A retrospective cross-sectional study on tinnitus prevalence and disease associations in the Dutch population-based cohort Lifelines


Tinnitus is a highly prevalent disorder with heterogenous presentation and limited treatment options. Better understanding of its prevalence and disease and lifestyle risk factor associations in the general population is necessary to identify the underlying mechanisms. To this end, we quantified the prevalence of tinnitus and identified disease and lifestyle risk factors associated with tinnitus within a general population cohort. For this study, we used the Lifelines population-based cohort study to perform a retrospective cross-sectional study.

Lifelines is a large, multi-generational, prospective cohort study that includes over 167,000 participants (or 10% of the population) from the northern Netherlands. For this study, conducted between 2018 and 2021, data from the Lifelines population-based cohort study was used to perform a cross-sectional study. Adult participants (age ≥ 18 years) with data on tinnitus perception (collected once between 2011 and 2015) were included in this study. An elastic-net regression analysis was performed with tinnitus as the dependent variable and parameters of diseases and lifestyle risk factors (collected once between 2006 and 2014)-including hearing problems, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders, psychiatric disorders, thyroid disease, inflammatory disease, and functional somatic syndromes-as the independent variables.

Among 124,609 participants, N = 8,011 (6.4%) reported perceiving tinnitus constantly (CT: constant tinnitus) and N = 39,625 (31.8%) reported perceiving tinnitus constantly or occasionally (AT: any tinnitus). Our analysis identified 38 parameters that were associated with AT and 48 parameters that were associated with CT. Our study identified established disease associates with tinnitus, including problems with hearing (OR 8.570 with CT), arrythmia (OR 1.742 with CT), transient ischemic attack (OR 1.284 with AT), diabetes mellitus (OR 1.014 with AT) and psychiatric disorders, including major depressive disorder (OR 1.506 with CT). Factors related to lifestyle associated with tinnitus included waist-hip ratio (OR 1.061 with CT) and smoking (OR 1.028 with AT).

Novel disease associates with CT were identified for inflammatory diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis (OR 1.297) and ulcerative colitis (OR 1.588), thyroid disease (as evidenced by the use of thyroid medication) (OR 1.298), and functional somatic syndromes, including chronic fatigue syndrome (OR 1.568). In addition to validating established disease associates in a general population cohort, this study identified novel associations with tinnitus and several disease categories, including functional somatic syndromes, inflammatory diseases, and thyroid disease. Future work will be necessary to identify whether (common) mechanisms underly tinnitus and these associated disorders. Lifelines is an important new resource available for future studies investigating tinnitus in the general population.

Source: Schubert NMA, Rosmalen JGM, van Dijk P, Pyott SJ. A retrospective cross-sectional study on tinnitus prevalence and disease associations in the Dutch population-based cohort Lifelines. Hear Res. 2021 Sep 23;411:108355. doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2021.108355. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34607212. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34607212/

Rupture of silicone gel breast implants and symptoms of pain and fatigue


OBJECTIVE: To compare symptoms of women with silicone gel breast implants and women with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and to study the effect of rupture of the silicone implant.

METHODS: Five hundred readers of the Dutch silicone breast implant support group magazine were asked to respond if they had been informed by the surgeon about the silicone implant status at operation, and to answer questions about symptoms of CFS. Their complaints were compared with those of 100 female patients with CFS and 40 female controls.

RESULTS: The questionnaires were returned by 319 women. Of these, 227 had symptoms of debilitating chronic fatigue. The patterns of symptoms differed from those in patients with CFS. An analysis of the relation between integrity of the implants and the symptoms could be carried out in 176 women, and 74% of these latter women reported ruptured implants. Significantly more women with ruptured implants than those with intact implants had debilitating chronic fatigue (75% vs 51%), postexertional malaise > 24 h (77% vs 51%), impaired short term memory (58% vs 38%), and multi-joint pain (77% vs 60%).

