A Clinical Qualification Protocol Highlights Overlapping Genomic Influences and Neuro-Autonomic Mechanisms in Ehlers-Danlos and Long COVID-19 Syndromes


A substantial fraction of the 15% with double-jointedness or hypermobility have the traditionally ascertained joint-skeletal, cutaneous, and cardiovascular symptoms of connective tissue dysplasia and its particular manifestation as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). The holistic ascertainment of 120 findings in 1261 EDS patients added neuro-autonomic symptoms like headaches, muscle weakness, brain fog, chronic fatigue, dyspnea, and bowel irregularity to those of arthralgia and skin laxity, 15 of these symptoms shared with those of post-infectious SARS-CoV-2 (long COVID-19).

Underlying articulo-autonomic mechanisms guided a clinical qualification protocol that qualified DNA variants in 317 genes as having diagnostic utility for EDS, six of them identical (F2-LIFR-NLRP3-STAT1-T1CAM1-TNFRSF13B) and eighteen similar to those modifying COVID-19 severity/EDS, including ADAMTS13/ADAMTS2-C3/C1R-IKBKG/IKBKAP-PIK3C3/PIK3R1-POLD4/POLG-TMPRSS2/TMPRSS6-WNT3/WNT10A.

Also, contributing to EDS and COVID-19 severity were forty and three genes, respectively, impacting mitochondrial functions as well as parts of an overlapping gene network, or entome, that are hypothesized to mediate the cognitive-behavioral, neuro-autonomic, and immune-inflammatory alterations of connective tissue in these conditions. The further characterization of long COVID-19 natural history and genetic predisposition will be necessary before these parallels to EDS can be carefully delineated and translated into therapies.

Source: Wilson GN. A Clinical Qualification Protocol Highlights Overlapping Genomic Influences and Neuro-Autonomic Mechanisms in Ehlers-Danlos and Long COVID-19 Syndromes. Curr Issues Mol Biol. 2023 Jul 17;45(7):6003-6023. doi: 10.3390/cimb45070379. PMID: 37504295; PMCID: PMC10378515. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10378515/ (Full text)