Attributions and self-esteem in depression and chronic fatigue syndromes


There is considerable overlap in symptomatology between chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and affective disorder.

We report a comparison of depressive phenomenology and attributional style between a group of CFS subjects seen in a specialized medical setting, which included a high proportion with depression diagnosed by Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC), and depressed controls seen in a specialized psychiatric setting.

Significant symptomatic differences between the depressed CFS group and depressed controls were observed for features such as self-esteem and guilt as well as attribution of illness. All the CFS groups tended to attribute their symptoms to external causes whereas the depressed controls experienced inward attribution.

This may have resulted from differences in the severity of mood disorder between the samples, but it is also suggested that an outward style of attribution protects the depressed CFS patients from cognitive changes associated with low mood but at the expense of greater vulnerability towards somatic symptoms such as fatigue.


Source: Powell R, Dolan R, Wessely S. Attributions and self-esteem in depression and chronic fatigue syndromes. J Psychosom Res. 1990;34(6):665-73.


Neurasthenia in the 1980s: chronic mononucleosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and anxiety and depressive disorders


In the 1980s, patients suffering from unexplained fatigue and what seemed like a prolonged attack of acute mononucleosis were given the diagnosis of chronic mononucleosis or chronic infection with the Epstein-Barr virus.

Although the diagnosis has great appeal, the Epstein-Barr virus does not cause the syndrome (CFS) of chronic fatigue, which has been renamed and redefined chronic fatigue syndrome to remove the inference that the virus is its cause.

From a historical perspective, both syndromes represent the 1980s equivalent of neurasthenia, a disease of fatigue that influenced the development of psychiatric nosology. Because patients with depression and anxiety also have chronic fatigue and because most patients with CFS have an affective disorder, the assessment of organic causes of this syndrome requires careful psychiatric diagnosis and treatment.

Defining chronic fatigue syndrome as a medical disorder may deprive patients of competent treatment of their affective disorder.


Source: Greenberg DB. Neurasthenia in the 1980s: chronic mononucleosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and anxiety and depressive disorders. Psychosomatics. 1990 Spring;31(2):129-37.