CONCLUSION: Women with silicone breast implants often report severe pain and chronic fatigue. Rupture of the implant is associated with an increase in symptoms of pain and chronic fatigue.

Comment in:

Where there’s smoke there’s fire: the silicone breast implant controversy continues to flicker: a new disease that needs to be defined. [J Rheumatol. 2003]

Breast implant related disease. [J Rheumatol. 2004]


Source: Vermeulen RC, Scholte HR. Rupture of silicone gel breast implants and symptoms of pain and fatigue. J Rheumatol. 2003 Oct;30(10):2263-7. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14528527


Psychometric properties of the Dutch Chronic Fatigue Syndrome–Activities and Participation Questionnaire (CFS-APQ)


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome-Activities and Participation Questionnaire (CFS-APQ) is a recently developed disease-specific assessment tool for monitoring activity limitations and participation restrictions in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). In this study, the convergent validity, content validity, and test-retest reliability of data obtained with the Dutch-language version of the questionnaire were examined.

SUBJECTS AND METHODS: One hundred eleven consecutive patients with CFS were enrolled, of whom 47 fulfilled all inclusion criteria. The subjects were first asked to rate their pain, fatigue, and ability to concentrate using 3 visual analog scales, to list at least 5 activities that had become difficult to perform due to their complaints, and to complete the CFS-APQ. Furthermore, subjects were asked to complete a modified version of the CFS-APQ at home and return it to the investigators. The content of the questionnaire was reviewed using the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Impairments, Disability and Health (ICIDH) beta II draft. Spearman rank correlation coefficients (R) were used for the convergent validity analysis, and intraclass correlation coefficients were computed for the assessment of the test-retest data.

RESULTS: Overall scores on the CFS-APQ correlated with the scores from the visual analog scales for pain (R=.51, P<.001) and fatigue (R=.50, P<.001). The majority of the responses (157 out of 183 answers [85.8%]) to the request to “list difficult activities” matched the content of the CFS-APQ. Using the ICIDH beta II draft, 21 out of 26 questions were found to address activities, and the remaining 5 questions measured the participation level. The Cronbach alpha coefficient was.94, and intraclass correlation coefficients for test-retest reliability of the overall scores were >or= .95 (P<.001).

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The results substantiate the convergent validity, content validity, and reliability of the CFS-APQ scores for patients with CFS.


Source: Nijs J, Vaes P, McGregor N, Van Hoof E, De Meirleir K. Psychometric properties of the Dutch Chronic Fatigue Syndrome–Activities and Participation Questionnaire (CFS-APQ). Phys Ther. 2003 May;83(5):444-54. http://ptjournal.apta.org/content/83/5/444.long (Full article)


Patients with fatigue in family practice: prevalence and treatment


OBJECTIVE: To gain insight into the prevalence and treatment of severe fatigue in general practice.

DESIGN: Secondary data analysis.

METHOD: By means of an episode-oriented morbidity registration by 54 GPs throughout the Netherlands over the period 1985-1994 it was established how often in the course of one year ‘fatigue’ was listed as the reason for consultation, what diagnoses were then made, how long episodes of care because of ‘fatigue’ lasted and what interventions took place (n = 93,297). Of the patients with a care episode because of ‘fatigue’ lasting at least 6 months, age, sex, comorbidity and consumption of care were established; for this purpose use was also made of a file containing data on 4 years in succession (n = 9630).

RESULTS: Per annum, 92 per 1000 listed patients consulted the GP because of fatigue. Somatic or psychic diagnoses were made in 27.7 per 1000 patients listed. The episode of care lasted 4 weeks at most in 86% and at least 6 months in approximately 4%. The GPs’ management of patients with ‘fatigue’ included physical examination in 63% and blood testing in 34%, conversation in 35%, prescription of medication in 24% and referral to a specialist in 3%. Of the 97 patients with fatigue lasting longer than 6 months, 61% had a chronic disease or psychic problems.

