The chronic fatigue syndrome: what do we know?

Abnormally persistent or recurrent fatigue is a feature of many disorders. Recently, particular attention has been devoted to people whose life is dominated by protracted and disabling fatigue. Such cases are now usually categorised as the chronic fatigue syndrome, the postviral fatigue syndrome, or myalgic encephalomyelitis. Two recent publications bring together current ideas on the topic.

The historical background is important. Although the chronic fatigue syndrome has been advanced as a malaise of the latter part of this century, such cases are not a new phenomenon: they were particularly common during the latter part of the last century. The New York physician George Beard applied the label “neurasthenia” to them although the term was more widely used. After becoming an exceedingly common diagnosis it waned at the time of the first world war.

This first wave in the history of chronic fatigue was followed by a second wave, which can be dated to 1934. Nevertheless, cases of chronic fatigue did not simply disappear in the intervening period. The “effort syndrome” had a considerable vogue at that time. “Fibrositis,” a term introduced by Sir William Gowers in 1894 to designate the occurrence of diffuse muscle aching and pain without detectable explanation, evolved into “fibromyalgia.” This currently popular diagnosis has many overlapping features with the chronic fatigue syndrome, as did the effort syndrome.

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Comment in:

Functional hypoglycaemia postulated as cause of chronic fatigue syndrome. [BMJ. 1993]

Chronic fatigue syndrome. [BMJ. 1993]


Source: Thomas PK. The chronic fatigue syndrome: what do we know? BMJ. 1993 Jun 12;306(6892):1557-8.


Chronic fatigue in historical perspective


Chronic fatigue as a presenting complaint, in the absence of other evident organic illness, was seldom reported historically before the second half of the 19th century. Its first eruption was the so-called ‘bed cases’ or ‘sofa cases’ among middle-class females in the period from 1860 to about 1910. ‘Neurasthenia’ does not necessarily represent an early forerunner of chronic fatigue.

Many patients receiving that diagnosis did not complain of fatigue. Others with functional fatigue did not receive the diagnosis ‘neurasthenia’. Both medical-anecdotal and quantitative sources make it clear that by the time of the First World War, chronic fatigue was a common complaint in Europe and North America.

Medical concepts of chronic fatigue since the 1930s have run along four separate lines: (1) ‘postinfectious neuromyasthenia’, going back to an atypical ‘poliomyelitis’ epidemic in 1934; (2) ‘chronic Epstein-Barr virus’ infection, an illness attribution that increased in frequency after the discovery in 1968 that this virus caused mononucleosis; (3) ‘myalgic encephalomyelitis’, dating from an epidemic at the Royal Free Hospital in London in 1955; and (4) ‘fibrositis’, or ‘fibromyalgia’, used as a rheumatological description since the turn of the century. Recently, these four separate paths have tended to converge into the diagnosis of ‘chronic fatigue syndrome’.


Source: Shorter E. Chronic fatigue in historical perspective. Ciba Found Symp. 1993;173:6-16; discussion 16-22.


Sleep, Epstein-Barr virus infection, musculoskeletal pain, and depressive symptoms in chronic fatigue syndrome


Sleep physiology, viral serology and symptoms of 14 patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) were compared with 12 healthy controls. All patients described unrefreshing sleep and showed a prominent alpha electroencephalographic nonrapid eye movement (7.5-11.0 Hz) sleep anomaly (p less than or equal to 0.001), but had no physiologic daytime sleepiness.

There were no group differences in Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) antibody titers. The patient group had more fibrositis tender points (p less than 0.0001), described more somatic complaints (p less than 0.0001), and more depressive symptoms (p less than 0.0001). Patients with CFS do not show evidence for a specific chronic EBV infection, but show altered sleep physiology, numerous tender points, diffuse pain, and depressive symptoms. These features are similar to those found in fibromyalgia syndrome.


Source: Whelton CL, Salit I, Moldofsky H. Sleep, Epstein-Barr virus infection, musculoskeletal pain, and depressive symptoms in chronic fatigue syndrome. J Rheumatol. 1992 Jun;19(6):939-43.


Myth of the chronic fatigue syndrome

THE CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME is a symptom complex characterized by fatigue, myalgias, arthralgias, neurologic symptoms-headaches, paresthesias, dizziness-lymph node swelling or tenderness, cognitive dysfunction, sleep disorders, and depression. The symptoms are similar to those seen in inflammatory illnesses and can be induced by the systemic administration of interferon beta. Severe fatigue is a perplexing and constant complaint in many patients with multiple sclerosis. This indicates that the perception of energy level has a sensitive physiologic basis that is dependent on the homeostasis of other body systems.

The chronic fatigue syndrome has gained popularity among the lay public and has stimulated considerable scientific debate about its existence. Many investigators and practitioners have attributed the disorder to chronic depression. Difficulty arises from the diverse symptoms associated with fatigue states; fatigue is a prominent feature of many systemic, neurologic, and psychiatric disorders. Also, fatigue is a subjective complaint without a quantifiable measure. This interweaving of many symptoms and diagnoses with disabling fatigue makes it difficult to compare patient groups. Terms applied to disorders that probably represent chronic fatigue syndrome are chronic infectious mononucleosis, myalgic encephalomyelitis, idiopathic chronic fatigue and myalgia syndrome, epidemic neuromyasthenia, postviral fatigue syndrome, and fibrositis-fibromyalgia.

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Source: Murray RS. Myth of the chronic fatigue syndrome. West J Med. 1991 Jul;155(1):68.


Nonrestorative sleep and symptoms after a febrile illness in patients with fibrositis and chronic fatigue syndromes


This review summarizes the physiologic and clinical evidence that shows nonrestorative sleep to be associated with chronic fatigue and diffuse myalgia after a flulike illness. Such a febrile illness may trigger alteration in sleep-wake brain and immune functions in patients with fibrositis or chronic fatigue syndromes.


Source: Moldofsky H. Nonrestorative sleep and symptoms after a febrile illness in patients with fibrositis and chronic fatigue syndromes. J Rheumatol Suppl. 1989 Nov;19:150-3.


Sleep and symptoms in fibrositis syndrome after a febrile illness


Sleep physiology and symptoms of 9 patients with fibrositis syndrome secondary to a febrile illness were compared to 9 patients with fibrositis syndrome who did not attribute their symptoms to a febrile illness and to 10 healthy controls.

Both patient groups showed an alpha EEG (7.5 to 11 Hz) nonrapid eye movement sleep anomaly, had similar observed tender points, and self-ratings of musculoskeletal pain.

These findings suggest that patients with postfebrile fibrositis have a nonrestorative sleep disorder characteristic of patients with fibrositis syndrome and share similar symptoms with patients who have a “chronic fatigue syndrome.”


Source: Moldofsky H, Saskin P, Lue FA. Sleep and symptoms in fibrositis syndrome after a febrile illness. J Rheumatol. 1988 Nov;15(11):1701-4.