Dr. Kent Holtorf, M.D.

Specializes in Chronic Illnesses

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Holtorf Medical Group

23456 Hawthorne Blvd, Suite 160
Torrance, CA 90505.

48 N. El Molino
Ave., Suite 101
Pasadena, CA 91101.

1065 East Hillside Blvd., Suite 108
Foster City, CA 94404.

491 Allendale Rd., Suite 222
King of Prussia, PA 19406.

Tel (Torrance, CA): (310) 375-2705

Tel (Pasadena, CA): (626) 796-7500

Tel (Foster City, CA): (650) 638-1141

Tel (King of Prussia, PA): (610) 265-0500

Website: http://www.holtorfmed.com

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