Toward a model of social course in chronic illness: the example of chronic fatigue syndrome


Retrospective, narrative accounts of illness experience in chronic fatigue syndrome provide the empirical basis for a preliminary conceptual model of social course in chronic illness. Qualities of distress interact with culturally specific expectations for social life and personal conduct to trigger microsocial processes of marginalization: role constriction, delegitimation, impoverishment, and social isolation.

Marginalizing processes are opposed by acts of resistance initiated by ill individuals and directed toward integration in social worlds. Social distance from the perceived centers of CFS sufferers’ interpersonal worlds expands and contracts with the changing predominance of marginalizing and resisting influences over time. Social course thus consists of successive, bi-directional movements along a ‘continuum of marginality’ by persons living lives with chronic illness.


Source: Ware NC. Toward a model of social course in chronic illness: the example of chronic fatigue syndrome. Cult Med Psychiatry. 1999 Sep;23(3):303-31.


Associations between perfectionism, mood, and fatigue in chronic fatigue syndrome: a pilot study


This study investigated possible associations between perfectionistic personality traits, mood, and fatigue in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Forty CFS sufferers referred to tertiary care and 31 control healthy subjects completed the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (MPS), Chalder Fatigue Questionnaire, and Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) scale.

Total perfectionism scores did not correlate with fatigue, anxiety, or depression in either group. Other-oriented MPS scores were significantly lower among CFS sufferers (p = .0019), especially women, and correlated negatively with physical fatigue levels overall (R = -0.27, p = .02). Total and socially prescribed MPS scores correlated with age for the CFS group alone (p = .05).

Possible reasons why this study did not confirm a positive association between perfectionism and CFS are discussed. The finding that CFS sufferers set lower standards and have lower expectations for significant others may have implications for rehabilitation and recovery from this disorder.


Source: Blenkiron P, Edwards R, Lynch S. Associations between perfectionism, mood, and fatigue in chronic fatigue syndrome: a pilot study. J Nerv Ment Dis. 1999 Sep;187(9):566-70.


Prolonged fatigue, anxiety and depression: exploring relationships in a primary care sample


OBJECTIVE: While prolonged fatigue states are frequently comorbid with other forms of distress, they are now the subject of independent aetiological and treatment research. The objective of this study was to use principal component analysis to clarify the relationships between proposed measures of prolonged fatigue and anxiety and depression in data obtained from patients attending primary care.

METHOD: Self-report measures of prolonged fatigue and psychological distress (anxiety and depression) were administered to consecutive ambulatory care patients attending primary care.

RESULTS: Data from 1593 subjects were obtained. A two-factor principal component solution (varimax rotation) demonstrated a clear separation between fatigue-related items (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.81) as compared with those items describing anxiety and/or depression (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.95). A four-factor solution produced similar results with two factors describing general psychological distress (contrasting anxiety and depression), with two other factors describing the profiles of mental and physical fatigue.

CONCLUSIONS: The results lend weight to the argument that prolonged fatigue states can be measured independently of conventional notions of anxiety and depression in patients attending primary care. Epidemiological, aetiological and treatment research in psychiatry may need to focus greater attention on such prolonged fatigue states.

Comment in: Response to: ‘Prolonged fatigue, anxiety and depression: exploring relationships in a primary care sample‘. [Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2000]


Source: Koschera A, Hickie I, Hadzi-Pavlovic D, Wilson A, Lloyd A. Prolonged fatigue, anxiety and depression: exploring relationships in a primary care sample. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 1999 Aug;33(4):545-52.


Detection of borna disease virus-reactive antibodies from patients with psychiatric disorders and from horses by electrochemiluminescence immunoassay


The prevalence of Borna disease virus (BDV)-specific antibodies among patients with psychiatric disorders and healthy individuals has varied in several reports using several different serological assay methods. A reliable and specific method for anti-BDV antibodies needs to be developed to clarify the pathological significance of BDV infections in humans.

