Pain rehabilitation. 2. Chronic pain syndrome and myofascial pain


This article highlights chronic pain syndrome and myofascial pain. It is part of the chapter on pain rehabilitation in the Self-Directed Medical Knowledge Program for practitioners and trainees in physical medicine and rehabilitation. This article discusses behavioral maladaptations to chronic pain which lead to global physical, psychologic, social, and vocational impairments–the chronic pain syndrome. The spectrum of myofascial pain syndromes, contributing factors, and interventions are detailed. New advances that are covered in this section include controversies in long-term use of opioids and muscle relaxants; differentiating fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndromes, and chronic fatigue syndrome; pathophysiology of myofascial pain; and beneficial treatments.


Source: King JC, Goddard MJ. Pain rehabilitation. 2. Chronic pain syndrome and myofascial pain. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1994 May;75(5 Spec No):S9-14.