Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Post-COVID Syndrome: A Common Neuroimmune Ground?


A Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a debilitating chronic disease of unknown aetiology under growing interest now in view of the increasingly recognized post-COVID syndrome as a new entity with similar clinical presentation.

We performed the first cross-sectional study of ME/CFS in community population in Russia and then described and compared some clinical and pathophysiological characteristics of ME/CFS and post-COVID syndrome as neuroimmune disorders.

Of the cohort of 76 individuals who suggested themselves suffering from ME/CFS 56 subsequently were confirmed as having CFS/ME according to ≥1 of the 4 most commonly used case definition.

Of the cohort of 14 individuals with post-COVID-19 syndrome 14 met diagnostic criteria for ME/CFS. The prevalence of clinically expressed and subclinical anxiety and depression in ME / CFS and post-COVID ME/CFS did not differ significantly from that in healthy individuals.

Severity of anxiety / depressive symptoms did not correlate with the severity of fatigue neigther in ME / CFS nor in post-COVID ME/CFS, but the positive correlation was found between the severity of fatigue and 20 other symptoms of ME / CFS related to the domains of “post-exertional exhaustion”, “immune dysfunction”, “sleep disturbances”, “dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system”, “neurological sensory / motor disorders” and “pain syndromes”.

Immunological abnormalities were identified in 12/12 patients with ME / CFS according to the results of laboratory testing.

The prevalence of postural orthostatic tachycardia assessed by the active standing test was 37.5% in ME / CFS and 75.0% in post-COVID ME/CFS (the latter was higher than in healthy controls, p = 0.02).  There was a more pronounced increase in heart rate starting from the 6th minute of the test in post-COVID ME/CFS compared with the control group.

Assessment of the functional characteristics of microcirculation by laser doppler flowmetry revealed obvious and very similar changes in ME/CFS and post-COVID ME/CFS compared to the healthy controls.  The identified pattern corresponded to the hyperemic form of microcirculation disorders, usually observed in acute inflammatory processes or in deficiency of systemic vasoconstriction influences.

Source: Ryabkova, V.A.; Gavrilova, N.Y.; Fedotkina, T.V.; Churilov, L.P.; Shoenfeld, Y. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Post-COVID Syndrome: A Common Neuroimmune Ground?. Preprints 2022, 2022090289 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202209.0289.v1) (Full study available as PDF file)

Clinical studies with the NOVA ISE for IMg2+


The Nova ISE for IMg2+ was utilized to examine IMg2+ in plasma and serum of patients with a variety of pathophysiologic and disease syndromes (e.g., long-term renal transplants [LTRT], during and before cardiac surgery, migraine headaches, head trauma, pregnancy, chronic fatigue syndrome [CFS], non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus [NIDDM], asthma and after excessive dietary intake of Mg). The results indicate that LTRT treated with cyclosporin A, migraine, head trauma, pregnancy, NIDDM, diseased pregnant, and asthmatic patients all on the average, exhibit significant depression in IMg2+ but not total Mg (TMg). Patients with CFS failed to exhibit changes in serum IMg2+ or TMg levels. Increased dietary load of Mg, for only 6 days, resulted in significant elevations of serum IMg2+ but not TMg. Correlations between the clinical course of several of these syndromes and the fall in IMg2+ were found. The Ca2+/Mg2+ ratio appears to be an important guide for signs of peripheral vasoconstriction and or spasm and possibly enhanced atherogenesis. Overall, the data point to important uses for ISE’s for IMg2+ in the diagnosis and treatment of disease states.


Source: Altura BT, Burack JL, Cracco RQ, Galland L, Handwerker SM, Markell MS, Mauskop A, Memon ZS, Resnick LM, Zisbrod Z, et al. Clinical studies with the NOVA ISE for Img2+. Scand J Clin Lab Invest Suppl. 1994;217:53-67.