The persistence of fatigue in chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple sclerosis: development of a model


The cause of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is unknown. With respect to factors perpetuating fatigue, on the other hand, a model has been postulated in the literature in which behavioral, cognitive, and affective factors play a role in perpetuating fatigue. In the present study, this hypothesized model was tested on patients with CFS and on fatigued patients with multiple sclerosis (MS).

The model was formulated in terms of cause-and-effect relationships and an integral test of this model was performed by the statistical technique, “structural equation modeling,” in 51 patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and 50 patients with multiple sclerosis matched for age, gender, and education. Attributing complaints to a somatic cause produced low levels of physical activity, which in turn had a causal effect on fatigue severity. Depression had to be deleted from the model.

Sense of control over symptoms and focusing on bodily symptoms each had a direct causal effect on fatigue. The model showed an excellent fit for CFS patients, but was rejected for MS patients. Therefore, a new model for MS patients had to be developed in which sense of control had a causal effect on fatigue. In the MS model, no causal relationship was found between the physical state as measured by the Expanded Disability Status Score (EDSS) and fatigue or functional impairment.

The present study shows that cognitive and behavioral factors are involved in the persistence of fatigue. Treatment should be directed at these factors. The processes involved in the subjective experience of fatigue in CFS were different from the processes related to fatigue in MS.


Source: Vercoulen JH, Swanink CM, Galama JM, Fennis JF, Jongen PJ, Hommes OR, van der Meer JW, Bleijenberg G. The persistence of fatigue in chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple sclerosis: development of a model. J Psychosom Res. 1998 Dec;45(6):507-17.


Somatization, illness attribution and the sociocultural psychiatry of chronic fatigue syndrome


In addition to epidemiological and neurobiological perspectives on the relationship between chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and psychiatric disorders there has been increasing interest in the role of cognitive-behavioural, psychological, psychodynamic and social factors in the psychiatric aspects of this syndrome. These factors may be important in the initiation and/or maintenance of CFS and play important roles in the misdiagnosis of primary psychopathology as CFS. They may be important targets for intervention and treatment.

This paper examines the relevance of the following issues for better understanding the relationship between CFS and the results of psychiatric studies: (1) the concepts of somatization and abnormal illness behaviour; (2) the role of patients’ illness attributions; (3) psychological and psychodynamic constructs such as depressive vulnerability occurring in individuals dependent upon achievement for the maintenance of self-esteem and euthymic mood, perfectionism, and helplessness; (4) the role of personality characteristics and styles; (5) the potential iatrogenic role of the health care system in producing disability in individuals with a diagnosis of CFS; (6) the role of the media and other sociocultural forces in the patient’s choice of the CFS label; and (7) the impact of the CFS label on the patient. The importance of differentiating between initiating and maintaining or perpetuating factors is emphasized.


Source: Abbey SE. Somatization, illness attribution and the sociocultural psychiatry of chronic fatigue syndrome. Ciba Found Symp. 1993;173:238-52; discussion 252-61.