The Relationship Between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Burnout, Job Satisfaction, Social Support And Age Among Academics At A Tertiary Institution


OBJECTIVES: Over the last 20 years, tertiary institutions have been subjected to several changes. This has resulted in increased workloads for academics. Some academics have started to experience symptoms that are related to chronic fatigue syndrome and burnout. Researchers, however, cannot agree whether the 2 syndromes are two sides of the same coin or actually 2 separate constructs. This study that was conducted at a tertiary institution in South Africa therefore aimed to determine if these constructs accounted for the evidence of the same syndrome within an academic setting or if they were 2 separate, distinguishable constructs. However, since job satisfaction and social support play a role in the poor physical and psychological health experienced by individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome or burnout, it was decided to also include these 2 constructs into the investigation. Age was also incorporated because it had dissimilar relationships with burnout and chronic fatigue syndrome.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The participants completed the following questionnaires via an online survey: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Symptom Inventory, the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory, the Overall Job Satisfaction Scale and the Social Support Scale. The data was used for constructing a structural equation model.

RESULTS: Job satisfaction was found to be a strong predictor of burnout. The number of symptoms indicative of chronic fatigue syndrome reported by the participants proved to be a relatively strong significant predictor of burnout. Age did not yield any significant relationship with any of the constructs.

CONCLUSIONS: The results indicated that chronic fatigue and burnout should be perceived as 2 distinguishable constructs in the academic context. It should be noted, however, that some overlap exists between them.

This work is available in Open Access model and licensed under a CC BY-NC 3.0 PL license.

Source: Coetzee N, Maree DJF, Smit BN. The Relationship Between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Burnout, Job Satisfaction, Social Support And Age Among Academics At A Tertiary Institution. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2019 Feb 27;32(1):75-85. doi: 10.13075/ijomeh.1896.01274. Epub 2019 Feb 20.,91021,0,2.html (Full article)

Chronic fatigue syndrome. Committee for Science and Education, Medical Association of South Africa


OBJECTIVE: To acknowledge the clinical syndrome chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and outline the diagnostic criteria and reasonable management.

OUTCOMES: Attempt at containment of treatment cost and improvement of the quality of care of patients with CFS.

EVIDENCE: Delphi-type commentary from 20 expert clinicians and appropriate organisations. Limited literature survey.

VALUES: To clarify the reasonable management of CFS amid conflicting clinical opinion on a condition of concern to patients, funders and doctors. An adaptation of an existing guideline was sent to organisations and individuals for comment. Comments received were included in this guideline where possible.

BENEFITS, HARMS AND COSTS. To acknowledge a clinical syndrome with a reasonable approach to management considering the cost implications. No cost analysis was done.

RECOMMENDATIONS: To recommend the following: (i) diagnostic criteria for CFS; (ii) potential differential diagnoses and possible investigations; and (iii) management protocol.

VALIDATION: The draft guidelines were subjected to external review by individual doctors who are acknowledged CFS treaters, doctor groups and the patient support group. There were major disputes about the content, with the responses falling into two groups: those who do not believe CFS is a distinguishable illness, and those who do.

DEVELOPER AND FUNDING: The Committee for Science and Education, Medical Association of South Africa.

ENDORSEMENTS: Medical Association of South Africa and national health care organisations (see list at the end of the document).

Comment in: Committee to investigate chronic fatigue syndrome. [S Afr Med J. 1996]


Source: Chronic fatigue syndrome. Committee for Science and Education, Medical Association of South Africa. S Afr Med J. 1995 Aug;85(8):780-2. [No authors listed]