Online Health Communities in Controversy over ME/CFS and Long Covid


The condition known variously as myalgic encephalomyelitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, or ME/CFS has been steeped in controversy for 40 years or more. Long Covid, first noticed and named in 2020, has become entangled with the ME/CFS controversy because of striking similarities in the experiences of patients suffering from the two illnesses. Online health communities (OHCs) have played central roles in both controversies, but these are not the kinds of roles that have been so well-documented in prior literature.

While prior research has established many ways in which participation in an OHC may benefit or otherwise affect community members themselves, this essay focuses on how OHCs contribute to positional shifts in health controversies that involve other communities as well. Using a framework for understanding health controversies as argumentative polylogues, I show that OHCs arguing with other players have made contributions that are both effective in gaining ground for the OHCs’ own goals and in elevating the overall quality of the debate. Further, in some cases these contributions have been so innovative as to suggest surprising future trajectories for OHCs.

Source: Jackson, S. (2023). Online Health Communities in Controversy over ME/CFS and Long Covid. European Journal of Health Communication4(2), 49–72. (Full text)

Chronic fatigue syndrome: point and counterpoint


Two clinical investigators with divergent views on chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) were invited to debate their positions at the 1993 annual meeting of The Infectious Disease Society of America. Major points of the discourse focused on the value of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention case definition of CFS, the potential roles of infectious and allergic problems in the syndrome, the confounding problem of concurrent psychiatric problems, and the utility of diagnostic tests.


Source: Straus SE, Komaroff AL, Wedner HJ. Chronic fatigue syndrome: point and counterpoint. J Infect Dis. 1994 Jul;170(1):1-6.