Chronic fatigue syndrome and long covid: individualisation, not compartmentalisation

Newman’s investigation of chronic fatigue syndrome and long covid supports the development of specialised multidisciplinary support for patients with long covid.1 But compartmentalisation of a problem like chronic fatigue syndrome can sometimes miss the point.

Dysregulated systems, by their nature, cannot be manipulated into functionality, so the clinical modelling of a system disturbance is often best undertaken by a clinician with dedicated expertise in multisystem assessment who can pull the “hard” and “soft” data together.

Specialised teams, such as the fatigue clinic at the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine, routinely individualise chronic fatigue syndrome cases to a high level of detail. In the absence of objective data, the use of advanced and holistic history taking can explore the factors that perpetuate the clinical state.

The “forensic” part of the inquiry searches for the symptomatic features of pathophysiological change, hypothalamic dysregulation, or ongoing immunological disturbance. The physical and functional inquiry is then contextualised by an empathic and holistic psychosocial survey.

Each patient has a unique combination of perpetuating factors in chronic fatigue syndrome and long covid, so treatment approaches should also be individualised to a high degree. This level of individualisation is not always possible using a compartmentalised method of assessment.

Source: Malcolm R SChronic fatigue syndrome and long covid: individualisation, not compartmentalisation. doi:10.1136/bmj.n1863

Chronic fatigue syndrome: successful outcome of an intensive inpatient programme


OBJECTIVE: To study the outcome of adolescents with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) following an intensive multi-disciplinary inpatient programme.

METHODS: A follow-up questionnaire was distributed to all 57 adolescents who had completed the CFS inpatient programme at the Austin and Repatriation Medical Centre.

RESULTS: Forty-two adolescents (74%) returned follow-up questionnaires. Immediately following the programme and up to five years after the programme, the majority of participants had returned to school and were functioning better in terms of physical activity and social interactions as compared with before the programme. Before the programme, 94% of adolescents were attending school half-time or less. Up to 5 years after the programme, 78% of adolescents were attending school full-time or with occasional absences only.

CONCLUSIONS: A multidisciplinary inpatient programme for CFS was successful in helping to rehabilitate this group of adolescents who were significantly incapacitated prior to entering the inpatient programme.


Source: Lim A, Lubitz L. Chronic fatigue syndrome: successful outcome of an intensive inpatient programme. J Paediatr Child Health. 2002 Jun;38(3):295-9.


An evaluation of multidisciplinary intervention for chronic fatigue syndrome with long-term follow-up, and a comparison with untreated controls


Individuals meeting the Fukuda et al definition for chronic fatigue syndrome completed a multidisciplinary assessment that included medical, psychiatric, behavioral, and psychological evaluations. Patients were then offered a comprehensive multidisciplinary intervention that included (1) bringing the patient under optimal medical management; (2) treating any ongoing affective or anxiety disorder pharmacologically; and (3) implementing a comprehensive cognitive-behavioral treatment program. Fifty-one patients proceeded to treatment.

The cognitive-behavioral component was carried out through the use of a therapist working with the patients in their own environments. The program was individually tailored to patients, but included (1) structured physical exercise and activation; (2) sleep management strategies; (3) careful activity management; (4) regulation of stimulant intake and reductions in use of symptomatic medications; (5) cognitive intervention designed to deal with patients’ beliefs concerning the nature of their disorder; (6) participation of patients’ family; and (7) efforts to establish specific vocational and avocational goals. Third parties were encouraged to collaborate cooperatively.

Employers were urged to provide employment opportunities and facilitate a graduated but time-targeted return to work. Disability carriers were encouraged to provide interim financial support in the form of disability benefits, support therapeutic intervention, but also to establish a clear time-frame to access to benefits.

Of 51 treated patients, 31 returned to gainful employment, 14 were functioning at a level equivalent to employment, and 6 remained significantly disabled. Twenty of the original 71 patients were contacted an average of 33 months later. Patients who had been treated showed good maintenance of gains. Untreated patients showed improvement in only a minority of cases.


Source: Marlin RG, Anchel H, Gibson JC, Goldberg WM, Swinton M. An evaluation of multidisciplinary intervention for chronic fatigue syndrome with long-term follow-up, and a comparison with untreated controls. Am J Med. 1998 Sep 28;105(3A):110S-114S.