We developed a new electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA) for the antibody to BDV that uses two recombinant proteins of BDV, p40 and p24 (full length). Using this ECLIA, we examined 3,476 serum samples from humans with various diseases and 917 sera from blood donors in Japan for the presence of anti-BDV antibodies.

By ECLIA, 26 (3.08%) of 845 schizophrenia patients and 9 (3.59%) of 251 patients with mood disorders were seropositive for BDV. Among 323 patients with other psychiatric diseases, 114 with neurological diseases, 75 with chronic fatigue syndrome, 85 human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients, 50 with autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosis and 17 with leprosy, there was no positive case except one case each with alcohol addiction, AIDS, and dementia.

Although 19 (1.36%) of 1,393 patients with various ocular diseases, 10 (1.09%) of 917 blood donors, and 3 (4.55%) of 66 multitransfused patients were seropositive for BDV-specific antigen, high levels of seroprevalence in schizophrenia patients and young patients (16 to 59 years old) with mood disorders were statistically significant.

The immunoreactivity of seropositive sera could be verified for specificity by blocking with soluble p40 and/or p24 recombinant protein. Anti-p24 antibody was more frequent than p40 antibody in most cases, and in some psychotic patients antibody profiles showed only p40 antibody. Although serum positive for both p40 and p24 antibodies was not found in this study, the p40 ECLIA count in schizophrenia patients was higher than that of blood donors.

Furthermore, we examined 90 sera from Japanese feral horses. Antibody profiles of control human samples are similar to that of naturally BDV-infected feral horses. We concluded that BDV infection was associated in some way with psychiatric disorders.


Source: Yamaguchi K, Sawada T, Naraki T, Igata-Yi R, Shiraki H, Horii Y, Ishii T, Ikeda K, Asou N, Okabe H, Mochizuki M, Takahashi K, Yamada S, Kubo K, Yashiki S, Waltrip RW 2nd, Carbone KM. Detection of borna disease virus-reactive antibodies from patients with psychiatric disorders and from horses by electrochemiluminescence immunoassay. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol. 1999 Sep;6(5):696-700. (Full article)


Fatigue and psychiatric disorder: different or the same?


BACKGROUND: Fatigue and psychiatric symptoms are common in the community, but their association and outcome are sparsely studied.

METHOD: A total of 1177 patients were recruited from UK primary care on attending their general practitioner. Fatigue and psychiatric disorder was measured at three time points with the 12-item General Health Questionnaire and the 11-item Fatigue Questionnaire.

RESULTS: Total scores for fatigue and psychiatric disorder did not differ between the three time points and were closely correlated (r around 0.6). The association between non-co-morbid (‘pure’) fatigue and developing psychiatric disorder 6 months later was the same as that for being well and subsequent psychiatric disorder. Similarly, having non-co-morbid psychiatric disorder did not predict having fatigue any more than being well 6 months previously. Between 13 and 15% suffered from non-co-morbid fatigue at each time point and 2.5% suffered from fatigue at two time points 6 months apart. Less than 1% of patients suffered from non-co-morbid fatigue at all three time points.

CONCLUSIONS: The data are consistent with the existence of ‘pure’ independent fatigue state. However, this state is unstable and the majority (about three-quarters) of patients become well or a case of psychiatric disorder over 6 months. A persistent, independent fatigue state lasting for 6 months can be identified in the primary-care setting, but it is uncommon of the order of 2.5%. Non-co-morbid (pure) fatigue did not predict subsequent psychiatric disorder.


Source: van der Linden G, Chalder T, Hickie I, Koschera A, Sham P, Wessely S. Fatigue and psychiatric disorder: different or the same? Psychol Med. 1999 Jul;29(4):863-8.


The temporal stability and co-morbidity of prolonged fatigue: a longitudinal study in primary care


BACKGROUND: Depression, anxiety and fatigue are among the most common symptoms presented in primary care. Whether such symptoms indicate discrete psychological syndromes or whether they result from a common vulnerability is not clear. This study examined longitudinally the patterns of co-morbidity between prolonged fatigue and other forms of psychological distress in patients attending general practitioners.

