EEG source analysis of chronic fatigue syndrome


Sixty-one dextral, unmedicated women with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) diagnosed according to the Fukuda criteria (1994) and referred for investigation by rheumatologists and internists were studied with quantitative EEG (43 channels) at rest with eyes open and during verbal and spatial cognitive activation. The EEGs from the patients were compared with recordings from 80 dextral healthy female controls. Only those subjects who could provide 20 1-s artefact-free segments of EEG were admitted into the study.

The analysis consisted of the identification of the spatial patterns in the EEGs that maximally differentiated the two groups and the estimation of the cortical source distributions underlying these patterns. Spatial patterns were analyzed in the alpha (8-13Hz) and beta (14-20Hz) bands and the source distributions were estimated using the Borgiotti-Kaplan BEAMFORMER algorithm.

The results indicate that the spatial patterns identified were effective in separating the two groups, providing a minimum correct retrospective classification rate of 72% in both frequency bands while the subjects were at rest to a maximum of 83% in the alpha band during the verbal cognitive condition.

Underlying cortical source distributions showed significant differences between the two groups in both frequency bands and in all cognitive conditions. Lateralized cortical differences were evident between the two groups in the both frequency bands during both the verbal and spatial cognitive conditions. During these active cognitive conditions, the CFS group showed significantly greater source-current activity than the controls in the left frontal-temporal-parietal regions of the cortex.

Copyright (c) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


Source: Flor-Henry P, Lind JC, Koles ZJ. EEG source analysis of chronic fatigue syndrome. Psychiatry Res. 2010 Feb 28;181(2):155-64. doi: 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2009.10.007. Epub 2009 Dec 16.


Electroencephalographic correlates of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


BACKGROUND: Unremitting fatigue and unrefreshing sleep, hallmark traits of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), are also pathognomonic of sleep disorders. Yet, no reproducible perturbations of sleep architecture, multiple sleep latency times or Epworth Sleepiness Scores are found to be associated consistently with CFS. This led us to hypothesize that sleep homeostasis, rather than sleep architecture, may be perturbed in CFS. To probe this hypothesis, we measured and compared EEG frequencies associated with restorative sleep between persons with CFS and matched controls, both derived from a population-based sample.

METHODS: We evaluated overnight polysomnography (PSG) in 35 CFS and 40 control subjects. PSG records were manually scored and epochs containing artifact removed. Fast Fourier Transformation was utilized to deconstruct individual EEG signals into primary frequency bands of alpha, delta, theta, sigma, and beta frequency domains. The spectral power of each frequency domain for each sleep state was compared between persons with CFS and matched controls.

RESULTS: In persons with CFS, delta power was diminished during slow wave sleep, but elevated during both stage 1 and REM. Alpha power was reduced during stage 2, slow wave, and REM sleep. Those with CFS also had significantly lower theta, sigma, and beta spectral power during stage 2, Slow Wave Sleep, and REM.

DISCUSSION: Employing quantitative EEG analysis we demonstrate reduced spectral power of cortical delta activity during SWS. We also establish reduced spectral power of cortical alpha activity, with the greatest reduction occurring during REM sleep. Reductions in theta, beta, and sigma spectral power were also apparent.

CONCLUSION: Unremitting fatigue and unrefreshing sleep, the waking manifestations of CFS, may be the consequence of impaired sleep homeostasis rather than a primary sleep disorder.


Source: Decker MJ, Tabassum H, Lin JM, Reeves WC. Electroencephalographic correlates of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Behav Brain Funct. 2009 Oct 6;5:43. doi: 10.1186/1744-9081-5-43. (Full article)


Altered central nervous system signal during motor performance in chronic fatigue syndrome


OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine whether brain activity of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients during voluntary motor actions differs from that of healthy individuals.

METHODS: Eight CFS patients and 8 age- and gender-matched healthy volunteers performed isometric handgrip contractions at 50% maximal voluntary contraction level. They first performed 50 contractions with a 10 s rest between adjacent trials–‘Non-Fatigue’ (NFT) task. Subsequently, the same number of contractions was performed with only a 5 s rest between trials–‘Fatigue’ (FT) task. Fifty-eight channels of surface EEG were recorded simultaneously from the scalp. Spectrum analysis was performed to estimate power of EEG frequency in different tasks. Motor activity-related cortical potential (MRCP) was derived by triggered averaging of EEG signals associated with the muscle contractions.

RESULTS: Major findings include: (i) Motor performance of the CFS patients was poorer than the controls. (ii) Relative power of EEG theta frequency band (4-8 Hz) during performing the NFT and FT tasks was significantly greater in the CFS than control group (P < 0.05). (iii) The amplitude of MRCP negative potential (NP) for the combined NFT and FT tasks was higher in the CFS than control group (P < 0.05) (iv) Within the CFS group, the NP was greater for the FT than NFT task (P<0.01), whereas no such difference between the two tasks was found in the control group.

