Psychological adjustment of adolescent girls with chronic fatigue syndrome


OBJECTIVE: To examine psychosocial problems and adaptation of adolescent girls with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

METHODOLOGY: Thirty-six adolescent girls with CFS (mean age: 15.2 years; mean syndrome duration: 19.7 months) who fulfilled the criteria of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were examined by interviews regarding premorbid problems and by questionnaires regarding psychosocial functioning and distress, psychological attitudes, and coping resources. Data were compared with normative data.

RESULTS: Of the adolescents, 86.1% reported 1 or more premorbid problems (58.3% physical, 38.9% psychological, and 52.8% familial). Normal adjustment was reported for psychosocial self-esteem, social abilities, and attentional abilities. High adjustment to adult social standards of behavior was found, but low perceived competence in specific adolescent domains, such as athletic ability, romance, and participation in recreational activities. The girls reported predominantly internalizing problems. Normal achievement motivation, no debilitating fear of failure, and high internal locus of control were observed. Palliative reaction patterns and optimism were predominantly used as coping strategies.

CONCLUSIONS: The large number of premorbid problems suggests a possible contributing factor to the onset of the syndrome, although there were no reference data of healthy adolescents. In distinct domains of psychosocial adjustment, the adolescent girls with CFS showed strengths such as adequate self-esteem and scholastic and social abilities, and weaknesses such as low competence in adolescent-specific tasks and internalizing distress, which may partly be explained by syndrome-specific somatic complaints. The use of optimistic and palliative reaction patterns as coping strategies in this patient group indicates that the patients with CFS seem to retain an active and positive outlook on life, which may result in a rather adequate psychological adaptation to the syndrome, but also in maintenance of the syndrome by exceeding the physical limits brought about by the CFS. Our results on adjustment and coping strategies may be helpful to implement (individual) rehabilitation programs.


Source: van Middendorp H, Geenen R, Kuis W, Heijnen CJ, Sinnema G. Psychological adjustment of adolescent girls with chronic fatigue syndrome. Pediatrics. 2001 Mar;107(3):E35.


Narrative Identities and the Management of Personal Accountability in Talk about ME: A Discursive Psychology Approach to Illness Narrative


This article takes a discursive psychology approach to the analysis of illness narrative. The controversial topic of ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis), otherwise known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), is used as a case study to examine the dilemmatics of illness talk.

Using data from an ME narrative, I explore the complex and subtle discursive work performed by participants to show how attributional stories and identity formulations are linked together in a narrative that works to construct ME as a physical disease while countering potential accusations of malingering or psychological vulnerability.

In working to counter such explanations, sufferers paradoxically implicate themselves in an interpretation of their illness as self-inflicted through overwork and mismanagement. In previous research, tales of frenetic lifestyles prior to the onset of ME have provided analysts (and journalists) with grounds for constructing their own attributional stories in the form of ‘opt-out’ or ‘burnout’ theories of ME/CFS. An ethnomethodologically informed discursive psychology provides a non-cognitivist approach to analysis which looks in detail at how sufferers themselves make sense of ME as a practical activity and how their identities are constructed as part of that process.


Source: Horton-Salway M. Narrative Identities and the Management of Personal Accountability in Talk about ME: A Discursive Psychology Approach to Illness Narrative. J Health Psychol. 2001 Mar;6(2):247-59. Doi: 10.1177/135910530100600210.


Causal attributions for somatic sensations in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and their partners


BACKGROUND: Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) often make somatic attributions for their illness which has been associated with poor outcome. A tendency to make somatic attributions in general may be a vulnerability factor for the development of CFS.

METHODS: This cross-sectional study based on self-report questionnaire data aimed to investigate the type of attributions for symptoms made by patients with CFS and to compare this to attributions made by their partners. It was hypothesized that patients with CFS would make more somatic attributions for their own symptoms than control subjects and that partners of patients with CFS would make more somatic attributions for their ill relative’s symptoms but would be similar to controls regarding their own symptoms. Fifty patients with CFS were compared to 50 controls from a fracture clinic in the same hospital and 46 relatives living with the patients with CFS. A modified Symptom Interpretation Questionnaire was used to assess causal attributions.

RESULTS: CFS patients were more likely to make somatic attributions for their symptoms. The relatives of patients with CFS made significantly more somatic attributions for symptoms in their ill relative. However, they were like the fracture clinic controls in terms of making predominantly normalizing attributions for their own symptoms.

CONCLUSIONS: The data support modification of existing cognitive behavioural treatments for CFS to investigate whether addressing partners’ attributions for patients’ symptoms improves recovery in the patient. Furthermore, a tendency to make somatic attributions for symptoms may be a vulnerability factor for the development of CFS.


Source: Butler JA, Chalder T, Wessely S. Causal attributions for somatic sensations in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and their partners. Psychol Med. 2001 Jan;31(1):97-105.


Identifying physical activity patterns in chronic fatigue syndrome using actigraphic assessment


OBJECTIVE: Changes in physical activity are thought to play an important role in maintaining symptoms in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). The aim of this study was to describe intraindividual physical activity patterns in more detail and to identify pervasively passive patients.

