Intense fatigue in humans. Psychosocial and cultural aspects


A differentiation between the normal sensation of tiredness and the symptom “fatigue” is often difficult. Both are influenced by cultural, social, psychological and biological factors, which can lead–interactively–to symptom formation. Psychiatric disorders frequently associated with fatigue are all forms of depression, somatization and anxiety disorders, chronic pain states and drug abuse among many others. In at least 2/3 of patients with the fashionable chronic fatigue syndrome–formerly called neurasthenia–a psychiatric diagnosis can be made, most of them also suffer from many symptoms attributes to the autonomous nervous system. The clinical approach should be cautious avoiding diagnostic and therapeutic overaction and therapy should emerge from a diagnosis properly assessed.


Source: Radvila A. Intense fatigue in humans. Psychosocial and cultural aspects. Ther Umsch. 1991 Nov;48(11):756-61. [Article in German]


History of postviral fatigue syndrome


In writing a history of any illness there is always a dilemma whether to attempt the story of the condition ‘itself’, the medical attempts to define its nature, or to glimpse it via our changing reactions. The easiest is a straightforward account of the attempts of scientists to solve a problem–the classic medical detective story. However, this is often more fiction than fact.

Medicine rarely moves smoothly from ignorance to knowledge, but often in a more circular fashion. A historical approach is thus not solely a record of who did what, but also contributes to our understanding of the problems under scrutiny in this issue. Terminology is never easy in this subject, but the following conventions will be used: The terms neurasthenia and ME will be used in their actual context (as authors themselves used them), without defining either. Post-infectious fatigue syndrome (PIFS) will cover similar conditions when related to infective episodes. All will be used in a neutral fashion, to refer to changing realities as understood by doctors and historians.

This chapter attempts both chronological description and social analysis. The justification for this approach is clear in the case of neurasthenia, since ‘as so little was known of its pathological basis physicians’ statements regarding the disease were composed more of social and cultural elements than of scientific knowledge. Although much has changed, a contemporary account still reveals as much about cultural attitudes as the advance of science.


Source: Wessely S. History of postviral fatigue syndrome. Br Med Bull. 1991 Oct;47(4):919-41.


Psychiatric symptoms, personality and ways of coping in chronic fatigue syndrome


This study aimed to investigate the psychological characteristics of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS: Holmes et al. 1988).

A battery of psychometric instruments comprising the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and the Lazarus Ways of Coping (WoC) inventory, was administered to a sample of clinically-defined CFS sufferers (N = 58), to a comparison group of chronic pain (CP) patients (N = 81) and to a group of healthy controls matched for sex and age with the CFS sample (N = 104).

Considerable overlap was found between CFS and CP patients at the level of both physical and psychological symptoms. This raises the possibility that CFS sufferers are a sub-population of CP patients. However, while there was some commonality between CFS and CP patients in terms of personality traits, particularly the MMPI ‘neurotic triad’ (hypochondriasis, depression and hysteria),

CFS patients showed more deviant personality traits reflecting raised levels on the first MMPI factor, emotionality. Moreover, results were not consistent with the raised emotionality being a reaction to the illness, but rather were consistent with the hypothesis that emotionality is a predisposing factor for CFS.

The majority of CFS patients fell within four personality types, each characterized by the two highest MMPI scale scores. One type (N = 20) reported a lack of psychological symptoms or emotional disturbance contrary to the overall trend for the CFS sample. This group conformed to the ICD-10 classification of neurasthenia.


Source: Blakely AA, Howard RC, Sosich RM, Murdoch JC, Menkes DB, Spears GF. Psychiatric symptoms, personality and ways of coping in chronic fatigue syndrome. Psychol Med. 1991 May;21(2):347-62.


Myalgic encephalomyelitis: an alternative theory

Note: in this editorial published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine ,Volume 83, August 1990, Dr. Wilson discusses the role allergy plays in the development of post-viral fatigue syndromes.


In his discussion paper on myalgic encephalomyelitis (April 1989 JRSM, p 215), Wessley drew attention to the destruction of body and mind, and subsequent suicidal despair, and torment, of patients suffering from myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) or the postviral fatigue syndrome (PVFS). He referred to the reported relationship between identification of the VPI antigen and the presence of disease symptoms. He stated that more attention requires to be paid to methodological detail which he defined as population sample definition, and adoption of operational criteria. He suggested that a new term should be used to describe the observed symptoms: chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and enquired what constitutes the syndrome? Unfortunately he did not refer to the necessity for taking a complete clinical and family history in all patients. In his definition of CFS, he did not refer to any of the somatic symptoms which are always present. Yet, he stated that cases of this disease can only be selected by the (presumably holistic) clinical history. It appears that a new kind of approach based on absence of prejudice, more exhaustive and thorough clinical history taking, a wider approach to clinical examination of the patients, and a critical assessment of the origin of this psychosomatic disease would be of value in our investigations.

You can read the rest of the article here:


Source: Wilson CW. Myalgic encephalomyelitis: an alternative theory. J R Soc Med. 1990 Aug;83(8):481-483.


Old wine in new bottles: neurasthenia and ‘ME’


The history of  is discussed in the light of current interest in chronic fatigue, and in particular the illness called myalgic encephalomyelitis (‘ME’). A comparison is made of the symptoms, presumed aetiologies and treatment of both illnesses, as well as their social setting.

It is shown that neurasthenia remained popular as long as it was viewed as a non-psychiatric, neurological illness caused by environmental factors which affected successful people and for which the cure was rest. The decline in neurasthenia was related to the changes which occurred in each of these views. It is argued that similar factors are associated with the current interest in myalgic encephalomyelitis.

It is further argued that neither neurasthenia nor ‘ME’ can be fully understood within a single medical or psychiatric model. Instead both have arisen in the context of contemporary explanations and attitudes involving mental illness. Future understanding, treatment and prevention of these and related illnesses will depend upon both psychosocial and neurobiological explanations of physical and mental fatigability.


Source:  Wessely S. Old wine in new bottles: neurasthenia and ‘ME’. Psychol Med. 1990 Feb;20(1):35-53.


Neurasthenia in the 1980s: chronic mononucleosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and anxiety and depressive disorders


In the 1980s, patients suffering from unexplained fatigue and what seemed like a prolonged attack of acute mononucleosis were given the diagnosis of chronic mononucleosis or chronic infection with the Epstein-Barr virus.

Although the diagnosis has great appeal, the Epstein-Barr virus does not cause the syndrome (CFS) of chronic fatigue, which has been renamed and redefined chronic fatigue syndrome to remove the inference that the virus is its cause.

From a historical perspective, both syndromes represent the 1980s equivalent of neurasthenia, a disease of fatigue that influenced the development of psychiatric nosology. Because patients with depression and anxiety also have chronic fatigue and because most patients with CFS have an affective disorder, the assessment of organic causes of this syndrome requires careful psychiatric diagnosis and treatment.

Defining chronic fatigue syndrome as a medical disorder may deprive patients of competent treatment of their affective disorder.


Source: Greenberg DB. Neurasthenia in the 1980s: chronic mononucleosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and anxiety and depressive disorders. Psychosomatics. 1990 Spring;31(2):129-37.