CONCLUSION: Fatigue is frequently encountered in general practice, but the estimate that one per 1000 listed patients meets the criteria of the chronic fatigue syndrome looks a little high. It appears that GPs, in accordance with recommendations, mostly adopt a policy of wait and see.


Source: Kenter EG, Okkes IM. Patients with fatigue in family practice: prevalence and treatment. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1999 Apr 10;143(15):796-801. [Article in Dutch] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10347643


“Virus of the year”?

Note: This letter by Dr. Ray Holland, published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal on August 1, 1988, generated several responses. Dr. Salit’s response appears below. 


There appears to be a scarcity of information in medical and psychiatric journals (although not in the lay press) on what was initially termed the Epstein-Barr syndrome but was later renamed chronic fatigue syndrome because it can be caused by infective agents other than the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). For example, the last article on the subject in CMAJ appeared in 1985.(1) There the syndrome, consisting of fatigue, depression, myalgia, muscle weakness, headaches and paresthesia, was named sporadic postinfectious neuromyasthenia (PIN), a term preferable to chronic fatigue syndrome because it is not ambiguous and because the condition can be of both infectious and psychologic origin.

Presumably the condition was named chronic fatigue syndrome because fatigue is the main presenting symptom, but in psychologic depression fatigue can also be the main manifestation. It is unfortunate, therefore, that the American Medical Association appears to have adopted such an ambiguous term while lamenting that the lack of a definitive diagnosis leaves both patients and health care providers frustrated.(2)

To confuse matters further, the media have labelled the condition chronic fatigue in overachievers or Yuppie flu. In fact, traditional psychiatrists have for some timed called chronic fatigue in overachievers anhedonia (inability to experience pleasure), which, if untreated, may lead to fatigue, depression and the other symptoms mentioned.

While the clinical picture may be ambiguous, the serologic findings may be more so, even when interpreted along with the clinical findings, because those exposed to EBV may have positive serologic results but no chronic sequelae, in much the same way as most people exposed to tuberculosis have subclinical infection. How high does the antibody titre have to be for a definite diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome in those who were apparently well before the acute viral attack, even if one excludes those with a previous psychiatric history, as Salit did? One must suspect that a high antibody titre that does not correlate with the clinical findings implies a psychologic origin, as does a low antibody titre. However, it appears that many patients who are told that they have positive but inconclusive serologic results of testing for EBV are choosing to believe that they have the disease. The local medical laboratory has informed me that there is not even a range of titres for EBV but that patients must find their own range by correlating values with how they feel! The media seem to infer that cases with negative results of EBV testing either have not been diagnosed because of lack of the necessary technology or have been misdiagnosed, because there is no mention that the cause may be psychologic.

Such a state of affairs is only too likely in today’s society, in which people are actually healthier than ever before but are more disease conscious and in which the media have a lively interest in medical matters. Rather than an epidemic of the disease, there appears to be an epidemic of the diagnosis, such that EBV should be named “virus of the year”.

May primum non nocere prevail as high-tech medicine continues to advance, at an alarming rate.

~Ray G.L. Holland, MD, FRCPC Box 458 Port Colbome, Ont.


  1. Salit IE: Sporadic postinfectious neuromyasthenia. Can Med Assoc J 1985; 133: 659-663
  2. Straus SE: EB or not EB – that is the question [E]. JAMA 1987; 257: 2335- 2336


[Dr. Salit responds:]

I too believe that the lack of information in medical journals on PIN [postinfectious neuromyasthenia] is a problem. There appears to be confusion about the condition among physicians, granting agencies and medical journals; they are unable to neatly classify the ailment into a nosologic category. The comment has been that the illness is “too vague” or “ill-defined”. This translates into an inability to have studies related to this subject published. Indeed, last year CMAJ rejected my article on immunologic aberrations in PIN, citing similar reasons.