METHODS: With help of a movement-sensing device, physical activity levels were registered continuously over a 12-day period in 277 CFS patients. Within this registration period, the 10 largest activity peaks were computed. The intensity and duration of these activity peaks and their subsequent rest periods were described and compared to those of 47 healthy controls. In addition, the patients’ 12 daily activity scores were used to identify patients who were characterised by low levels of physical activity throughout the registration period.

RESULTS: The CFS sample had less intense and shorter activity peaks, while the average rest periods that followed these peaks lasted longer. Approximately one-fourth of the CFS sample differed distinctly from the control group and was labelled as pervasively passive.

CONCLUSION: The measurements and classification of actual physical activity levels were found to reduce heterogeneity in the CFS population and therefore could provide the opportunity to optimise behavioural intervention protocols for CFS.


Source: van der Werf SP, Prins JB, Vercoulen JH, van der Meer JW, Bleijenberg G. Identifying physical activity patterns in chronic fatigue syndrome using actigraphic assessment. J Psychosom Res. 2000 Nov;49(5):373-9.


Victimization in chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia in tertiary care: a controlled study on prevalence and characteristics


The authors studied the prevalence and characteristics of different forms of victimization in 95 patients suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome(CFS) or fibromyalgia (FM) compared with a chronic disease group, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, and a matched healthy control group. The authors assessed prevalence rates, nature of victimization (emotional, physical, sexual), life period of occurrence, emotional impact, and relationship with the perpetrator by a self-report questionnaire on burdening experiences.

CFS and FM patients showed significantly higher prevalences of emotional neglect and abuse and of physical abuse, with a considerable subgroup experiencing lifelong victimization. The family of origin and the partner were the most frequent perpetrators. With the exception of sexual abuse, victimization was more severely experienced by the CFS/FM group. No differences were found between healthy control subjects or RA/MS patients, and between CFS and FM patients. These findings support etiological hypotheses suggesting a pivotal role for chronic stress in CFS and FM and may have important therapeutic implications.


Source: Van Houdenhove B, Neerinckx E, Lysens R, Vertommen H, Van Houdenhove L, Onghena P, Westhovens R, D’Hooghe MB. Victimization in chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia in tertiary care: a controlled study on prevalence and characteristics. Psychosomatics. 2001 Jan-Feb;42(1):21-8.


Doing things with illness. The micro politics of the CFS clinic


This paper focuses on lay and professional ideas about the nature of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and in particular, the ways in which understandings of the disorder are developed in a clinical setting. Our data are drawn from observations of consultations between sufferers and physicians in a UK medical out-patients clinic.

We treat the clinic as a political field. That is to say, as an arena in which ‘problems’ (about the management of illness) are constituted, and alternative approaches and solutions to such problems are pressed. We note that in the realms of symptoms, aetiology and treatment evaluation, lay people in the CFS clinic have quite distinct ideas about what their problems are and how they might be analysed and managed–ideas that are often in conflict with those of medical professionals.

Thus, lay sufferers, for example, operate within a different conceptual terrain from that of many professional experts. They are more likely to refer to a disease (myalgic encephalomyelitis or ME), rather than a syndrome. They call upon different kinds of hypotheses to explain their symptoms. They hold to conflicting ideas about the order of causal sequences, and they give emphasis to different kinds of phenomena in their accounts of illness.

As a consequence, clinical consultations can often take on the form of a political contest between physician and patient to define the true and real nature of the patient’s disorder–a micro political struggle in which neurological symptoms can be re-framed as psychiatric symptoms, and psychiatric symptoms as neurological. In short, a contest in which the demarcation lines between mind and body are continually assessed and re-defined, and the tenets of ‘biomedicine’ are constantly challenged.


Source: Banks J, Prior L. Doing things with illness. The micro politics of the CFS clinic. Soc Sci Med. 2001 Jan;52(1):11-23.


Chronic fatigue syndrome: an examination of the phases


The present study examined the Fennell Phase Inventory, an instrument designed to measure the phases typically experienced by individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). This inventory yields three factor scores of Crisis, Stabilization, and Integration. These factor scores have been employed in a cluster analysis, yielding four clusters that matched the four phases predicted by Fennell: Crisis, Stabilization, Resolution, and Integration. The present study represents a partial replication study of a prior investigation of the Fennell Phase Inventory by Jason et al. (in press), but that earlier study did not have an independent physician examination to diagnose patients with CFS.

In the present study, 65 patients diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome by a physician were recruited and administered the Fennell Phase Inventory and other measures assessing CFS-related symptoms, disability, and coping. Each of the 65 patients was classified into one of four predefined clusters measuring a Crisis phase, a Stabilization phase, a Resolution phase, and an Integration phase. Relationships were explored between three of these cluster groupings and measures of symptoms, disability, and coping.

Results confirmed Fennell’s model, revealing significant differences between the three clusters in terms of levels of disability and modes of coping. Results suggest that the Fennell Phase Inventory accurately differentiates phases of adaptation to illness experienced by individuals with CFS.


