity, inflammation, and O&NS.

Findings show that activation of immune-inflammatory and O&NS pathways in ME/CFS are probably not secondary to HPA axis hypoactivity and that activation of these pathways may underpin HPA axis hypofunction in ME/CFS. Mechanistic explanations comprise increased levels of tumor necrosis factor-α, T regulatory responses with elevated levels of interleukin-10 and transforming growth factor-β, elevated levels of nitric oxide, and viral/bacterial-mediated mechanisms.

HPA axis hypoactivity in ME/CFS is most likely a consequence and not a cause of a wide variety of activated immune-inflammatory and O&NS pathways in that illness.


Source: Morris G, Anderson G, Maes M. Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Hypofunction in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) as a Consequence of Activated Immune-Inflammatory and Oxidative and Nitrosative Pathways. Mol Neurobiol. 2016 Oct 20. [Epub ahead of print] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27766535


Circulating tumour necrosis factor-alpha and interferon-gamma are detectable during acute and convalescent parvovirus B19 infection and are associated with prolonged and chronic fatigue


To investigate whether cytokine responses may have a bearing on the symptoms and outcome of parvovirus B19 infection, circulating cytokines were measured during acute infection (n=51), follow-up of acute infection (n=39) and in normal healthy controls (n=50).

At acute B19 virus infection (serum anti-B19 IgM-positive), patients ranged in age from 4 to 54 years, with a mean age of 28.2 years. The male:female ratio was 1:4.1 and symptoms were rash (n=15), arthralgia (n=31), fatigue (n=8), lymphadenopathy (n=4), foetal hydrops (n=3), transient aplastic crisis (n=2), neutropenia (n=2), myelodysplasia (n=1), thrombocytopenia (n=1) and pancytopenia (n=1). Of these patients, 39 were contacted after a follow-up period of 2-37 months (mean of 22.5 months).

In comparison with normal controls, detectable IL-6 was associated with acute B19 virus infection (26%; P=0.0003), but not with follow-up (6%; P=0.16). Detection of interferon (IFN)-gamma was associated with acute B19 virus infection (67%; P<0.0001) and follow-up (67%; P<0.0001). Detection of tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha was associated with acute B19 virus infection (49%; P<0.0001) and follow-up (56%; P<0.0001). IL-1beta was detected in acute infection (20%), but not at follow-up. At acute B19 virus infection, detection of serum/plasma IL-6 was associated with rheumatoid factor (P=0.038) and IFN-gamma (> or =7 pg/ml) was associated with fatigue in those patients of > or =15 years of age (P=0.022). At follow-up, fatigue was associated with IFN-gamma (> or =7 pg/ml) and/or TNF-alpha (> or =40 pg/ml) (P=0.0275).

Prolonged upregulation of serum IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha appears to represent a consistent host response to symptomatic B19 virus infection.


Source: Kerr JR, Barah F, Mattey DL, Laing I, Hopkins SJ, Hutchinson IV, Tyrrell DA. Circulating tumour necrosis factor-alpha and interferon-gamma are detectable during acute and convalescent parvovirus B19 infection and are associated with prolonged and chronic fatigue. J Gen Virol. 2001 Dec;82(Pt 12):3011-9. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11714978


Altered cytokine release in peripheral blood mononuclear cell cultures from patients with the chronic fatigue syndrome


Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is an idiopathic illness associated with a variety of immunologic abnormalities. To investigate potential pathogenetic mechanisms, we evaluated serum levels and peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) production of selected cytokines and immunoglobulins.

Serum bioactive transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) levels were higher (P less than 0.01) in patients with CFS (290 +/- 46 pg/mL) than in control subjects (104 +/- 18 pg/mL), but levels of other cytokines tested were not different. Lipopolysaccharide-stimulated release of interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta), IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha was increased (P less than 0.05) in PBMC cultures from patients with CFS versus control subjects; enhanced (P less than 0.01) IL-6 release to phytohemagglutinin was also observed.

In contrast, TGF-beta release in response to lipopolysaccharide was depressed (P less than 0.01) in PBMC cultures derived from patients with CFS. No differences in IL-2 and IL-4 or immunoglobulin production were observed.

The enhanced release of inflammatory cytokines by stimulated PBMC from patients with CFS suggests that these cells are primed for an increased response to immune stimuli. These data also suggest an association between abnormal regulation of TGF-beta production in vivo and in vitro with the immunologic consequence of CFS.


Source: Chao CC1, Janoff EN, Hu SX, Thomas K, Gallagher M, Tsang M, Peterson PK. Altered cytokine release in peripheral blood mononuclear cell cultures from patients with the chronic fatigue syndrome. Cytokine. 1991 Jul;3(4):292-8. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1873478