METHODS: Adults attending primary care completed questionnaires designed to detect cases of prolonged fatigue and psychological distress at presentation and 12 months later.

RESULTS: Of 652 patients, the prevalence rates of ‘prolonged fatigue’ alone, ‘psychological distress’ alone, ‘prolonged fatigue + psychological distress’ and ‘no disorder’ were 7%, 19%, 15% and 59% respectively at initial assessment. Of those patients with any prolonged fatigue syndrome initially, 58% still reported fatigue 12 months later (representing 13% of the total sample). Most importantly, the risk of developing prolonged fatigue was not increased in patients who initially had psychological distress (OR = 0.95; 95% CI 0.2-3.6), neither was the risk of developing psychological distress increased in patients who initially had prolonged fatigue (OR = 1.4; 95% CI 0.6-3.4).

CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that prolonged fatigue is a persistent diagnosis over time. The longitudinal patterns of co-morbidity with psychological distress do not support an aetiological model that proposes a common vulnerability factor for these disorders. Psychiatric classification systems may be better served by treating prolonged fatigue and psychological distress as independent disorders.


Source: Hickie I, Koschera A, Hadzi-Pavlovic D, Bennett B, Lloyd A. The temporal stability and co-morbidity of prolonged fatigue: a longitudinal study in primary care. Psychol Med. 1999 Jul;29(4):855-61.


Critical life events, infections, and symptoms during the year preceding chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS): an examination of CFS patients and subjects with a nonspecific life crisis


OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to describe the sequence of psychosocial events and infections preceding the onset of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). This information was related to the temporal development of crucial symptoms in relation to the onset of, namely, fatigue, sadness, irritability, pain, and feeling of fever.

METHODS: A personal interview was conducted in 46 patients (mean age, 39.5 years; SD, 9 years) who fulfilled international CFS criteria. These patients were matched with regard to age and gender to 46 carefully matched control subjects. Twenty-three percent of the study subjects were men, and 77% were women. The patient at first identified the month that coincided with the onset of CFS. Similarly, each control subject was asked to identify a “very difficult period” within approximately the same period as the patient with whom the control subject was matched. A list of 14 different life events was perused. Participants were asked to identify for each month whether each of the listed events had occurred. Furthermore, they were asked to rate the importance of the events they had experienced. In addition, for each of the cardinal symptoms (fatigue, sadness, irritability, pain, and feeling of fever) and for each month, the subjects were asked to rate, on a visual analogue scale, the symptom intensity. Also, the number of infections was noted.

RESULTS: A statistically significant group difference in fatigue intensity existed during the period 4 to 10 months before the onset of CFS. During the 3 months preceding the diagnosis for the CFS patients or the peak of the crisis for the control group, there was a dramatic rise in fatigue in both groups. The CFS group reached a much higher fatigue level, which leveled off somewhat during the first year of follow-up but still remained very high in comparison with the control group, which reached precrisis levels 4 months after the peak. Similar patterns were observed for fever and pain. With regard to sadness and irritability, no group difference was observed during the period preceding the crisis. In the patient group, the level stayed high throughout the whole first year of follow-up, whereas a slow return started in the control group; precrisis levels were reached after 1 year in this group. The prevalence ratio (CFS patients/control subjects) for negative events was around 1.0 for the periods 4 to 12 months preceding CFS but 1.9 during the quarter year preceding the onset. For infections, the prevalence ratio increased successively during the four quarters preceding CFS (from 1.4 to 2.3).

CONCLUSIONS: According to the retrospective self-reports, there were differences between the groups in fatigue, pain, and feeling of fever during the months preceding the crisis. With regard to depressive and irritable feelings, no preillness differences were reported between the groups. There was a reported excess prevalence of both infections and negative life events during the quarter year preceding the onset of CFS or crisis. Potential sources of error are discussed. These findings must be replicated in longitudinal studies.