CONCLUSIONS: These results clearly show that CFS involves altered central nervous system signals in controlling voluntary muscle activities, especially when the activities induce fatigue.

SIGNIFICANCE: Physical activity-induced EEG signal changes may serve as physiological markers for more objective diagnosis of CFS.


Source: Siemionow V, Fang Y, Calabrese L, Sahgal V, Yue GH. Altered central nervous system signal during motor performance in chronic fatigue syndrome. Clin Neurophysiol. 2004 Oct;115(10):2372-81.


Parallels between post-polio fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome: a common pathophysiology?


Fatigue is the most commonly reported and most debilitating of post-polio sequelae affecting the >1.8 million North American polio survivors. Post-polio fatigue is characterized by subjective reports of difficulty with attention, cognition, and maintaining wakefulness. These symptoms resemble those reported in nearly 2 dozen outbreaks of post-viral fatigue syndromes (PVFS) that have recurred during this century and that are related clinically, historically, anatomically, or physiologically to poliovirus infections.

This article reviews recent studies that relate the symptoms of post-polio fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) to clinically significant deficits on neuropsychologic tests of attention, histopathologic and neuroradiologic evidence of brain lesions, impaired activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, increased prolactin secretion, and electroencephalogram (EEG) slow-wave activity.

A possible common pathophysiology for post-polio fatigue and CFS, based on the Brain Fatigue Generator Model of PVFS, and a possible pharmacotherapy for PVFS based on replacement of depleted brain dopamine, will be described.


Source: Bruno RL, Creange SJ, Frick NM. Parallels between post-polio fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome: a common pathophysiology? Am J Med. 1998 Sep 28;105(3A):66S-73S.


EEG biofeedback as a treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome: a controlled case report


EEG neurofeedback has been identified as a potential diagnostic and treatment protocol with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) symptoms. In the present case study, the authors applied an EEG neurofeedback biofeedback paradigm as a treatment modality with a CFS patient. Baseline data were acquired using the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised and qualitative and subjective ratings of cognitive improvement. Test results and clinical findings revealed improvements in the patient’s cognitive abilities, functional skill level, and quality of life. The patient showed significant differences in pre- and posttest levels on the Wechsler scale.


Source: James LC, Folen RA. EEG biofeedback as a treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome: a controlled case report. Behav Med. 1996 Summer;22(2):77-81.


Neuro-psychiatric aspects of chronic fatigue syndrome


Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is easily differentiated from various neurological organic disorders by conventional clinical examinations. The most important disease for distinguishment from CFS is fibromyalgia syndrome, in which the prominent and cardinal feature is a deprivation of stage 4 slow wave sleep.

Experimentally, the sleep disturbance in controls can induce general myalgia, muscle tender points, severe fatigue and stiffness on awakening. The EEG abnormality is slow alpha wave contaminants on slow wave background, which is identical to EEG of CFS. The results clearly imply that CFS is not a hysterical or psychogenic disease, and that fibromyalgia may be a central fundamental of CFS.

Fibromyalgia, however, has distinct features such as no antecedent inflammatory process and no endemics. Therefore, the syndrome has features distinct from, in addition to common features to CFS. It is also very difficult to distinguish CFS from depression. The above-mentioned features can be observed in depression. Now, study of brain blood flow or metabolism by PET or SPECT can be a possible tool for establishment of the CFS identity.


Source: Shimizu T. Neuro-psychiatric aspects of chronic fatigue syndrome. Nihon Rinsho. 1992 Nov;50(11):2630-4. [Article in Japanese]


Epidemic myalgic encephalomyelitis

The letter below, “Epidemic myalgic encephalomyelitis,” was published in the British Medical Journal in 1978. In it, the authors maintain that ME is an organic illness that exists as a distinct clinical entity with recognizable signs and symptoms. The authors propose that the cause may be “a persistent viral infection.


