Symptoms of ME/CFS

…swollen lymph nodes, especially on the neck and underarms [ ] Abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, gas, irritable bowel [ ] New allergic reactions to medicines, food, and other substances […

Assessment of recovery status in chronic fatigue syndrome using normative data

…indicates. BMJ Rapid Response, 19 January 2015. 7: Faulkner G. In non-blinded trials, self-report measures could mislead. Lancet Psychiatry. Volume 2, No. 4, e7, April 2015. doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(15)00089-9…

A possible role for mitochondrial-derived peptides humanin and MOTS-c in patients with Q fever fatigue syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome

…Bleeker-Rovers. A possible role for mitochondrial-derived peptides humanin and MOTS-c in patients with Q fever fatigue syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome. Journal of Translational Medicine 2019 17:157 (Full article)…