Neurasthenic fatigue, chemical sensitivity and GABAa receptor toxins


Following observation of fatigue syndromes in people who have been occupationally exposed to pesticides and insecticides which exert their toxicity through the GABAa receptor, we have formulated the hypothesis that fatigue syndromes in general may be secondary to altered sensitivity of the GABAa receptor. We discuss the possible involvement of organochlorine compounds which are widespread in the environment. Organophosphate compounds may have similar toxic effects through damaged cholinergic input to the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus where cholinergic and GABAergic transmission are closely linked.


Source: Corrigan FM, MacDonald S, Brown A, Armstrong K, Armstrong EM. Neurasthenic fatigue, chemical sensitivity and GABAa receptor toxins. Med Hypotheses. 1994 Oct;43(4):195-200.