Source: Jason LA, Fricano G, Taylor RR, Halpert J, Fennell PA, Klein S, Levine S. Chronic fatigue syndrome: an examination of the phases. J Clin Psychol. 2000 Dec;56(12):1497-508.


Screening for prolonged fatigue syndromes: validation of the SOFA scale


BACKGROUND: The identification of syndromes characterised by persistent and disabling mental and/or physical fatigue is of renewed interest in psychiatric epidemiology. This report details the development of two specific instruments: the SOFA/CFS for identification of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) in specialist clinics and the SOFA/GP for identification of prolonged fatigue syndromes (PFS) in community and primary care settings.

METHODS: Patients with clinical diagnoses of CFS (n = 770) and consecutive attenders at primary care (n = 1593) completed various self-report questionnaires to assess severity of current fatigue-related symptoms and other common somatic and psychological symptoms. Quality receiver operating characteristic curves were used to derive appropriate cut-off scores for each of the instruments. Comparisons with other self-report measures of anxiety, depression and somatic distress are noted. Various multivariate statistical modelling techniques [latent class analysis (LCA), longitudinal LCA] were utilised to define the key features of PFS and describe its longitudinal characteristics.

RESULTS: The SOFA/CFS instrument performs well in specialist samples likely to contain a high proportion of patients with CFS disorders. Cut-off scores of either 1/2 or 2/3 can be used, depending on whether the investigators wish to preferentially emphasise false-negatives or false-positives. Patients from these settings can be thought of as consisting not only of those with a large number of unexplained medical symptoms, but also those with rather specific musculoskeletal and pain syndromes. The SOFA/GP instrument has potential cut-off scores of 1/2 or 2/3, with the latter preferred as it actively excludes all non-PFS cases (sensitivity = 81%, specificity = 100%). Patients with these syndromes in the community represent broader sets of underlying classes, with the emergence of not only musculoskeletal and multisymptomatic disorders, but also persons characterised by significant cognitive subjective impairment. Twelve-month longitudinal analyses of the primary care sample indicated that the underlying class structure was preserved over time. Comparisons with other measures of psychopathology indicated the relative independence of these constructs from conventional notions of anxiety and depression.

CONCLUSIONS: The SOFA/GP instrument (which is considerably modified from the SOFA/CFS in terms of anchor points for severity and chronicity) is preferred for screening in primary care and community settings. Patients with PFS and CFS present a range of psychopathology that differs in its underlying structure, cross-sectionally and longitudinally, from coventional notions of anxiety and depression.


Source: Hadzi-Pavlovic D, Hickie IB, Wilson AJ, Davenport TA, Lloyd AR, Wakefield D. Screening for prolonged fatigue syndromes: validation of the SOFA scale. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2000 Oct;35(10):471-9.


Chronic fatigue syndrome and Australian psychiatry: lessons from the UK experience


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper is to outline the opportunities and dangers the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) issue presents to Australian psychiatry.

METHOD: The scientific literature of the last 50 years on CFS in adults was reviewed and samples of recent media portrayals of CFS in the UK and Australia were collected. The author has worked in both the UK and Australia managing adult CFS patients in specialist outpatient consultation-liaison (C-L) psychiatry settings.

RESULTS: Chronic fatigue syndrome has been at the heart of an acrimonious debate in the UK, both within the medical profession and in the wider community. UK psychiatry has been drawn into the debate, at times being the target of strong and potentially damaging criticism, yet UK psychiatry, especially the C-L subspecialty, has played a crucial role in clarifying appropriate research questions and in devising management strategies. The issue has served to enhance and broaden psychiatry’s perceived research and clinical role at the important medicine-psychiatry interface in that country.

CONCLUSIONS: Handled properly, the CFS issue offers Australian psychiatry, especially C-L psychiatry, an opportunity to make a useful contribution to patient care in a clinically difficult and contentious area, while at the same time serving to help broaden psychiatry’s scope in the Australian medical landscape.


Source: Couper J. Chronic fatigue syndrome and Australian psychiatry: lessons from the UK experience. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2000 Oct;34(5):762-9.


Coping strategies in twins with chronic fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome


OBJECTIVES: Individuals with chronic fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) face debilitating symptoms as well as stressful life situations that may result from their condition. The goal of this study was to examine the coping strategies used by fatigue-discordant twin pairs.

METHODS: We utilized a co-twin design to assess how twin pairs discordant for chronic fatigue and CFS cope with stress. All twin pairs were administered the Revised Ways of Coping Checklist.

RESULTS: Overall, the pattern of coping strategies was similar for fatigued and non-fatigued twins. However, twins with chronic fatigue or CFS utilized more avoidance strategies than their non-fatigued counterparts; those with chronic fatigue also used more avoidance relative to problem-focused coping than their co-twins.

CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that while fatigue-discordant twins generally exhibit similar behavior patterns in order to cope with stress, there may be an association between fatigue and avoidance coping. Future research should focus on the role of avoidance and its relationship to fatiguing illnesses.


Source: Afari N, Schmaling KB, Herrell R, Hartman S, Goldberg J, Buchwald DS. Coping strategies in twins with chronic fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome. J Psychosom Res. 2000 Jun;48(6):547-54.