The term chronic fatigue syndrome (1) was probably chosen by US investigators because it is a generic term. In 1985 these investigators thought that the illness was due to EBV; hence the common designation chronic EBV infection.(2) At that time I felt that the illness was induced by many etiologic agents, so I used the term PIN.(3) Most investigators in this area have come around to this way of thinking but have chosen not to use the term PIN.

Dr. Holland indicates that this disease has been acknowledged by psychiatrists in the past under other designations. Indeed, very similar illnesses have been known to different specialists by different names for decades. I have suggested a unifying hypothesis concerning a common pathophysiologic mechanism.(4)

EBV serologic findings have been the most confusing diagnostic aspect of this illness. Some patients after typical acute infectious mononucleosis have a form of chronic mononucleosis that symptomatically resembles PIN.(5) The serologic findings strongly suggest chronic active EBV infection. However, in most cases of PIN the illness probably did not start with acute infectious mononucleosis, and the patients probably do not have continuing active EBV infection. Using a sensitive DNA probe we found that PIN patients were not excreting EBV.(6) Furthermore, there is such extensive overlap between PIN patients and healthy controls that EBV serologic findings cannot be used to make the diagnosis.(7) It is also likely that such patients have moderately elevated titres of antibodies to a variety of other antigens. Most adults in Canada have EBV antibodies from a prior infection. Too often a diagnosis of chronic EBV infection is made on the basis of certain symptoms and the findings of any EBV antibody. This is inappropriate.

Holland says that “there appears to be an epidemic of the diagnosis”. What has become very apparent to me is that there are a large number of people in the community with illnesses that might be included under the rubric PIN. Physicians argue about the existence of this disease, but it is clear to me that PIN patients have an illness (or a deviation from a normal state of health). Despite the fact that we do not understand the disease process that results in this illness, the patients still require appropriate medical care, consisting of empathy, an acknowledgement that they are ill, reassurance that there is an absence of a more severe disease and, finally, guidelines on how best to manage the condition.(4’8’9)

I do not think that primum non nocere should prevail, although I can accept secundum non nocere. First we should show some understanding and compassion.

~ Irving E. Salit, MD, FRCPC Division of Infectious Diseases Toronto General Hospital Toronto, Ont.


  1. Holmes GP, Kaplan JE, Gantz NM et al: Chronic fatigue syndrome: a working case definition. Ann Intern Med 1988; 108: 387-389
  2. Jones JF, Ray CG, Minnich LL et al: Evidence for active Epstein-Barr virus infection in patients with persistent, unexplained illnesses: elevated antiearly antigen antibodies. Ann Intern Med 1985; 102: 1-7 3. Salit IE: Sporadic postinfectious neuromyasthenia. Can Med Assoc J 1985; 133: 659-663
  3. Idem: Chronic EBV infections (postinfectious neuromyasthenia). Med North Am 1987; 10: 1944-1950
  4. Straus SE: The chronic mononucleosis syndrome. J Infect Dis 1988; 157: 405- 412
  5. Salit IE, Diaz-Mitoma F, Walmsley S et al: Absence of Epstein-Barr virus excretion in post-infectious neuromyopathies. Presented at the American Society for Microbiology annual meeting, Miami Beach, May 9, 1988
  6. Buchwald D, Sullivan JL, Komaroff AL: Frequency of “chronic active Epstein-Barr virus infection” in a general medical practice. JAMA 1987; 257: 2303-2307
  7. Salit IE: Post-infectious fatigue. Can Fam Physician 1987; 133: 1217-1219 9. Taerk GS, Toner B, Salit IE et al: Depression in patients with neuromyasthemia. Int J Psychiatry Med 1987; 17: 49-56


Source: R G Holland. “Virus of the year”? CMAJ. 1988 Aug 1; 139(3): 198–199. PMCID: PMC1268060 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1268060/?page=1 and http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1268061/