GPs’ attitudes to a self diagnosis of myalgic encephalomyelitis. Evidence supports presence of encephalitis

Comment on: General practitioners’ attitudes to patients with a self diagnosis of myalgic encephalomyelitis. [BMJ. 1995]


EDITOR,-Although the precise pathoaetiology of myalgic encephalomyelitis remains the subject of debate, Shonagh Scott and colleagues are incorrect in asserting that “no evidence exists” of encephalitis. Buchwald et al carried out a large cohort study in which neurological symptoms, results of magnetic resonance imaging, and lymphocyte phenotyping suggested that the patients were experiencing “a chronic, immunologically mediated inflammatory process of the central nervous system.”2 More recently, Schwartz et al, who used single photon emission computed tomography, described abnormalities that were consistent with the hypothesis that “a chronic viral encephalitis” may be present.3 Furthermore, in the only postmortem study to have been published the polymerase chain reaction showed enteroviral sequences (compatible with coxsackie virus B3) in samples from the hypothalamus and brain stem,4 indicating that viral persistence within selective parts of the central nervous system may also play a part.

Given the uncertainties surrounding both the pathoaetiology and the diagnostic criteria for myalgic encephalomyelitis, it is not surprising to learn that self diagnosis produces difficulties in the doctor-patient relationship. The conclusions of and motives behind Scott and colleagues’ study must, however, be questioned in view of the fact that the fictitious patients had a list of vague symptoms that failed to satisfy diagnostic criteria for either a chronic fatigue syndrome (as defined by the International Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Study Group)5 or a postinfectious fatigue syndrome (as defined by current British criteria).6 Neither did the symptoms accord with those that patient support organisations would agree constitute a satisfactory diagnosis of myalgic encephalomyelitis.

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Source: Shepherd C. GPs’ attitudes to a self diagnosis of myalgic encephalomyelitis. Evidence supports presence of encephalitis. BMJ. 1995 May 20;310(6990):1330.


GPs’ attitudes to a self diagnosis of myalgic encephalomyelitis. Sufferers continue to be misrepresented

Comment on: General practitioners’ attitudes to patients with a self diagnosis of myalgic encephalomyelitis. [BMJ. 1995]


EDITOR,-Shonagh Scott and colleagues’ paper on general practitioners’ attitudes to self diagnosed myalgic encephalomyelitis illustrates, if nothing else, the continuing misrepresentation of this illness and those who suffer from it.’ Contrary to the authors’ claims, Action for ME has never encouraged self diagnosis, and nor have the other “active support organisations” in Britain. Moreover, we have never advocated that patients should make unreasonable demands on their general practitioners.

Despite what Scott and colleagues imply, it is not just patients who recognise the existence of myalgic encephalomyelitis but also the World Health Organisation (the disease appears in the International Classification of Diseases (10th revision)), several handbooks, and many doctors. Indeed, positive attitudes to fatigue syndromes such as myalgic encephalomyelitis have been noted in several studies in the past few years. For instance, Ho-Yen and McNamara surveyed 178 general practitioners in Scotland and found that 71% accepted the existence of the disorder.2 In New Zealand the figure was 90%.3

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Source: Arber M. GPs’ attitudes to a self diagnosis of myalgic encephalomyelitis. Sufferers continue to be misrepresented. BMJ. 1995 May 20;310(6990):1330.