Epidemic myalgic encephalomyelitis

Outbreaks of the paralytic disease known as epidemic myalgic encephalomyelitis have puzzled doctors all over the world in the past 30 years. One of the best known of these epidemics was that at the Royal Free Hospital in London in 1955, which affected more than 300 people. (1) Most outbreaks tend to occur in the summer, young adults are predominantly affected, and the incidence is higher in women. The evidence suggests that infection is spread by personal contact, and young hospital personnel seem particularly at risk. The features common to every epidemic include headache, unusual muscular pains (which may be severe), lymphadenopathy-often of the posterior cervical lymph nodes-and low-grade fever.(2, 3) In a minority of cases frank neurological signs can be detected by careful clinical examination: there may be nystagmus, diplopia, myoclonus, bulbar weakness, motor weakness, increased or decreased tendon reflexes, disturbances of the sphincters, and extensor plantar responses.(2-7) Fasciculations, cranial nerve lesions, and extrapyramidal signs have also been reported. Most patients complain of paraesthesiae, and sensory loss is common.”(4) One characteristic feature of the disease is exhaustion, any effort producing generalised fatigue. Often there are psychiatric abnormalities, especially emotional lability and lack of concentration.(1- 3, 4) The clinical outcome may take any of three courses: some patients recover completely, some follow a relapsing course, and some are permanently incapacitated.(3)

At a symposium held recently at the Royal Society of Medicine to discuss the disease and plan research there was clear agreement that myalgic encephalomyelitis is a distinct nosological entity. Other terms that have been used to describe the disease were rejected as unsatisfactory for various reasons: the cardinal clinical features show that the disorder is an encephalomyelitis; “Iceland disease” is not specific enough; and “neuromyasthenia” suggests a relation to myasthenia gravis whereas the muscle fatigability is different, as are the electrophysiological findings.(8) Indeed, the exhaustion and tiredness are similar to that described by patients with multiple sclerosis.(9) From the patient’s point of view the designation benign is also misleading, since the illness may be devastating. Originally the term was used because no deaths had been recorded from myalgic encephalomyelitis. Two patients who had had the disease have now been examined post mortem: one was found to have multiple sclerosis. The adjective epidemic is correct, since most cases occur in an epidemic, but the disease may be endemic, and sporadic cases may occur. (10-12)

Some authors have attempted to dismiss this disease as hysterical, (13) but the evidence now makes such a tenet unacceptable. Some purely psychiatric symptoms may well occur, particularly in patients entering the chronic phase. No doubt, too, in an epidemic some hysterical persons will simulate the symptoms of the disease. Nevertheless, the organic basis is clear-from the finding that the putative agent can be transferred to monkeys(14); the detection of an increased urinary output of creatine2 (15); the persistent finding of abnormal lymphocytes in the peripheral blood of some patients (16); the presence of lymphocytes and an increased protein concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid of occasional patients (3); and the neurological findings. At this symposium more evidence was produced to support the organic nature of the disease. Increased serum concentrations of lactic dehydrogenases and transaminases have been found in several patients examined during the acute attack. In a recent outbreak in London immunological studies showed a high incidence of serum anticomplementary activity and the presence of ill-defined aggregates on electron microscopy of acute-phase sera.(17) A perplexing finding, suggesting the possibility of a persistent virus infection, was the ability of lymphocytes from patients to proliferate and survive in vitro for up to 19 weeks. The results of electroencephalographic studies were also stated to be abnormal, confirming other reports. (10)

We still know nothing about the nature and cause of epidemic myalgic encephalomyelitis, but outbreaks are still occurring. Future epidemics should be studied by a collaborative team of neurologists, epidemiologists, virologists, and immunologists. Its findings would be important not only for the study of epidemic myalgic encephalomyelitis but also for other neurological disorders, including multiple sclerosis.

1 British Medical Journal, 1957, 2, 895.

2 White, D N, and Burtch, R B, Neurology, 1954, 4, 506.

3 Acheson, E D, American Journal of Medicine, 1959, 26, 569.

4 Gilliam, A G, Epidemiological Study of an Epidemic, Public Health Bulletin, No 240. US Public Health Service, Washington, 1938.

5 Acheson, E D, Lancet, 1955, 2, 394.

6 Pellew, R A A, Medical Journal of Australia, 1951, 1, 944.

7 Hill, R C J, South African Medical Journal, 1955, 29, 344.

8 Richardson, A T, Annals of Physical Medicine, 1956, 3, 81.

9 McAlpine, D, Compston, N D, and Lumsden, C E, Multiple Sclerosis, chap 5. Edinburgh and London, Livingstone, 1955. ”

10 Ramsay, A M, and O’Sullivan, E, Lancet, 1956, 1, 761.

11 Jelinek, J E, Lancet, 1956, 2, 494.

12 Ramsay, A M, Lancet, 1957, 2, 1196.

13 McEvedey, C P, and Beard, A W, British Medical Journal, 1970, 1, 7.

14 Pellew, R A A, and Miles, J A R, Medical Journal of Australia, 1955, 2, 480.

15 Albrecht, R M, Oliver, V L, and Poskanzer, D C, Journal of the American Medical Association, 1964, 187, 904.

16 Wallis, A L, MD Thesis, Edinburgh University, 1957.

17 Dillon, M J, et al, British Medical Journal, 1974, 1, 301.


Source: BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL 3 JUNE 1978 1436-1437

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