Source: Theorell T, Blomkvist V, Lindh G, Evengård B. Critical life events, infections, and symptoms during the year preceding chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS): an examination of CFS patients and subjects with a nonspecific life crisis. Psychosom Med. 1999 May-Jun;61(3):304-10.


One Test Too Many: Toward an Integrated Approach to Psychosomatic Disorders


Conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia, and several others belong to the group of disorders in which both physiologic and psychologic factors are substantially involved, and in some cases there may be no real distinction between the two. However, primary patient assessment usually employs an array of clinical tools, and only after known physiologic factors are excluded is the patient referred for psychologic or psychiatric evaluation. This chapter suggests that clinical evaluation should initially include both physiologic and psychosocial assessment, which would minimize the division and greatly improve the efficacy of the treatment.


Source: Rosenfeld WD, Walco GA. One Test Too Many: Toward an Integrated Approach to Psychosomatic Disorders. Adolesc Med. 1997 Oct;8(3):483-487.


Dysthymia: clinical picture, extent of overlap with chronic fatigue syndrome, neuropharmacological considerations, and new therapeutic vistas


Dysthymia, as defined in the American Psychiatric Association and International Classification of Mental Disorders, refers to a prevalent form of subthreshold depressive pathology with gloominess, anhedonia, low drive and energy, low self-esteem and pessimistic outlook. Although comorbidity with panic, social phobic, and alcohol use disorders has been described, the most significant association is with major depressive episodes.

Family history is loaded with affective, including bipolar, disorders. The latter finding explains why dysthymia, especially when onset is in childhood, can lead to hypomanic switches, both spontaneously and upon pharmacologic challenge in as many as 30%.

Indeed, antidepressants from different classes -tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), reversible inhibitors of monoamine oxidase A (RIMAs), selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and, more recently, amisulpride, and spanning noradrenergic, serotonergic as well as dopaminergic mechanisms of action – have been shown to be effective against dysthymia in an average of 65% of cases. This is a promising development because social and characterologic disturbances so pervasive in dysthymia often, though not always, recede with continued pharmacotherapy beyond acute treatment.

Despite symptomatic overlap of dysthymia with chronic fatigue syndrome – especially with respect to the cluster of symptoms consisting of low drive, lethargy, lassitude and poor concentration – neither the psychopathologic status, nor the pharmacologic response profile of the latter syndrome is presently understood. Chronic fatigue today is where dysthymia was two decades ago.

We submit that the basic science – clinical paradigm that has proven so successful in dysthymia could, before too long, crack down the conundrum of chronic fatigue as well. At a more practical level, we raise the possibility that a subgroup within the chronic fatigue group represents a variant of dysthymia.


Source: Brunello N, Akiskal H, Boyer P, Gessa GL, Howland RH, Langer SZ, Mendlewicz J, Paes de Souza M, Placidi GF, Racagni G, Wessely S. Dysthymia: clinical picture, extent of overlap with chronic fatigue syndrome, neuropharmacological considerations, and new therapeutic vistas. J Affect Disord. 1999 Jan-Mar;52(1-3):275-90.


Personality dimensions in chronic fatigue syndrome and depression


Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a poorly understood condition. Possible etiological factors include infectious agents, psychiatric disorders, and personality characteristics. We examined personality dimensions in 30 nondepressed patients with CFS, 20 patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), and 15 healthy controls. On the NEO-FFI, patients with CFS scored significantly lower than healthy controls on the extroversion subscale. On the neuroticism dimension of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), patients with MDD scored higher than those with CFS, who in turn scored significantly higher than the healthy controls. CFS patients rated themselves as higher on neuroticism and less extroverted when ill than when they were well. Our results suggest that high scores on neuroticism and low scores on extroversion in CFS could be a reaction to chronic illness.


Source: Buckley L, MacHale SM, Cavanagh JT, Sharpe M, Deary IJ, Lawrie SM. Personality dimensions in chronic fatigue syndrome and depression. J Psychosom Res. 1999 Apr;46(4):395-400.