Post-viral fatigue syndrome. Epidemiology: lessons from the past


This chapter outlines the recorded epidemiological history of PVFS (including the early epidemics of myalgic encephalomyelitis) and the development of the concept, including the realisation that endemic cases also occur.

Cases of PVFS are still not recorded by the Surveillance Centre for Communicable Diseases, so it is very difficult to detect and monitor any outbreak in the community, since each GP may only have two or three such patients and would, therefore, not be aware of an epidemic in the community as a whole if it occurred.

Epidemiological issues raised by the early epidemics, including the delineation of the syndrome, the question of bias, the role of hysteria and the role of depression; the issue of symptom distribution, and its implications for aetiology; and a multiaxial framework for understanding the association with psychological symptoms are discussed. The value of a future multidisciplinary research programme designed to disentangle direct and predisposing causes of PVFS is emphasised.


Source: Jenkins R. Post-viral fatigue syndrome. Epidemiology: lessons from the past. Br Med Bull. 1991 Oct;47(4):952-65.


Psychiatric symptoms, personality and ways of coping in chronic fatigue syndrome


This study aimed to investigate the psychological characteristics of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS: Holmes et al. 1988).

A battery of psychometric instruments comprising the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and the Lazarus Ways of Coping (WoC) inventory, was administered to a sample of clinically-defined CFS sufferers (N = 58), to a comparison group of chronic pain (CP) patients (N = 81) and to a group of healthy controls matched for sex and age with the CFS sample (N = 104).

Considerable overlap was found between CFS and CP patients at the level of both physical and psychological symptoms. This raises the possibility that CFS sufferers are a sub-population of CP patients. However, while there was some commonality between CFS and CP patients in terms of personality traits, particularly the MMPI ‘neurotic triad’ (hypochondriasis, depression and hysteria),

CFS patients showed more deviant personality traits reflecting raised levels on the first MMPI factor, emotionality. Moreover, results were not consistent with the raised emotionality being a reaction to the illness, but rather were consistent with the hypothesis that emotionality is a predisposing factor for CFS.

The majority of CFS patients fell within four personality types, each characterized by the two highest MMPI scale scores. One type (N = 20) reported a lack of psychological symptoms or emotional disturbance contrary to the overall trend for the CFS sample. This group conformed to the ICD-10 classification of neurasthenia.


Source: Blakely AA, Howard RC, Sosich RM, Murdoch JC, Menkes DB, Spears GF. Psychiatric symptoms, personality and ways of coping in chronic fatigue syndrome. Psychol Med. 1991 May;21(2):347-62.