31P-mr spectroscopy of peripheral skeletal musculature under load: demonstration of normal energy metabolites compared with metabolic muscle diseases


PURPOSE: 31P-MR spectroscopy of skeletal muscle under exercise was used to obtain the range of normal variation and comparison was made for different neuromuscular diseases.

METHODS: 41 examinations of 24 volunteers and 41 investigations in 35 patients were performed on 1.5 T MR systems (Gyroscan 515 und S15/ACSII, Philips). Localised 31P-MR spectra of the calf muscle were obtained in time series with a resolution of 12 s.

RESULTS: Two types of muscle energy metabolism were identified from the pattern of spectroscopic time course in volunteers: While the first group was characterised by a remarkable decline to lower pH values during exercise, the second group showed only small pH shifts (minimum pH: 6.48 +/- 0.13 vs 6.87 +/- 0.07, p < 10(-6)) although comparable workload conditions were maintained. The pH-values correlated well with blood lactate analysis. Patients with metabolic disorders and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) showed decreased resting values of PCr/(PCr + Pi) and increased pH levels during exercise. PCr recovery was significantly delayed (0.31 vs 0.65 min-1, p < 0.00005) in metabolic muscle disorders but was normal in CFS patients.

CONCLUSION: Findings in volunteers indicate utilisation of different metabolic pathways which seems to be related to the fibre type composition of muscle. Reduced resting levels for PCr/(PCr + Pi), altered pH time courses, and decreased PCr recovery seem to be helpful indicators for diagnosis of metabolic muscle disorders.

Source: Block W, Träber F, Kuhl CK, Keller E, Lamerichs R, Karitzky J, Rink H, Schild HH. 31P-mr spectroscopy of peripheral skeletal musculature under load: demonstration of normal energy metabolites compared with metabolic muscle diseases. Rofo. 1998 Mar;168(3):250-7. [Article in German] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9551111