Efficacy of cognitive-behavioural therapy by general practitioners for unexplained fatigue among employees: Randomised controlled trial


BACKGROUND: Fatigue is a common complaint that may lead to long-term sick leave and work disability.

AIMS: To assess the efficacy of cognitive-behavioural therapy by general practitioners for unexplained, persistent fatigue among employees.

METHOD: A randomised controlled trial, using a pre-randomisation design in primary care, investigated 151 employees on sick leave with fatigue. Participants in the experimental group were offered five to seven 30 min sessions of cognitive-behavioural therapy by a general practitioner; those in the control group were offered no treatment. Main outcome measures (fatigue severity, self-reported absenteeism, registered absenteeism and clinical recovery) were assessed at 4 months, 8 months and 12 months.

RESULTS: At baseline, 44% of the patients already met research criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome. There was no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group on primary or secondary outcomes at any point.

CONCLUSIONS: Cognitive-behavioural therapy by general practitioners for unexplained, persistent fatigue did not prove to be an effective intervention. Since these doctors were unable to deliver this therapy effectively under ideal circumstances, it is unlikely that doctors in routine practice would be more successful in doing so.


Source: Huibers MJ, Beurskens AJ, Van Schayck CP, Bazelmans E, Metsemakers JF, Knottnerus JA, Bleijenberg G. Efficacy of cognitive-behavioural therapy by general practitioners for unexplained fatigue among employees: Randomised controlled trial. Br J Psychiatry. 2004 Mar;184:240-6. http://bjp.rcpsych.org/content/184/3/240.long (Full article)


Cognitive behaviour therapy for the chronic fatigue syndrome. Good general care may offer as much benefit as cognitive behaviour therapy

Comment onCognitive behaviour therapy for the chronic fatigue syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. [BMJ. 1996]


EDITOR,-Successful outcomes have been reported from controlled clinical trials of an eclectic range of treatments-from immunotherapy to magnesium supplementation-for the chronic fatigue syndrome.’ Unpublished data suggest that equal success can be achieved with some forms of alternative therapy (for example, homoeopathy) when patients believe strongly in the approach. Most physicians, however, continue to view all such results with healthy scepticism. An equally cautious view needs to be taken when assessing Michael Sharpe and colleagues’ study of cognitive behaviour therapy.2 In a disorder that is almost certainly heterogeneous in nature, two important questions need to be answered before we can conclude that cognitive behaviour therapy is of value.

You can read the full comment here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2350899/pdf/bmj00539-0052b.pdf


Source: Shepherd C. Cognitive behaviour therapy for the chronic fatigue syndrome. Good general care may offer as much benefit as cognitive behaviour therapy. BMJ. 1996 Apr 27;312(7038):1096; author reply 1098. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2350899/