Chronic fatigue syndrome–51 cases in the Jikei University School of Medicine


Between April 1991 and August 1992, we diagnosed 51 cases of CFS who met definition of CFS designated by CDC, 1988. They are 41 female and 11 male, and 78% are women. At first visit, their ages are ranged from 16 to 64 years old, and approximately 45% is 20 to 30 years old.

In periods of illness from onset, 39.2% of the patients are in period of 6 month to 1 year, 19.6% within 2 years, and 15.6% within 3 years, respectively. The sufferer who have symptoms of CFS over 10 years long are in 6 cases.

Most of patients have already been examined by many other clinics and hospitals. They have been told as no abnormal medical condition, or often as neurosis, depressive state and autonomous imbalance etc.

Interesting things are trigger of CFS. 77.5% of patients have onset of flu-like symptom, including 5 cases of acute infectious mononucleosis. In many female patients, symptoms of CFS begun after hard work in addition to psychological factors. Specific laboratory results are not shown in CBC, urinalysis, biochemical studies and inflammatory markers. 6 cases have positive Rheumatoid factor and positive ANF are shown in 16 cases (31.3%).

Specific patterns of anti EBV antibodies are not shown. Lymphocyte subsets used by monoclonal antibodies are not specific. At the present, prognosis is good and 56.8% of CFS patients are generally improved. For severe cases, NSAID, Sulpiride, Amitryptiline and minor tranquilizer are used.


Source: Hashimoto N, Kuraishi Y, Yokose T, Tajima N, Mochio S, Shimizu M, Yokoyama J, Kobayashi N, Nohara A, Taniguchi I, et al. Chronic fatigue syndrome–51 cases in the Jikei University School of Medicine. Nihon Rinsho. 1992 Nov;50(11):2653-64. [Article in Japanese]